aO4NO WEEKLY TLM1É 41S1RDJUNE Sth, 1967 Soehî I~ Post Office moves ;lakeAthieêtes (Ccrtýinu-ý(ïfrompag 2)Mike White of Clarke High, Tre Giono Po-ý Office moved School and son of Mr. and Mrs. ,E ual a-ver,ý, an experience which to their new quarters on Satur- William White of Newcastle hasa leaves nne rooem for self rigliteous- iry last on the corer of (Cent-e -en cliosen to represent Central ~ ness, or cosy sentimntality, t eICh-c 4eets. east of the Ontario Sclio&s in a Centennial -muo,ý lin an experience which Main Street. T a'ck and Ficid Meet to lie held causeý us, te seek eagniy- the xiii The new buildin~g enliances the later this year in New Brunswick. of Ceod. A Christia is one who, aýmFnhere of the corner the' rea]izing that he Lî,4a sinner, ni'ding'being of brick, rpacious MOnt arlo Ah,etc AssctheoCn to> trusts Jesue --Christ as hiâs Saiour - '- "cioetnîglamina-OtroAhei soca* a compete in the Midget divisions,, and opens up hiý hf e to the in--h beams. The premise also lias of the Jayelin, and Shot Put events fluence of the Holy t'pîrit, Hi' de- p avelr].; i-"'a ý for employ- Mike liks the record Javelin votes' himself to a life of lovliîg ees and mail delivery. throw forntra Onfr1f4r,' 'h ,i' obedience to th,-. will of Goci telp- ing to create tlie society in. whic 1h Tnside the building k4~ spacious n~e ac the redeeming fellowship of love ,'itli an airy atmosphere. Tlie meti may lie experienced. first foyer contains tlie locked Cer mail boxes. A second foyer con- comr( tains.tlie wicket.5 and parcel dis..tliree -Tt may seem, in time whien man pencîng area. meet. is experiencing unbelievadle ac- A large work a-ea exisits1 in th e Mik compiisâhments, and discovering ae of the building for s'orting Clarký ftbu ýo1,- trutl's about the -uni- mail bath for the Village and for verse, tliat, belief in tlie majesty the theruarots ~and autliority of God may be rel- he ua ots egated ta the credulous and to Working conditions are a vaste tlic xiiful thinkers. But man'& improvement over that of the for- pride lias always been his down- mer location. fahi. Ile bas no reason to think that lie can- ea.-ily. dispose of God, Access to mail b!oxas in the noir tliat lie will ever reach the first foyer has been extended to lune stage wheeje he is no longer ac- .even o'clock in tlice veirg. ln countable to God. Nowlicre is lis pride more evident than in many of tlie religious expwestsianrý of bath past and present. Jesus -.o pricked tlie pride of tlie religlous rulers of lis day that tliey decid- aed ta silence Hlm once and for H ow to buy a ah. It was man~s pride which sent Jesus ta the cross and cauged His persecutors tb taunt Hlm with the w~ordsl "He saved others, Hlm- their guards over the entrance ta the tomb so that there cou-Id tbe no more talk of 'His power, or lis cdaim that He wag the Son oaf Go&, and thàt God would raise was flot the last word. God raised Him to tlie resurrection life. The hrtinChurch, was born and its influence spread throughout perience is sf111 tlie ans.wer ta the nmeed of the world, and in its most ,ital expression assures us thatOn in a ere last word in, the affairs of men. When buving a nsed car,.e GET YOUR BAR -B-Q TICKET NOW FROM any of the folgwing-: H. M. Mercer A. E. WNest E. H. Samuel Orme Falls Rod Carveth S. B. iRutherford Miss Alima Cutteil Stirling Mather Orono B7uilding 0on uë:o Brick -Block -Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors - Tile chieved at a recent LC in Oshlawa. etral Ontario ýstudents, peting against the best of eMaritiýme Provinces, in ike is a *gr'ade ninýe studer ke Higli School. BAlSchedule TYKE BASEBALL SCIIEDULE 12, Orono at Newcastle 12. Kendal at Welcomne $ $$$ $$ $ $ $$ $ ~ ATTENIION FARMAERS WH-1Y PAY MORE'? ON PREMIUM QUALITY Gasoline - Diesel - Motor Oul )SSA ~ FARM TANKS and Pli] are ejý- CALL COLLECT fthe! WIITBY 66 tlie CO nt DX 01It CO s$s$$ss $ $ June 19, Welcomie at Orono 6:30 July Jiure 21, Newcastle at Kendal 6:30 July ilune 26, New'le at Welcome 6:30 JuIy 6.30' j une 26, Kendal at Orono 6:30 July 6:30; July 5, Orono at Kendal 6:30 July .good used car ýthe my,,stery 'om under Od - «ýýý -A, t«.. . .... flrst of aIl, what wiII best suit yonr needs. But don't look for only Make A because you've neyer liked Make B. Make B might fit your purpose better, Once you know what you want, inspect it carefully. Remember, though, a good used car should look used, not abused, Here, then, are somne ideas on what to look for when you're buying a used car. Keep it for refeirence and look for more good advice in the rest of the series. Engine-The dry-run test covers basic engine checks you can make right where the car stands. -Start with a good, liard look at the engine. The most important single thing you are buying in a used car is unused engine performance. A reasonable amount of oil film and dust is a normal sign of service. If yau think the engine is toao dirty, find ouf why. Look closely at every engine part you can see. Fan Bel-If the fan beit is loase or frayed, adjustment or replacement is more than likely necessary. Radiator- Remove the cap and look -at the underside. If it's oily, the head gasket -could be Ieaking. Squeeze the radia* or hoses. If they're spongy, new ~hoses should be installed. Batery-You don't want to get stuck in the middle of nowhere some day, sa check very carefully for cracks in the battery case and for. corrosion around the battery cables and battery carrier. Air Cleaner-Remiove the air cleaner caver and examine the filter. A neg- lected cleaner lets dirt into the engine and causes excessive wear of moving parts and restricts air intaiçe. Carbureor-Look clasely for deposits arouind the carburetor. Leaky gaskets allow fuel to wash down and leave varnish deposits on the carburetor body. Distibutor-Check the cap carefully to make sure it's free of cradcis and al the feads aren't worn or frayed. Sparic Plugs-These can be a good barometer of an engine's running condition. Have one of the spark plugs removed. If the tip is cavered with black, greasy carbon and oil, the engine could be an oit burner. Starting-Once the engine is running, lIisten closely for unusual slaps, bangs or knocks. These can mean excessive wear. Then accelerate the engine and take a look at the exhaust. Gray or gray-blue smoke can mean the car is a heavy ail burner. White exhaust is usually steam which stops when the engine warms up. Black smoke sug- gests poor carburetion. If you hear slight popping noises, while racing the engine, it miglit mean the valves are leaking. Tailpipe-Run your finger around the inside of the tailpipe. If it's dry, the engine is not an ail-pumper. GaugS-Make sure the fuel gauge works whule the engine is 'running. Turn the engine off. Wait a moment. Then turn it on again. The ail indîca- tor liglit and the ammeter indicator liglit should came on. If working properly, they will go off as soon as you start the engine again. 'IPS AVAILABLE_ 68-3341 _ MPANY $$$ $$ $ 76,Welcome at Newcasitle 6:30 10, Newcastle at Orono 6:30 12, Welcome at Kendal 6:30 17 Orono at. Welcome 6:30 20,« Kendali at Newcastle 6:30 I You r awareness is your protection. When you know what to look for, you can buy with confidence. This series bas been developed to help build your confidence in used-car buying. 0 f course, an even better way to gain confidence is to talk to a Chevrolet- Oldsmobile OK Used Car Dealer.. He bas the choicest used cars avalale- reconditioned and selected to meet the highest used-cat standards. You can be sure that they will stand Up to this rec- ommended inspection. Your Chevrolet- Oldsmobile Pealer's reputation rides with yon. That's wby, when you buy an OK Used Car, you know what you're getting into, a t o Ur CHEVROI FT- OLDSMOBILE 'Dealer's Watch the classifiedsection for your CHEVROLET- OLDSMOBILE Dealer's best used cars. YGuT CHEVROLET- OLDSMOBILE Franchised t Used Car and Truck Dealer ROYNICOLSMOTORS LIMITED BO WMAN VILLE Be sure ta see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check your local isting for channel and tîma 'M 98315441 ORONO letermine. 623-2556 COURTICE 728-6206