OIL4NO WEÊXÈLY imws, TnÙ1ustuA,p IUNE lh, 19#7 Report From Queen 's Park 1 l(n thse Federal Parlament, -the Provinclide g1 ltueand al Cour s. 2. Section 1M3 of the B.N.A. ýAc o be f-epealed. 3. The position of the Licuten- ant-Governor no longer Vo be con- rtitutionallyenened St. Jean Baptiste Society L. Associate statehood for the Province of Quebec. 2. Both Vthe Quebec s,4ate an& the Eng-Ijis speakding state to be sovejieign with the exercise of certain powers conjointly through treaties. 3. A ref.erendum lns Quebec Vo decide whether or noV Vo adopt a republican ,systçun of governmient in the Province under a pres1dent. Jacques Yvon Morin 1. <Quebec to have a s'pecial stat- us under a two nation heor-y. 2. The rights ofI French and Englisis speaking Canadians Vo be extended acrosËs Canada, 3. Quebec Vo have power over "ARE YOU RUNNING LIFE, OR IS LIFE RUNNING YOU?' (Continued from Page 4) Vo onu our God. Tihe purpos4e and mneaning of if e is to be found inl accepting the Lordshîp of Christ. "I amn corne that they may have 1f e andhave it more abundantiy." "I arný the way - tise trutis - and the life."' "Corne, follow me and 1 wiil make you fishers ofme" "Let your ligitso s5shine before men that they may see your good w0rks and give glory Vo your father wlio is la, heaven." There are a few meaningful words inia hymis that expresoes what should beour ultimate goal: "Make nme a captive, Lord. And thon I shall be free' We seek freedom in man.y ways' and s'ometimes it is by runrnng away; sometimes h ils hy drifting; sometimes it is hy buliying. But wc, are only free as' we corne un- der Vise discipline of God through Jesus Christ. Whcn v'c have be- corne a captive of Jr sus then we are free ln the truceeý-nse and we enter imboVise auda life, liv- ing not for ourselv'c but for othejos. So we are faced with the question, "Are we running life or is life running us?" We enght Vo be running 1f e la accordance, with God's' wili and by His power. SJJNDAY, JUNE l8thi, 1967- Orono- Snd~ay Scisool at 10:00. Morning Service at 11:15 Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday School at 11:00 Lesard- Sunday School at 9:45 w iNewcastle -Golf Course Limited NOWN Betty Newman are attendàng the 'Alex Carruthers, M.P.P,, Durhamn ber own economy. 77th Annual Rebekah Assemnlly, Proposais on, Quebec's Rote 4. Ail provinces, with a Frenchi 1eid in the Royal Yo2-k 1oZe-, In Coinfodteratîou sjpeaking minority of 5% of their June 12, 13, 14. rî ý- ; Vî,iûr-y Cornmitte'e population, to have the samel on Confederation, established by righLs as thos-e enjoyed by the Dr. and Mrs. Bud Burnett and 'prime Mini_,ier Robarts, liaGs ub- English i Quebec. daughter Patti of Hawkesbuiry mitted three volumes. of interest- Parti Socialiste Du Quebec spont the weekend with Mr. and 1- va% ,jabl.e mattial fcir 1. Advocates a Confederation ofî Mtt.o. Ed. Graham and Tcrry. Mrs. d!scuýszion at the forthcoming sepaiate s4ýates. Burnett and Patti remained for r ~3rto of To marrw' conl 2 ubcsaehn ob a longer visit. ference. 2. Ablisle.csat ak o TheQube viwpin exres-Con federation of National Trade Dr. and Mrs. C. Maârtense, ed by a number of individuais and Uin, The Quebec Fesieration ,of Jacqueline and Jason of Kingsito.n, groups, may be of particul ar val- Miss Margery Tyrreil, epent the ue in iîndorstanding that Prov- Labour and the Catholic wceckend with Mrs. C. B., Tyrll ince'sý4 position in the ftdera- Farmers' Union and Miss E. Davidson. tion of io-morroàw. 1. Certain 'mattere now under A sumnar'y 'of poc s e Federai control to comé under Mr. Carmeron Perrault who ha ected for TeAd,î'vis'ry cÔm- joint control c.g. radio and tele'- been clerking in' the Canadian mittee',s reort f-chagein the lviSion. Imperiai Bank- of Commerce, ,-,Canadian-Federai Systen., with 2, Tihe provinces to have the ono, has been tranXferred t' the their authors, art--c as; fülows: right t o usake itr toa cul- Lindsay Branch. M aial u .Fwe tural agreemnents. 