DeIcate MeIa At Cemtr SThe Orono OcIdfeihows Lodge and Ileather'Rebekali Lodge held dhelr Dedication 1*-morial Ser- vice last Sunday afternoon at.the ,rono Cemetery where a Mem- orial Stone was unveiled and ded- icated in honour of deceasýed members of both organizations. The forepart of the service was helil in the Lang Memorial Chap- ,el with B;7o. Gordon Watson act- Ing as chairman and welcomning ORONO VOLUME 30, NUMlïBLR 23 those to the 'service. Bro, Len Pears read the s4riptures follow- ed by prayer by Rev. Basil Long an.d a vocal trio by Mrs, Wm. Wannan, Mrs. J. Stark and Mrs. Cecil Jones,. * Brother Glenn Wannamaker, Grand Conductor of the Grand Lodge of Onftario, spoke to the gathering on Oddfellowship and what it was ýdoing in society today. Oddfellowship, lic oad, started in Engkand over 150 years ago when a few banded togetler to give aid under intolerable social conditions. Thomas Wiley brought Odrfellowship to the United Statea, with the first lodge being formed on ti'is continent la 1819. Over seven million men have tak- en out membership in the Lodgc and he said "on taking the four degrees of Oddfellowship one could not help but be affected ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 15th, 1967 Orono TLennis Court lias New Surface WoWk started on Monclay of this week in'the resurfacingoL the Tennis Court at the Orono Park. It is expected tînt thée work will be compleedi by the time this paper goes to press. Thre tennis court at the Park lias been ln an unplayable condi- tion for a aumber of years and as sncb lias net been used. Interest In, the sýport became evident th!$ yea)r with the formation of an Or-- eno 'Èoennis Club, who la turan sought support from the Park Board for the resurfacing of thre ýouryt. Tt h ie intention of the Tennis Club to repay the cosit of the resurfacing over the next few years throiggh membership fees. The work us being done by the Baprber Costruction Company of. Torento. The firm deessuli or tb~6grtie provinpce, Thecor Is beiig bhat Up with s4one of ývaryingd sizes ready for- thene mi dace. New posts' are aise b)eing Installed and when completed tihe Company wIll paint on the lines, The court when finished, will, be in top shape. Memberships are now avaiable from !the executive of the Orono Tennis Club. Bond To PIay At Oshawa Sheli An invitation lias bcen extend- ed ito the Orono Junior Band to playa band concert in the Mem,- orial Park in Oshawa from the McLaughuin. Bandi Sheli. The invitation to play in Osh-' awa has been accepted and the local group of young musicians will play at the sheil on Wednes- day evening, June 28th. The City of Oshawa are payi ng ail expenses in cohnnction *ith the trip to Oshawa which aiso includes trane- portation by bus. A- Triple Winner At -Morrow Park Satunday evenraýg at Mortnow Park in Peterboroughi, Oreno Han- nesa horsemea had a field day with finat place finishes. In tire ten races cf tire, nigirt Onono men tok four wins. Junior W est topped tire ist witir !tiýre wins driving Rob Ron Sassy, Golden ElilaW, and Jack Reid's Thelgiers. Junior aiseo plac- cd second and fiftir witi r Gattan Portagei. Gerald Robingon won iris race witir King of Diamorrds, and an Uxbridge herse. Jack Wifliams piaced second 1vith his own he rse Happy Mae and Keitir West fin- isired la second, driving Minon B. Big9 Showing 0f Model 'A 's-' At' Orono Park On Sunday The American Antique Auto- mobile Association, Ontario Re. gion held a most successful Model "A" meet in the Orono Park la'st Township AskedFor Educaltional TauxRelief At a remeit -meeting of Council etf tihe Township oÔf'Clarke, a tes, olution was passed approving the addition tea(tbheKendgl. Public School cof two rooms anid a general purpose room with s5tage, estinir aëted toq cost $106,600.00. 0f tinis Sum W6,000. is te be paid fnom euirren't funda la 1967 and the ne- nr-ainder- plus interest te be ne- paid upon dqe;.