01101(0WEEKLYT llES THUJtDAY, lUNE leJ, 1967 Manry New Blooks Add-m e d To Clarkhe Liebrary Finally, after many week9 of a Season. 971. This book 'was don- waiting, 1 have received and pro- atedl to the library by Mrs. Eaton cessed many new books whidh and her son John D. Eaton. have been coring to the library during the iast few weeks. As we Juvenile Fiction. Aiso X Picture have waited quite some time for books and'Y Easy reading books: n ew reading you will sec that I DeFoe, Daniel, Robinson Crusoe bave listed ail the books, receîved Milne, A. A. Prince Rabbit and up to date, so that many of the the Princes!s.wù,o couki not laugh. inembers of thec library will bce Werth, K., The Monkey the able to glance over the list below Liop and the Snake. Y.' Literary and pick out 'the booký5 of interest Award. to them. Lis4ed aiso. will lie manyl Burton, V., Choo, Choo. X. LWt 0fthe books thet we have been erary Award. awarded by the Women's Canad- Pinkerton, K., Fox Island.' Ad- ian Club of Toronto. This was venture. 9tbieùly anl award for the juveni- McLaughlin, The Trouble with îles of 'the library sa naturally Jamie. thefre will be more juvenie books listed than aduit books. Berna. Mystery* of the, Cross- eyed Man. Mystery.' Adult Fiction: Mowat, F., Owls in the -Fainily. Forrester, C. S. Mr. Mdçlp Faulknor, White Perl. Vol. 2. man llornblower, Vol. 1, Y.A. Calrli, CWhe I'ueranVolthe Forrester C. S., Lieutenant ClreC.Th unéadte HRornblower, Vol 2, 'Y.A. Medicine Man. Lit. Award. Sutton, Jeff, Beyond Apollo, Sci- Turkle, B., The Magic of Milli- Fiction. cen.t Musgrave. Y, Lit. Award. Malcolm, Margaret, Distress of Langstaff J., Frog Went a Greylairq Romance. Courtin'. X.. Lit. Award. Harper, Maitha, Winter Wed- By .ACrosGog lc ding, Romance, YA. eH . urosGog le Stout Rex, Death of a Doxy, a ilsiit, .,A..C X. Lit. Aad Suspense. AWardsihB. BC X HoLyer,. Georgette, Black Sheep, Aad His.- Romance. MacBeth, G., Noahs Journey. Y. Jane, C., The Dark Tower Mystery, Li>erary Award. suspense. Francoise, Jeanne Marie Counts Bail, J., Space Maser One Sci- 1 Her Sheep. X. Lit. Awar4. Fiction. ;1 De Regiers , '-he Day, Every- Sanford, Agnes, The Second body Cried. Y. Lit, Award. Mrs. Wu. Religion, Bishop. C. H., The Five Chinese Lockridge, R., 'Murder Rounda- Brothers. X. Lit. Award. bout. Suspensie. Trez, Ralibit Country, X. Liter- Bowïdler, Lucy, Nurse Assistantýary Award. Brenda. Medical, Boyle, J., Onçe, Upon A Time.- Wood, H. F., The Private War J. Lit. Award. of Jacket Coates. Humor. Cook, Lyn, The Secret of Wil. Raddall, T., Hangman's Beach. low Castie. J. Lit. Awaîrd . Bistorical. '1 Sewell, A., Black Beauty. J1. Lit. Laurence M., A Jest of God.iAward. Rellion~Alcot L., Little-Womnan. J. Lit4 ~Award. Pinkerton, K., Farther North. J. Adult- Non-Fiction Literai-y Award. Goud.ge, Elizabeth, A Dafiry of Averill, E., Jenny Goes to Sea. Prayer. 200 J. Literary Award. 1Sanford, Agnes, Behold 1youl" Young, Scott, Scrubq on Skates. God.200 , ý1 1J Literai-y Award. Dick, L., Art,& Science of FIy Bkr . atwyCrsms Fishing. 799.1 'Bkr . atwyCrsms Sinclair, G., Will the real Gor- J, Literary Award. 11enry, M., Misty of Chinco. don Sinclair please stand urp. Au-1 teague. J. to-Biography.JonsoJPnunWa.X Wilson, P., Young Sportsmians. oskeyi, J., Pne Mning in Guide to Water Safeïty. 797. 'Mie skYROeM ngn Gxiffin, J. H., Black .Like Me. Jin. Y .,Hrdan th Jon0nH,.4rl5ad.h 1viowat, F., Westviking. 910.4. Purple Crayon. X. SpeceGuie ti ErlyCand- Johinson. H., Harold atthe Sence, uid toEar74Ca.dNorth Pole. X. IanGlas, 48 Braucher, B., Belinda and Me. X Harper, Colonel, 78th Fighiting SilaAOeUpnA ore Fi-agers. 971. X pla . neUo los. McEvoy, B, 'Stories from Across Canada. 971. Juven.ile Non Fiction etc. Hanson, C., Canadian Entry. De Kay, J. T., The Left Handed Auto-Biography, Book. Y.A. 808.88. Drury, *E. C., Farmgr Premier. Young, R., The Spy with Two Auto-Biography. Hats. Y.A. Biogrnphy. Braitiiwaite, E. R., Paid Ser- Herapath, T., Journey into vant. 351,8.. Danger. J. 971, Patterson R. M., Trail to the Bailey, B., Denmark W'onder- Interior. 971.- land of Work and Play. J. 948.9. Par-ker, K. L., Australian Leg- Leewing, Riddles, Riddles, Rid- endary Tales. 398. dMes. J. 793.7. Felton,, H. Jim Beckworth Campbell, The Nor' We&ters. Negro - Mountain Man.; Biography, J. 971. Y.A. Wood, K., The Mapmake*rs. J. Craick, W. Little Tales of Old Biography. Port Hope. 971.3.1 Wood, K.. The Queens Cowboy. Lockwood, D. Augtralia's Pearl J. 971. ilarbour. 940.54. C.A. Literai-y Brewton, S.,, Laugnable Limer- Award. icks. J. 821.8. Beny, R., To Everything there is Eberle, I., A Chipmunk Lives ____________ ei-e. J. 599., Wilson, C., Adveature.9 from the Bay. J. 971. Lit. Award. We lupeYouuj jifl Milier. O., Raiders of the Mo- e Hop leul âjin hawk. J. 971. Lit. Award. even -if:t Anderson, H. C., The Emperors -you've b-cen too busy tû Ne- C.l Thes ', 8 T.Aa, d bredin, 'P., River of Canada.,J 3971. Lià. Award. Wood> H., F., Forgotten,Ca nadi- ans. J. 971. Lit. Awaird.S Holling, C. H., Paddle to the Sea. J. 971. Lit. Award.It Petersham, M. The Christ 3 -Child. J. 232. Lit. Award, Anderson',, The complete book j of Horses and Horsemanship. J. 798. Lit. Award. Lit.incent, R., Quebec. J. 971.4 eLi.Award. Kelan, E., Proverbs of Many dNationsi. 3. 808.88. '- Murphy, R. Wild Geese Calling. ,ej. 598. 'y Pike, D.. Australia the Quiet Continent. J. 994. Y.A. * Dagliesh, A., The Thanksgivingt Story. J. 394. Lit, Award. 1-Holden, R., Famousý Fossil Finds. J. 560. Literary Award. Morgan, R. First Electrical Bookfor oys.J. 535. Lit. Award., IMorgan, R., Boys FirsBokf JRadio and Electronies. J. 621.38. Literary Awaird. Duelly, R., Sea Shelis. J. 592. Literary Award. Sehuil, J., Ships9 of the Greaýt Days. J.'940.54. Lit. Award. Sawyer, R.. The Long Christ- mas, J. 394. Lit. Awas-d. jLambert, R. S., Redcoat Sailor. J. Biog, Lit, Award. Dýe la Mare, W., Stories from« the Bible. J. 220. Lit. Award' IMcCourt, E., Buckskin Briga- dier. J. 971. Lit. Award. Creighton, B.. Tecumseh. J Biog. Lit. AWard. Hai-Brown-, R., Captain of the Diseovery. J. Biýog. Lit. Award. Sehuli, J., The Salt-Water Men. J. 910.4971, Lit. Award. > Bice, C., Across Canada. -j. 971. Literary Award, Raddall, T. The Ro>ver, J.90- 14971. Literai-y'Award, tINTARJO $ JP~.NT A]' l~1~S I 67-I9~.g Grey Owl,,A book of Grey OwI. r. 971. Literary Awaird. Ga'g' W,, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. J. 398. Lit. Award. Irving, W., Rip Van Winkle and lie Legend of Sleepy Hollow. j. 398. Lit. Award, Fatrley, T. C., The True North. JBiog. Lit. Award. Grenfeli. W., Labrador Doctor. Y.A. Biog. Lit. Award.. Stanley, G., The Story of the Canadian FIag. Y.A. 929.971. Lit. Award. Leitch, A., The Great Canoe. J. 971. Lit. Award. May, C. P., Canadian Anfimals, J. 590. Lit. Award. Harper, W., Easter Chimes. J. SAVE MONET B3UY YOUR MILK AT RAINEY'S JUC, STORE 3 quart Jug HOMO 67c You SAVE 20e over home delivered milk 3Quart Jug 2%o 62C. You SAVE 19e over home dellvered mîlk TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F THIS SAVING Ai products are from "lGlen Rae [)ay" Where Produets 'are "Guaranteed for Life, O NTA RI O This bookiet shows-you ho'w you can get financial help. Do you plan ta attend a unîversity or othc'r r\r-,t secondary iiistititioii?i Do you need financialI assistance? To Iearn whether you can qualify, under the Ontario Student Awards program, obtain this brochure from your secondary sohool, or from the, institution of your choice or write ta: Student Awards Department of University Affairs, 481 Universitv Avenue, Toronto 2 ce u mch ' ri U'Sez