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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jun 1967, p. 4

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7 ORONo WEEKLY rIMES, TRUSAT, JUNE lZthk, 1961 Are Y.u iRuuwing, Ufe, Or s Life Running You? S&rIPture Lesson - Epheiians 4: liere? - what is our mission? 1-16 I God inmtends that we TahDent frOmn a sermon Preached should' be more that a statistic, by Rcv. Basil Long. 1just ene more drop in the sea of A 1tti by wsi ryug ecasehunianity;, that we sliould Sind ke had forgotten te bring bis birtli auid f ulf iltedp. eo~o hc üectficeate te achool. The tea e wr retd habd asked each- pupil te do tbis and when se cane te this lad, When World War Il prioners he c ried eut, "I forgot my excuce were captured they were liurted fer being born."j past a man as etfle Dre driven past an inspecter at tbe stock- The thinking people will wantj yards. Each persen was puslied te, consider, why are we borni 4ter te the right or Ieft, depe.-id- -- why are we here?- what ing upon which way the inspecter are xe geiug te d o while we .are pointed lis finger. If the inspect- "WITH FLY ILLERS"y FLORBAIT The f irst and still the best dry bait fly killer. Easy te uise weith the new "FREE- FLO" top cans. Safe te use in milk sheds, stables, piggeries, etc. Available in 24 oz., 40 oz., and 5 IL cans. 4CQWFLY POWDER ~ Protect your cows from biting flies and get up te 20% more milk!,One treat- ment lasts up to 2weeks. "PlN KÇOWS GIVE MORE MILK". Avalable in 2 lb. duster cans and 10 lb. box. FLYMOR ..... The premium quality daily stock spray......... with fast "Killing Power". Safe te use on al livestock or in farm buildings. Available in 1 and 5 gai. cans. PRES SPRAY The economical and effective aerosol spray for house and garden use. Kilis flies, moths, aphids, caterpillars, etc. Costs only $145.. BARNFLY SPRAY Co ntaîns Dimethoate-effective against ail resistant flies. Spray on! walls, posts, window frames, etc. Kill- ing action lasts up te 8 weeks. 20 oz. bottle makes 21/2 gallons of spray. Available in 20 and 160 oz. botties. T he yellow strip that vapourizes DDVP and kilis flies for up te 3 months. Safe and effective te use in milk rcoms, feed roomns and other confined areas. CHOOSE THE RIGHT "M O FROM YOUR FLY CONTROL HEADQUARTERS! fnarmers' Co-op ORONO, ONT. PHONE 983-5191 or pointed te, the Ieft, it meaut the gas chaniber where there vwae no chance te accept or reject lifeý as it was. If the finger pointed rig¶it, àt meanyt a living hell, where thefre waaslbard, labor, with lusuf- ficient food, clothing and shelter. Worse, the person beeame a num- ber - not a naine! Tatooed on flic 5kin and sewed to a certain ýspotj on the trousers and coat, the nuni- ber was .JI1 that was left of a per- son as far as the enemy was con- cerned. How horrible thi.s sounds! Yet in reality, many are living te- day as thougli they were just a number- just a statistie. There are many responses! we cân make te 111e. On the negative and unprofitable side -is the cern- mon attempt te run away frein 1f e. The Bible tells the storyof a man called Jonah, wbo was very mucli disturbed by the, insistent promptings of God that hes1 ol go to Nineveli and preach te the people there. He did net wish te go and finally got on a boat te the 'Trthe ', destination lie knew. Even then hie \vas bothered. Running away takes many ferms. it is apparent in situation5 where euie avoids making import- ant decisions or refuses te face reality as weIl as the mnore ex- treme forms te, be f und in the use of alcoliol and narcoties.lTe trouble witli running away is tha ene can enly i-un se long and then when hie sinks exhausted,VIjfe is stili te be faced. Ged'intended that man -h1ou1d fulfil lis unique personality te be semeone freux seomeplace, going somewliere. Another response