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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jun 1967, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIES, -THURSDlAY, lUNE 15th, 1967 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES (AÉulihorîze4 as Second Clam~ mail, Poet Off tee Department, Publâshed every Tburaday at ther office ut publicaticr Main Street, Pbcme 109, urono, Ontarlo EstarbliShed in 1938 by R. A. Forrester ROY C. Forrester - Editor and Manager PakProgressing, The Orono Park Board have this yeur extended the services of the Orono Park with the resurfacing ofithe Or- ono Tennise Court and the addition of further kid*dies play equipmeat. Through such endeavours as these the Board increases the value of the Park as a irecreation centre for tims area. In this the Board is toelie complimented. Over the past few years the Park Board has împrov- ed the recreatiional facilities at the local park with the new swimming pool, a kiddie.s wadfing pQol and now the Tennis Court and playground equipment. Thi-c yeai- the Board was also instrumental in giving leadership to a plan wtich lias resulted la the es4tablishment of a Centennial week la Orono. Quickly this group pTomoated a Cen- ennial Beef Bar B-Q being held onWednesclay, July 5th. Again we say the Board is to hoe congratulateil for their forward, approach ina providiag.'permanent facilities at the park of a reoreational nature. Their achievement have net been make-shift, More Support Needed * Last month Local 75 of the Ontario Farmers' Union passed a resolution requesting that nôn-reiturnab1c beer and pop container-e be banned by law, and proposing that the two-ceat deposit on small bottles bc raisred te tive cents, la order to encourage people to return thcm. It seenis uahikely that the brewerie's and soft drink companies wou'odo ay gabout the p:robk a vj u r ily, so that goveroment action is probably ae'essary. At any rate we heartily support' Local 75 la iLsrecommenda- tion, anhd hope that something can be done. The Farmners' Union's inerest la the matter is priin- arfy due to thic ddage dore te far-m equipmp.ent, which, as they point out, becomes more s,ýeious eveýrr year. Si ce the public cannot be truted 10 refrain frorn eiscarding non-reltu.noahie cor1 ner on farmers' properfv, the gov- errment bas ad'îtl to imakp; he containrs i r ý! theonly other alera :; g Io enforce the anti-litter lawo el- fectively witl- -aytes, Since this is impractical. the OFU prour sel wou1 'eni do be the beç t approacli. Th e fammes ike cxrryon? c .c, have a stake in tP- e gnl ap'- - tC f tre counysidc, and evc y C a- adia shuidb a' aredof- rhe grovling resemblance of or- roa<deb g ba' d. r'4 eli < a-ana '-in'-, orange pee! Pand apr'ali g]aýss does cot rot away and tia cane, ta e yca ' b dîintograte, Itf i xoou" ý tat rot'îing wv111 ot donc untit there ~ lia r nblti e esure. The Pc fLocal 75 ar rt ie t a ry erougla weîlhl ta ocs- arcny gov- err.mcn ýt ta mi' I igTt the suibtarfial'businesin- iteress wha e a st1ake in the, 1111cr n'oducing business. If thie erre Ontar-io Fa'-m's' Union could bc perr Siuaded lu adouýt Lo"a1 75'sresohation, ilb might have, somne effect. If the OFU xzerc then ito enlisit the sur po.t of other organization-,s intere.