1. Oblîgatory instruction in 3. Provinces to have the riglit Ghie Pety Oficer Èet,ý Eglsh and Frenchi in ail sehools. to e, consulted about immigra- Innis of H.M.S. H-ampsliire, aý 2. The Governor General - Sup- ýtien, monetary, fis"al and foreignI Missile destroyer, and based ont!rpreme Court Justices, anid larwtriade policies. of Sctland, viçted with Mr. n cleoek.9 of the Senate and Comnmons 4 nyoelnug ob f Mrs. Arnold Wallace and family 't ebliga.. ficial in a province. Where the last Thuïrsdq-ay. 3. Ail laws and proclamations Frech or Englisli speaking min- Mrs.R. allngsorthretirnd Vo be publisbied in both languages. lrt napoic sa es 5 Mrs R.Holingworth etuned 4. Ail commiunications with thieortlaapvieisalat15 home1 on, Sunday after spending Federal Govenment to be answer- lor in absolute nuniberg 500,000, a week with her son a rd famiiy ed in the language of the ern the legisiature is Vo function on on their farm ai Cowanville. munication. tebsso boueeuit e 5. When the French spea'kingtwete olngge miority of the population of a The, variouns proposais differ ini province attains a- level of 20%/v many respects but may in, part i French is to become an officiaI at lejast;,-,'uggest an answdr to the language of that province, question so often asked:- WhMat A . At leasi one thi-d of .te d'oes Quebec really wanit as a part-, judges of thse Supreme Court Vo ner in Confederation. M1T ARS OLD? be froni Quebec. Cu. ii ae WVhený you turn 21 a panel o)f judges, trained in the UNITED CHURCH you ar e no1 longer civil ]aw to be established. Such cave red by your a panel couki consist of iudgese of Orono Pastoral the Supreme Court from Quehec parents H ospital plus judgeis choseii from the 'i Charge insu raince. You must jCourts' of Quebcc. take out individual i'Peter O'Hearn Minister memnbership within 30 1 . French and Engiisli o be the i' o,1 fficiai languages and. can he'usied .s' Rev. B. E. Long 1 WeekDays $2.06 Week-Ends and Holldays $3.00 Gifts for a TOP POP on S'-TULTT',S ,Drugs Phone 983-5009 Orono, Ont. E JACKETS Surprise Dad with one of our jacketg designed for casual wear in rich suedine or terylene and cotton blend. Blute, beige, brown, dark green and black. Sizes 36 to 46. Priced from $10S95 to $15.95 SLACkS Give Dad a pair of leisure cotton slacks to wear witli sport shirt or jacket. Plain shades and' checks. Waist sizes 30 Vo 42. Priced from $4.95 to $5.,95 SPORT SHIRTS For good looks and easy Summer liv- ing, sport shirts in all cotton or Fortrel and cotton wisich needs littie or noe irLoning. Long or short sleeves, regular or, button- unovn coluar. Plain shades, checks andi paisicys. Sizes S. M. L.' and XL. Priced from $4.00 to $6.95 WHITE SHIRTS Taîlored- from- silky- sheen-- cotton broadcloth by Tooke - Van'Heusen.. Men's white shirts with short point collar and single or double cuffs., Sizes 14%2 to 171/2. Prîced from $5-00 to $8.00; Short Steeve White Shirts Cool and comfortahle, these business shirts by "Curie" are of good quallty Cotton »roadcloth which requires little &r no ironing. Regular collar. M, L, XL Price each - $4.50 WALKING SHORTS For thse sarm days ahead, give DaiJ a pair of Jamaica shorts. Smart Contin- ental or boxer style waist. Beige, llght brown and green. Waist sizes 30 Vo 42. Priced from $3.50 to $3.95 IZIATS, PYJAMAS, SWIM ThUNFS, 1"TS.q SOCKS, TIES, SLIPPERS, HAND- KIFLICHIEFS ARMSTRONG'S' LOCAL NEWS 1 Mms Lola Kennely, and Mis. -,4A Est of, Newcastle, north on first road off No. 2 Highway, tri ng times may be bouked by phoning 987-4851