«BOe«-WEKtiYý TIMES-,TiIOY~ II~W - -M- - M Generfal SEE FRED LYCET OFFICE- MAIN ST, ORONO F~oue933-032 ies.9835142 JACK REID >Orono's Liceused Auctioneer and Valuatui Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Conasuit me for ternis and dates Faiil Mmorials Our qllatity a" mmserveeav« nosting te be desired Auk the persan wià bought front k eiý,hbGur, friend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANT ,73 Ouan. Street PORtT HOPE LwmgeM isplay ju SSdihern WATSONS Marine ami Cycle 0»»nophone 3354 McCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs, ta alil mkes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle, Englues OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS WRITE WASHING STABLES Bert Tozpnpfs Phone 786-2552 Building A New Home? or Remodefliflg9 CaTI JOE BECKER 98 3-5713 Orone gLYCETT. cO Plumbing & Heatng PHONE 983-5407 9 Orono, Ontario WANTED O ~Wanted H1ou ekeeper in Port ~NT ~D T%~Tt( Hope. l'dst be fond of & ildren. gg$17500 per month. o Apply to Box 300, Oroino Weekly SREAL ESTATE Times. - g LIMITEDg WANTED TO :U g 01KN T ET g Storm windows in good condi- 21,wIjNG ST. E S3-39 tgion. Phone 983-5019, Orono. a.c u Toronto 9Z3-9174 P ort Hope Office- g PLANTS FOR SALE d'98 Walton St. - '985-4548 Again this year we have a wide g variety of spring box plantq, ger- O FREE APPRAISALSi aniums, perennials, etc. Pl EcluiveAget frg0 DEMOOY'S GREENHOUSES ~ Eclsie get ~o North St ., Newcastle J. OCHONSKI 9 Across from Spur Station. Phone 0 CONSTRUCTION o 987-4916. f-24-p ____________________ 3-Bedroom Bungalows [J SPriced from $15,375.00 0 FORSALE O onlot sen tative 1 9 Rangette and single mattress. 'o roo reaRereenttNJ S. Brown, Duchessq St, a-p1 ROY FOSTER Kendal - Phono 983-5801 FOR SALE CI Piano, very good condito gA large selookon of Farms, Phone 983.5132. a-p M 4omes, Lots,, Retreat Pro- porties In this area g FOR SALE Orvilie Chatterton IElectrical Contracting Electielleatingj antiService j I'PHONE MI3.5546 or 983-5940 Oron ,OntarioJ Orono Electric PIIONE 983-5108 - CONTRAttTORS, FOR FARM and HOUSE WIRING IFree Imates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs Equipmeflt and Appliances Such as Metors - Water Heaters te ail kinds of Electrical T.V. Radios - Stoves- Irons IHamiltons Insurance 0 Service 0 oAute, 0 Fire Package Plce Fideity Bond, Liability Lif o 9 First Mortgage an ,ýsadie Hamilton"0 Phono 983-5115' 1n Box 133 Phone 668- 3552i Stafford Brothers Limitod 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont- Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials DenIers ln Demestie & Foreign Granites and Marbles - Inscriptions Cut sud Conitery Repalr Work Brlggs and Stratten Pump anid the hoses and one pressure tank. and Beatty Pump. Phono 983-5339, Mrs. A- T. Alleni, Orono. a-c FOR SALE One 3/4 ton International truck with racks; 1 Washing Machine; 1 Chest of Drawers, 1 Wash Stand 1, large ,ýmail Box; 1 Portable P lug- in Iange-tte; 2 Piimps, cistern and well; 1 Well TUle; 1 Sink *ith trap; 1 Piana StooI. Phone 983- 5i926. Orono. a-p FOÈ SALE Baby Carrige pniei year old. good condition. $5.0. Aso a ýqnar play peu.-É $3.00. Phone Oro'ho 983-5840. a-p licensed 2Pubng &. Mlechanical Contractor who selis, instaZis CARMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 983- 5207 Orono Boanes, & Byani gPLUMBING andd HEATING j Sales and Seirvice 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE, gB.A FINANCING Low Interest Rates gPhones:,. -1 î jTyronte 263-2650 Hampton 263-2288 Bsuilding a House? or remodeiing your present ene, thon contact Floyd Nicholson ORONO Fi-KrNT $3.D3CAL. I L WNTED Reg. $8.95. Cea anec :o c1_c ; Male help .wanted- For inter- paint. C..L.', Sierwin-Williamý7. view phone Orono 983-5192. Nest-, 1G'eM Gicki, etc-. 