-itures ever a pro- ooe nçe yean term. Tire County Weed- Inspecter, H. ýSkrnner, asked Council te adver- tisýe )tireWeed Control Act te pro- vide certain -authority te the Weed Inspecter. AÀ request from Reginald Gib- 'son for a culvert ait his property ent.ranceý on tire 3rd Une was re- fenred te the Road and Bridge Committee. The Orono Police T'rustee request toexetend ithe ne- quest fer a llevelopmeant Road aleng the fifth Une te thre Main Street cf Orono was aise referred te the Road, and Bridge- Commit- tee. Two requests ýwere made for applications unden Ihe propcsed Provincial, legisiatien relating te educationaitax rebates for these pnoperty heiders who are over the, age ol 65 years. Accounts were Iowing amounts: General --- Weifare --- Police Village Reoads -------- paid in the ol ----- $6799.15 ------ - 1-ý 991.16 -------- 1589-10 -------- 16,281.14 Sunday afternoon, Forty-two mo- del "A"s were registered lnthe mneet with 'anether further ten antique cars being, on display. Thi9 nurnber of cars isurpassed that of lasit year which was 'aise held in thre Orono Park. Cars were enrolled from areas from Tren- ton te Tornnto. During thre afterneon the an- tique cars were judged under va r- Îous categories. The majority cf thc cars on display were in excel- lent condition shou*.pg tire, cane taken by tlieir owner. and their interest la cf 'antique carsýý. Othen activities for tic, af- ternoon includcd a sirce'rm1 towing contc-st, lady crivinîg and others. The affair was unden the direction cf Mr. Boyd Wood, Reg- lonal Director, cf Orono. In other judging Mrs. Lawrence Shenwin was chosea the best ces- tude representiaig thc Model "-A" era. Miss Nicks o f Bownanville was 'chosen for thre best ciid's costume. Mr. Wayne BaUey of Or- cao was the winner of a portable Television whieir was drawn la coirpectiron wth thc Model "A" 5ocially and morally. We want te heal the hurts of life and relieve distress," he said. The speaker' refea-red to the work of both Lodgesý in speridirg $100,000 last ycar for thc relief of distress in Ontanlo, maintairing the Senior Citizens Home in Bar- rie, setting ip an Educational Fund for eýtudeaits and the moast recent endeavour of esýtablishinp.g the World Eye Banik. "We seek to elevate man's mimd and te give a conception, of a better way of life," h e said. In clo5ing ihe stated that 'Oddfellow- slip woûld continue until there was a universal law of ýBrother- hood'. Sister Gladys Gan]tsby following names of mnembers of Heatheý,r, Lodge: read the decea4ed Rebekah SSister Hazel Hardcastle, Gladys Froste, Catherine McKay, Sarah Major, Nan Payne, Lulu Hlawke, Pat Green, Viola Neilsoni, Eliza- beth Coxnish, Mabel Tennant, Cora Cantreli, Helen Mercer, Edna Taylor, Emma Luan, Amy Hotson. Brothers Williami Riddell and Ed. Youngman. Brother Robert Chater read ithe trames of the deceasd membens of Orono Lodgc No. 436, being: J. W.' Anderson, Robent Ard, Norman Bairstow, William Bair- stow, Charles Beaman, . Erneei Benson, John Berry, Samuel Ber- ry, Richard Browii, Wallace Brunt Harry Carter, William Cochrane, A. W. Fallis, Wilbur Gaynor, Le- roy Hamilton, W. H. Hoopen, H. V. Kyle, Howard Linton, Russell Major, J. C. McRoberts, MNtion Morris, Leonard Mor-,ew, Herbert Murray, ]Eýa1ert Myles, James Nixon, Rev. J. H. Osterhout, James Richards, William Riddefl, Arthiur Robbins, Loi-ne Robbins, Wiliam ~Robînson, Hferbert ScaVt, -Roland Smith, lHoward, Walsh, .Samuel Webb, Rev., R. A. Wh-attam, Chainleis; Wood, LS'dwardVouagman. The gathering tbr -a- by the Memorial Sto-ne in the Cemetery where a brief-ded 'ica- tion service was conducted! by Rev. Basil Long. The Memorial was unveiled by Sister Jean Wood, Noble Grand of the ýRebekah Lodge and Bro. Bob Casey, Nobie Grand. cf the Orono Oddfellowsiý Lodge. Sister Betty Major, D.D.P., placed a bas- ket of flowers at the Memoriai. The service was. concluded with a hyran and the Benediotion., Riders Bring'Scrol Into Orono Village Tucsday evening at six o'clock four riderg rode iute Orono car- rying ý;eather-worn piece cf m- laide e2ith a m4sage scrawled, up- on it for Queen Elizabeth. The scroîl wili be handed to the Queen at Expo early la, July andlias travelled from Mexico iýo Van- couver and across tire nation by to Orone àrnd sliortiy te Expo. In Ia 13 months, 2,613 ridens hrave caried the message whIe wis - eg hlealth and prosperity. bo the Queen. It is hoped it uan b presented to ber personally in july. The pony express idea was de- veloped by AI LaGate, a former Canadian now living la Californai.