-,ed lan the beauty of our- countryside, there migzltibecnoghvoesinvolved to force some action. Iil cannot ci ~ -Thýe Port Hope Guide Ie-1Àl SPEIAL leSAL Borden's Ice cream 0RI1CKS WVith the Purchase of One at the Itegular Price CIGAETTS $3.85 Ca!tons TIMEX WATCIIES WALLETS - SUN GLASSES ZIPPO LIGHTERS -Life time guaranteed JUG MILK MATT'S BARBER SHOP ANO CONFECTIONERY MAI STETMRN U.C.W. Unfit News Unitto of the U.C.W met-î, Tuesday, June Qth at the home of Mrs. Fred Lycett with eleven menibers present 'alag with one visitor. Mrs. Irwîa wa-ý the 1paýder7 and ,pel the meeting with a vergeI on 'W1 1o" 'ave the devotional along with rear1dir,c a noam'Jurc. Thre de~vo- tion ai closed with a prayer. TvTp'ty visits wp,,e Tr-orted to hoiital along witli twenty-one vi>sits4 to shut-ins. The ,eneral meeting of th-, UCW willlie held on June lSth with Unit 2 servinîg lunch, desert and li i at 7:00 pa. The aext meeting of Unit Two will be licld in-July ia tho form of a picaf e in the park at noon.J Mrs. Wer--, gave the Studiy Book followed with a eonteýît on t1W same. Mns. Lycett played a record I by Malhailia Jackcron, "Tbe Toly A hearty vote of thanks was ex- tended ta Mroý-. Lycett and the meeing rio-,ed",lanpriyer. Refreshment were served by the hoste'ss. Sixteen members and two visi- ~tors of Group 3, U.C.W., had a very delighlful levening, meeting at the home of Mrso. E. Stapleton 1To open the meeting wc, sang 'Let, us with a gladsome ýmimd". Two poems were read by Mrs. V.- Robinson were quite appropr.îate for such a beautiful June evening The study was taken by Mrs. Robinson aad Mn. D)rîîmmo xl. Tlettecf th<We hapterrwas "A Royal Proclamation". Repentence Ps the k -yno"- in bcli t - pr cF ic-i a.",> ,, John trýed-,to focem perit because C~f ' Jeza-js r ovc hy divin Joý . tirme t '0 tr Pr~~ ~- i lk flO ~~fl2 Lu c uro'I ol 'i e o ~e a P t -~ to r,- od, )U" f "g r' ~nsj r c ~ r r tm- ru; Appoint Delegates J The citizens- of Canada areok iag to the Progressive Coýns'erva- tives to -ýýtraightel ont tlie serable situation ia Ottawa, said Alex Carruthors, M.P.P, for Du- ham during àin add'-ess to 50 PC suppor ers t a delegat:es nomma.- ,on meeting rccently held ia Port Hope by the Progressive Conservalive Party of Durbarn. Mr. Carrutihers went on 10 say 1hi' the man )xho won the leader-- s4hip et the p arty leadership con- vention to bc held in Maple, Leaf I Gardons September 6 10 9 would b'b the next Prime Miaister of Canada." A second optîmietie addrcss was given by Hnrry Badley of Co- bourg, a former MP for Nortýum- Ianid, whopredicted a Federal ci-' ection la June of 1968 and pois- gibly ;sooner, the way the ecorfomny is lookirng. jThe delega-tes chosen for atten- (Contiaued onpage 7) TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE Service te be keld Sunday, June 18, 2.30 p.m. The Harvey Jackson Memorial'Park KENDAL Guest Speaker-. Mr. Allan A. IWartim,j B.A. Ailfrîends, residents and former residents are invited te attend In event of raia, the Service will be held ia Kendal Chureh For Decoration Day at the Cemetery on June Z5th, wse will have special ,crens and containers to xltyou in your own -oa rrangements. We sowil have various eut flowers and -plants., Do't forget yurFlags ad Accessories for Dominon Dy 'j I CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 5 YarG rated NOW EARN lnterest paid seini-annually Rates for shorter ternis on request i'yiNI3U14DEPOSIT $500.00 Longer CONVENIENT IJOURS: 9 A 'M. to 5:30j P.M. Mon. to Thurs. 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. Fi. -* 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Sat. BOWMANVILLE'OFFICE CLOSED WEDNESDAV CENTRALON'TARTO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 2.3 King St_ W. Bowmanville 623-2527 FOUNAINHAD Head Office: FSERICHE 19 Simcoe St. N. 0F SEVICEOshawa - 723-5221 III' ~'!IlI

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