'fln - i-diing Furniture Ltd.' of galons already sold to Rceaders of such newspapers a,, the Family He akl, Pree Press Wecky andFO R many others.J OUR GUARANTEE 3-Bedroom House, garage. Bow- if you are not satisfied retu'rn un manville. Broadloom, fridg, stov, used portion for complote refund. if desired. -Outside: ,ýuitable for xoýjd hn 8 82 ~el Co,2ete, 'etc. Crlours white, primer-white, fr-cv- - vel, low, battle,-hýip. grey, medium gi-ey DEDICATION SERVICE shutter green bright red b ý red, cream, black tourquolse. . The Centennial, Dedication Sere~ Inside. vour ~*-of vice and Unveiling of the Memor- mel. latex. semi-gloss. Whjite, pwi- ial by Orono Oddfehlows and Ro- mer white, ~v.u - bekahs at the Orono Cemnetery light green, ivory, beige, canary will be held on Sunday, June 11, yellow, Dink t-" 1967 at 2:30 p.m. Everybody wel- Pay in full or 50% deposit. Save corne. b-c charges,. Ontario residents add 5% sales tax.* Minimum orders of four gallons or more shipped PlI R1RCW anywhere in Canada. SIIERMAN'S HARDWARE LTD. 537 Queen West, Troronto Ont. AUCTION SALE The Household Effects of the late L. Wiliamson at his former resideace in the Village of Ponty- pool on Friday, June 16th at 6:00 p.m. sbArp. R. J. Payne, Auction- eer. Saturdlay, Juno 17, from 5:30 p.m. Orono Fair Grounds. All you eanu eat* Tickets from Hog Producers' Directors or Dept. of Agricultureý Office. Resiervo theo day nô*. Evoryono wçlcome. ae ANNOUNCEMENT, Announcing complete Bcolc Keeping Service now available. Referencos -supplied. Phone Cen- tenniial Bookkeeping Servie, 987-4858. a-c, AUCTION SALE The property of Mr. H. DeBoer, U.C.W. MEETING lot 6 concession 2, Clarke Town- ship,' 3/4 mile east of Newton- A genoral meeting of the U.C.WV, ville on, Highway No. 2. Sale, to ilbhednteManA io- be lield on Saturday, Jùne' 17 et lium of the Ciu-ch beginning git 1:0p.m. Fana tractor5, and im- 17:010 p.w. with, a dosr eato,, b pln4thay, Holstein calves. followed by the rogular mneeting,-, Clydal, Actinee - in cbarge of Unit 1. Anin hvitati(Da L._________________________ jas been extended to the lde _____________of___ Kbrby. b-c Notice To Creditors IN THIE ESTATE 0F JOHN WES- LEY, TEBBLE late'of the, Town- ship of Clarke in ther County of Durham, Retired Farmer, deceas- ed: Ail persons having dlaims a- gainst the estate of the said, John, Wesley Tebble. who died on or about the Ilth day of August 1966 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Administrator or hLis Solicitor on or before the îoth of June, 1967, their naines anid ad- dress9es and 'fulli particulars of their dlaims and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. duly verified by, statutory declar- ation. jImmediately after the said, lOth day of June 1967, the assets of the said deceased, will býe dýistribu- ted among the persons entitled thereto having regard on.ly to thé idcaims of which the Administra- tor or the undersigned Solicitor shall then have notice. SDated at Orono, Ontario, this t 24th day of May 1967. CECIL ALEXANDER TEBBLE Aciminstrator. Orono,, Ontario W. K. LYCETT, -Orono, Ontario, Solicitor for the Admînistrator. L Gord SimpsonI Orono, Phono 983-5808 PAINTING and CARPENTER WORK REMODELLING intorior and Extorior TEEN AGE DANCE At the Orono Town Rail on St urdlay, June l7th et 8:30 p.m, Music by "The Chessmaen". Admission: Couples. $1.50. Sing- le, $1.00. b-c- Advertise In The Section Dr. P.1. Maartense DENTIST Orono, Ontario Orono Medical Centre Office Hotu-s:- 9:00 to 1:00; 2:00 to 6:00 Saturday 9:00 to 1:00 Phono 9813-58251 MMMI lei