la' te mn a- long witb 1f e. In this respense people attempt te take life as it fiS4, te ask ne questions, do little tbiihkîng ner liold any wboleu*emc direams. "Eat, dri nk and be6 merry f or temerrow we die," is their cry, If people w-ýoe hold this phil- osepliy are honest with tbe.miqelves they may have te admit that tliey are already dead, spiritually, uxen- tally, emeotionaIly. Evfn though tli--y, at, drink, and are nierîry, some, day they wilIl die '- maybe sooner thanlinter! For thiem. life becomes oe big party, but the I day comes5 when the guests wl 1go home. Then who wil dean up the mess? A group of college students from the University of Fliorida- were riding one day în the country One of the students spotted a cow standing under one of the large palmn trees for which Florida 1,5 noted ' There was the eow, stand- ing in the shade, chewing ber cud, seeming to have no worries, no cares4, no problerns - just a con- tented old cow! OÛn observing this scene, one student was heard te exclaim, "Boy, that really is the 1f e! What more could one want?" We nîay wish sometimes to eux- brace sucli a philosophY.. We sbould realize, lo'wever, that such a 111e makes ene an animal or a slave or, at beet, a human beng who bas net been challenged te tbink and work, te, live and love and suffer. Persons embracing ihis kind of 1f e will find tbat they are like a firli that is being pulled downi the streaux by the currents, or by th~e fisherman's Uine. The fislb.lias started te; yield te the fisherman's line or to other forces that bave become stronger than the fisb. The struggle for s relif avs te d Peopleb- life lsla s scetslaves t life, to the world, te laî,dévoured by the -çelfigh, materîalistic, p'ow- er-hungry secular workL We Hope Y011711 Join even if: -yeu've been tee busy to sigu up. OR1 -you're ,net interested in saving money. oR -you neyer have to borrow money. Yon Can't Afford to Pass S Up Membership lu the Orono District CREDIT UNION Treas,-Man., Angus Loucks Phono 4r10, Orono I "t Man may try tern life - both 1ple who carry thýiç action to an his own andthe lives of otheTs., extremne find no place for God, We Witbin this group fait ail the cause they consider no being, no "Hiklen" of history - those mmt- power, higher than themselves. orful cliaracters who desire te be dictatcors.' They are the people There is a fourth choice in wrho live by wbat they cantel man's sêarch for mneaning. We can others te do. Into tiiis group acknowledge a power higlier and would aise fail the busybodies and getr than, our own and in love meddletrs who think tliat every- and service surrender to thîs hWgi- body's business is heir own, e octi owrw ho (Centiniied en Page 5) r I Paul's Texaco Service bas, heen taken over by ALBERT MUNNEKE whô will provide prompt and expert service on your vehiÀcle for both, regular and new egjstomers. TOWING ALL REPAIRS LICENSED MECIIANIC ALBERT'S SERVICE Phone 983-â249, day or night Township of Clarke Notice TO PROPERTY OWNERS DESTROY WEEDS Notice is hereby g(ven te ail persens in poss- ession of land, lu accordààce With the Weed Control Act, 1960, Sec. 3, 13 andf 19, that unless noxious wceds growing on thefr Lands 'within the Municipality- of Clarke are destroyed by date of JUNE 30, 1967, and tjroughout thse season the municipality, may, enter upon the, said lands and have the weeds destroyed, dýargin9 thse costs against the land in taxes, as set out in thse Act. SThse ce-operation of ail citizens la earnestly selicited. T he Council of the'Township of Clarke BUY YOUR MILK AT RAINY'S uGSTORE Ho 67c You SAVE 20e over home ddivered milk 3 Quart Jug 2 Y-ou SAVE 19e over home delivered milk TAKE ADVANTAGE OF TIS SAVING Ail products are f rom "GlenRae Daery" Where produets are "Guaranteed for Life' L b2c

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