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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Jun 1967, p. 5

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-~~~~ -~ ------ - O»RONO WEF&LI TiMES TaiUIs»DAY, jlÜNE, th, 1961 IOCAL NEWS On We-da-usday, June 141h, thc ail-star teai of the *rono Public Sehoel ae haleniging thein f ath- ers te a softlall game. The game wiii lie helti at the Orono school at 7:00 p.m. The Horticuiturai gardens' in Orono have been displaying sprmng colonne for t4e_ past couple of wceks. These gardenti are under tle ýcane of Mr. Fred Truli and toria!s on his proposaLa. pil in Englieli-Frencli re1'ationý1 Re Mr Alaconald the .P. lead-' Confederation in 1867 wasi said, "this year is a particularly g!eat difficulties facing the faýth- Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durhamn rather fora discussion aimed at good time for a conference, be- ers of Conlederation. Yet throuigh Confederation ,of omrow sopn h seetdit Ol~u~Cndas ae bgn opoie nesadn n Conerecewhat might be termed an unchart- ning to capture a feeling for trieir co-operation it was realized, There is a room in the L egi, ed course with resrpect to con-l p'ion as exeinplified by Expo lative Building in Charlottetown federation. and controversy over Confedera- The Fanthers of Confederation which lias particular cignificance In October, 1965, Mr. Robarts tion is being replacedr by calmer brought about union without pao.y- for those, who avail themselves outiined Ontari'o's position with I~~n. sical ties. Todliy with national of, the, opportunity to visit this, threle basic principles. iaiIways a national airway, a ria- historic building. M r. Nixon, alt'hough criticizing tional broadcasting 5ystem, and a A Dlatit. onthp nil f L1. It i'ý impossible for Ontario 'he governmert for beinr Tes TranisCanadai Hjehway, we:have areýctinl1y anWss:ttoth beaut apiaueon newali Of tuns to accept -aFederai system which of the community. Some damage, ro om reads: "In, thé hem-ts1andlis not based on the principle of a hpwever, occurred in that tulips 11ind1s of the de1egates, who as- single, national economy, and, have been cut and thrown on the ,eembled in*thàs room on Septemn- furthermore, a single national ground along with sone' damage ber 1, 1964, was borne the Dom- government which lias control 0v- Io shrubs. inion of Canada." er ý'hat economy Approximate-y 'One hundred 2., National, economic policies years later, in this CNitennial j must be made sensitive to region- I ~* year of 1967 tht -Prime Minister al needs through more adequate Kenaa I Newvis of Ontario hias issued a call for and frequent consultationsi with a second and in m~any ways simîl- the provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Mine Wybenga ar conference, have her mother and father visit- 3. Ontario rejects the proposi- ing with tliem from the Nether-, The Speech from the, Thronie tion that the governmen of Queb- lands. read by the Lieuteniant-Gove.rnor, ec in any way -represents the-in- miss Marion McKelvey and Miss the IlonouraleEarl Rowe, on tereât Of Frcnch speaking C ana- Catherine Stewart are vacationing Janary 25th last, contaîned this dians living in any other provincej in Scotland. signifleant sUttemenlt. of Canada. Sunday was a, busy day. First a "This asscmbly will b e asdcedto 4., The existing constitutional special service was held at Shilèh approve the policy ofmy goVern- provisions relating to French to hear Rev. Sneigroveof Prince ment, to invite leaders of ail prov- language and culture werc to be Edward Island prcach at ten a.m. mnecs, and the Federal Goverrn- regarded as inviolable with *the lHe was then invited to become ment, to a conference where the insistence that these "privileiges the minister on the Newtonvîfle future of euir Fcderal sy0tcm of belong to people- not to gov- Charge. lHe accepted the invitation government will libe discussed. ernmnenits."' and will begin hie dutie en Sep- My goverument considers it ap- The Prime Minister's views on tember the third. At this service propriate ,for Ontario, asý one'of Confederation andl the calling of'I there were thiree minisiers, ail thc founding provinces of con-la Confederation for Tomorrow Néwfound1andersý; Rev. S. J. Pike, federation, to provide the inspir- Conference have been, well' re- Rev. R. C. Wite and Rev. Snel- ation and setting, for such discus- ceived across Canada. This' s most grove. mens., apparent by the favourabie edf- Sunday afternoen several frinm Kendal went o)ut to Newtonwille Th prosdcnree Mr to enjoy tjieir Centennial Cel ebra- Robarts stated, would not be for UIE HRC tien. It was one liundred years the tPMPose '6f diseuis,4ng- fiscalUNTDC RC ago that the e hurch was dedimatedj policies betweeni thie provinces there and was part of the New- and tle Federal Governmetnt, but Oreno Pastoral castie circuit. T1e helstesses were Cag dre&sed' in old fahioned costumie-. ry sen. Rev, C. R. Wradgg, a former inem- 1 hawe tmiid; over the past year4eMnse ber gave the address. The mem- te -select books for every- type ofMihe. bers of the Junior Orono Band the books hiave hec-n te your sat- Re. E. Long gave a. festive air 'to the bap i eader and hope that on the whoie evet ate th srvie.ie4~ction, as you ail know by n10w, SUNDAY, lUNE fltli, 1967 If you wish to 1owate sioflneofic I have resigned as your librariani.i in the cîty you can look in the In any ways'l shaîi miss' the lib- Orono(- cîty dà-ectory. lat he country you rary as I have enjoycd .workiiigt have ouly the telephone book. We as your librarian very much. Il Sunday School at 10:00. were trying to locate 'a farnily sl is the pleasant atmos- Menning Service at 11:15 duning the week. We had thleir phere and the happy times av Kirby- name and address but the tele- spent witb ail of you. I would a l Morning Service at 9,4à phene exchange was net the saine Ilîk, e thank ail the members forl Sunday School at mou~y as the pest Office. TIýen the pilone thein patience with. me when t e, was listed in lhts mother's inie.dor of the librany opened Leskard-. uis mother had been niarried as a Public Librany in, January Sunday Scboo3l at 9:45 twice, _-4olier namne was not his J1964 ýnw n'byngt surname. Now surely it would becop'eihfIe wor and aeis o y mueh simpler for ail if married in top ailhilst you wnd isnevryI sois would have their names liet- j couîd, gave me'great pîcasure,lr - - ed in the telephone book as well and, withij your kindness and as their parents. Eadh extra namne underîm.nig when Iwýas some- W I costs anly twenty-fîve cents to name Ifeue s lokin fo And j ibrrylowou1d(ave beeý.nthateu' E list. Then why not use y-Mur first 1 imes slo woflot tvebienkh the u- MN'S AND BOYS'-SwbinTr Brown there ba e six Sizrowtt1 y *aiwith anma oneowns ess thnben a l.ByPricd from lised neof he Now the library has enlarged Men's size 20 te 40. initias How much 'simpier if and we are now a township lib- rcdfo tley arc listed Al, Anèhie, Angus ;rary with nlany more new mcem- Art and Albert. Saves nickels at bers the work has- now become LDE-neadt a pay telejýhone als'e. more a- full timue job and flot a LDE-n n w Part, time joib,, therefore 1 bad to Se 0t 0 dlo one of two tiiings, concentrate Priced from on the lîbrary and put it firct, or GIRLS'-Stretchy Nyloi N e Bo ksconcentrate onmy fainily andflhc Blue, red and black. Sizes te (otnepg 6) the attention of my famiiy wasI Priced, from (Coninue pag 6) the more important of the two 1' 394. Lit. Award. had aonly one choice and- thnt was ,Butler' W., Igloo Killinek. J. te boand my resignation in as your 971. Lit. Award. libranian. Phelan, J., The -Bold licart. Jeteca n ihFh Biog. Lit. Award. , etOcryonIt h Haxnis', C., Once Upon a Totem. library and only give it part tiine J, 398.2. Litcrary Award. attention, ieaving new arrivai of As you can sec from the above bok omutu n ny pro- lists there is qute a vaied sel- cess thiem -lien I lad the tine, ection of book for all ages , espec- wouslad ntlrt you as mcm- jgetth ially thc juvenles with the Lit- besa, osdsrv oge lh crary awaxd bok. Thiese books !ncw books to rend asý soon as are ail pracessed and ready for ;P. i le. thls is the ait-) of a lib- the'shlves, however at the mo- rany to get the books' ta their ment we are waitîng for book I'aesadt r n iesit plates te place itIc award bookslipfan peastsrvc a so they will not be availabie to jits members. tIc younger readers for a fcw Thanking yaýu ail once again days yet. The book plates are in for hciping teo make my job a5' the pnocess Of being pninted and your librarian a happ y anc andi I I can assure you it will not t ake hope that I have been able to longý ta paste then on the inside',epl o wytma ou cover f the ooks.visite te the librairy pleasant.I .For the, aduit readers there are hope that You wili give tIc new many gooti books on order and yct librarian the same consideration to corne so de not think that you as you gave me in tIc past and, I have been«negieeted. I can safely hope tînt tIc ibrary wrill always A say that you have inany good be a picasant place to couic to. A books on order and 1 hope that 1E. M. Mercer, ______________ they wiil be coming inote l ib- Librarian. than diligent in saliciting the co- ties they -neyer dreameil of,a aperation of Ottawa, suggested - at, wrnic-'î shol!id make fu that the constitution now 100 path to, unity an'leasy one and à& years old requires overha-ulin-g sure for ail Canadians a second and, that up 'to the, presient time, century of stabulity and progrebLs. there has been no concensus as to what shouid be done. 1 Four broati tapies, for discussion have been -suggcsted by Mn, Ro. baits. 1. Thc ways in whidh the pres- cent Fecleral 5ystem isn't workinig. Each and evceny Canadian, fromn east te west, and from niorth ta south, regardless' of hic ethnie backgroundî, -lis cneed, lis colour, hie ecoir,)mic stature, las, a vitat, role in seeing that 'Canada. en- ýdures as a united nation.' federtion.Only thirough unity of purpose can this; be achieved. Let us net 3. The existing rnachÏinery and, forget ta h itesttso structure of Federal-Provincial Greece destroyed themiselves by and interprovincial relations. thleir ýegotism their jealou"i and theïr struggle for rights, one i&- 4. The role governmen<ts can gainJst the other. SHULTO SUMMER S P FClAL S HAND AND BODY LOTION s«-*$2.OO 4 « sfz. $1 .25 EEAUTY BATH $1,25 ANNUAL HALF,,PRICE, SALE STUTT'9S Du gs iPhone 983-5t)09 Orono, Ont. SUITS runks *f rayon- faille lastex. Black 1$2.00) to $3-50 $3.25 to $4.50 O-Piece styles, prints and, plains. $10.95 to $12.95 m i one and two-piece styles.- Dfit 2 to 6x years and 8 te 14x î$1.98 to $4.95 LADIES'DRESSES ,More -new Summer Dresse! Cool cottons and easy-care fab- ries. Newest styles and colours. Sizs range from 9 to 241/2. Priced from$7.50 to $24.95 LADIES' SLIMS Another shipment of Summer Siims styled by Gaytown in Cotton Chino, Sailcloth and No-ron Fortrel. Powder bine, riavy, beige, orange and green. 'Sizes lo0 to 20. Pricedfrûïn $5.95 to $7.9â ,'STRONG'S ý 1

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