* Repres5entaitives of , thre 200 horsemen in Mexico (known as charros) gave ,hlm the* message and he used 13 horseq while car- rying t to Victoria. LaGate carried tire scroll tq Viçetoria from Mexicaliý, Mexico ' a trip that took hlm eiglit and one-diaif :montirs. When. ire arrives la ý,Victoria, lie contacited tire. British Columbia Horse, Association and tire pony express ride was organized. "The horse riders average a- bout 10 mileE4 anirour undeir or dinary circumstances," he added, The objective is to'make people aware of the number of herses and horsemen in Canada. fa this area the Ganarasika Valley Riders have been carrymng tire scroli. and collecting messages of greeitings from Municipal of- ficiaIs. Tlrey rode into Orono on Tuesday evening te -be1 welcomed by Reeve Ror W Clarke Township's letter la tire mail bag. The group of niders car- ried the, crol from Oshawa to C0ourg, Mr. Bil Legetite, pregidenit of tire Ganaraska Valley Riders or- ganized the tripthrnougir the area. PORK BAR B-Q THTIS SATUR. DAY AT FAIR GROUNDS The Durham County Hog Pro- ducer's9 Association are this Sait- urday evening, conixneing at 5:00 p.m., sponsoring a Pork Bar B-Q ait the Orono Fair Gnomnds, Along with the-Bar B-Q tihey are providing a program of entertain- ment including ýtap dancing, Vo- cal selecticis and square dancing. Ail you can eat for thre pnice of a ticket. Orono Mderchants Organize For Shopper's Mal A good repres5entaition cf tire businessmen cf Orono were pres- ent at a meeting on Monday'even- ing te discuss thre future of tire Shopper's Mail te, be heki on the Main Street of Orono on Saturday, July 8th. Tire Mail is te go a- head as part cf thre Orono Cen- tennial week. Tire merdhants have agreed, te urne proposai and -have formulated committees te carry eut tice vari- C'hombe-r'Sponsoring Old lime Fiders And WesenSo TIr'-e Orono Ciamber of Com- mer e rting at tire New Duteir OvnRetaurant on Menday ev- c:rng ad cv2n p ýl.nt nemain 'item of business cea- trd rcunýd he holding of the OdThiie Fiddler's Contesi on Thiursday, July 7th at tire Oneno Anenia. 'Mr. J. Coyle was present te infor-m the meeting that ten OdTime Filddiers fnem tiý re ae of ortumerlndand Durhlam ldmuetheirlaetnone cempete in the contest. Tire Chram- ber alise appreved f urtirer enter- talament for tire evenrgoc> Western nature. The Ontarlo County Boys a,ç te perform at tire show on Juiy 7th. Tis feature is part of tic Or- ono Centenniai celebraition. The iucky draw wiarrers for thre menith ef June were Mn. Glenn Pickeil ef RR, Bowmanville and Mn. John Stone ef Orono. A, lettener i'appreciatien is te be sent te Mr. J.. Carscadden for Providing iris bug free of charge' for the tour of tire Grono Tree Nursery during thre recent Apple Blossom Tour. lb was broughit befone tire meet- ing that mosit centres ýsuch as Or-' cao do now have Express deiivery. Tis service, it was stated, was availabie in Newcasitle on a dean te, door basis, it w"s moved ihait tire, secretary write tire CN Ex- press i tating thre desilme te have tis service extended te tire Vil- lage of Orono. it was aise, stated that tire Express Office at New- castie would soon be ciosing. Mn. Stirliing Matirer reported that ire had obtained plenty of amateur talent for tire amateur contes4t to be held on Tuesday,' July 4th. He tsaid ithat with tis talent ire couid put on a fine show. eus works. It is prolpesed te close off thre Main stréeit te traff le during thre daY and tebhave tais section dec- orated for the occasion. Onoo businesses who are now ioéated in the Main Street area, are te be alietted sections of thre Main et. for their wares. Each merchanit is being asked te provide specialq for the day wiici will be anna- ccd fro *m time to time 'over a public address system. It became evident on Mondey evening that some' twenty-sevefl business and local groups wili participate la tire Shopper's Mail. Plans4 are new underway lai pre- paring an advertising sheet of f our pages te be distributed trougirout tire area. Some five thousand copies are, te be sent out. Tire advertising sireet wiIl aise ad- vertise ail co ents which are te take place during tire Centenniai Wcek. A funther meeting cf tire Orono businessmen 15ta be heldjtis ceming Monday wien ail advertise ments aad monies are te be in tire hands of tire advertisIng com- mnittee. w * ýr[wm K L Y li 1 MI IL: