ORONÔ WEEKIY TIMËS, flI1JR-,XAY, lUNE 15t,1967 -~AR CI*TIHD ADIDii _ INSURAN1CE SEE FRED LYCEI OFFICE - ýMAIN ST., ORONO phime 983-5032 JACKED Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatoî Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis, and dates PHONE ORONO 983-5914 MonunIns ad Family ï, Mo0rials O-ur. quality and service le-aves nothing to be desired Ask thle personI who bonght fromn as, a neighQur, friend or relative The RUflER GRANVDI cOMPAy ý3 Ontario ýStreet PORT HOPE "Iargest Display in Southern Ontario"1 and C 'cie W. FRANK1,- à ÈEAL ESTATE ý LIMITED g 21 KING ST. WEST I g Bown>wnviiie 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 0 Port Hope Office- 0098 Walton St.- 885-4548 . g FREE APPRAISALS g gExclusive Agent for'g J.~ OCHIONSKIg CONSTRUCTION g3-Bedroom Bungalows g oPriced from $15,375-00 on lots 75X200 Orono Area Representative o ROY FOSTER o gKendai - Phone 983-5801 (A large sel ection of Farms, [ oHomes, Lots, Retreat Pro- o g perties in this area g IOrville Chatterton IEleetrical Contracting jElectrie Ileating and Service PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono Ontario FA Orono Phone ~ ~ A MeCULLOCH BOATS Prompt & MOTOIIS Eqw CHAIN SAIWS Stich a to Rt.païrs to ailmkecfLw T. 'liOwers a-1 ad4 y~ SEPTICTAK WR-ITE WASIIING STAIBLES OlAuto, Bert Toukfs gFi Phone 786-2552 Building' A New Home? i or Remiodellifg? CalI JOEIBCE 983-5713 Orono LYCETTg oPlumbing & Heating PHONE 983-5407 O nOntario oc=<DO>O=-= ýSai 0co PHONE 993-:10 11NTHACTORS F1 ARM and HIOUJSE WJRING Free Estimates PLI ANCE S 4L ýand Guaranted ear ilp-ssat ali Aps.a a s MaiCos -WaerUers ail 1i'5o ~a~i~ Ie Package Policies Fidelity Bond, Liabillty Lif e First Mortgage Loans 0 diée HaîIaton'ý> Pheono 983-5115 0 Box 133 Phone 668-3552 Stafford Brothers Limited 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont- Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials Deniers i Domestic & Foreign Granites and Marbies- Inscriptions Cut anid Cemetery Repair Work - Ae_ - ý- -,- '4- ,<~t.a - t <s J '401 y. '----I .4-' GCallyour lcccd -Mung& Iajid c ntees PLUMtBING AND) HEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono -I. Building a House? or remodelling your present one, then contact Floyd Nicholson ORONO Regitreionfor al loi, rniag cf Jus-c2Ch j~ i<'4~5 d ~ c i cd $3/4-C: 'L 4..'4. fam" tat 1104, l'o "i~4'-I C atsirday, JuIûe 17, from i5.30 Pm1l U'-ono Fei;r Grour.ds. Ail yeu cen* et Tickets from Heg Producers' !Dir*ectors of Dept. of Agriculture Office. Reserve flhe day uow. Everyone welcome. a-c U.CW. IMEETING ! A generc1 meeting cf the U.C.,W. will be heMlu i the Main Audit-or- 7:100 p.m. with a desert tea te ha 1followed by the regular meeting 1;in charge f Unit 1. An invitation bhas beau extcnidad to the ladies 1 of Kirby. b-c TEEN AGE DANCE At the Osono Town Hall on Sat- ut day-, June 17tk ai 8:30 p.,m. JMusic by "The Chessmen". Admission: Couples, $1.50. Sing- .le, $ 1.00. b-c Gord Simpson, Orono, Phone 983-5808 1 il 11I PAINTING and CARPENTER WORK REMODELLING I Interior and Exterior j z session. CI " C.- Towrs'hip. Tht îaf-v h :g éga of 1 . mruhr ' f'r i' 4- -art In The -Class ified Section Rms.983-51421 i Drne &Byam jPLUMBING ani HEATING, Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE! B-A FINtRaCIN Low InteretRae Phonps: Tyrone- 2632650 Hampton 263-2288 Dr. P.1. Maartense DENTIST Orono, Ontario Orono Medical Centre Office Hours:- 9:00 to 1:00; 2:00 to 6:00 Saturday 9:00 to 1:00 Phone 983-5825 ......... , i 5- pà- PLANTS FOR SALE FOR SALE C41RD 0F THANKS JAgain this year we have a wide 1955 Ford Pick up. no We wish to express ouir sincere variety of spring box plants-, ger- a1'.c offer r ý -i J. Ph o 0 ýn apç c-ciation to ail our relativm4, aniumns, perennials, etc. 983 5937 j i. icnds ,an-J neighbours for their DEMOOY'S GREENIIOUSES -.act- of knns sympathy, floral North St., Newcastle OECOR ATION DAY tof a es rd c d ,ii theLaýin jAcross from Spur Station. Phone The~ re'-u',a7 aTnual drccc ýpiiiioU' hsn f.dda ~ 1987-4916, .f-24-p day wiil be oberveJ t deHaal Cwirg.Weeted u su 1 ncial tbafkstç-Dr. E. D.1H1ub- DECORATION DAY FLOWER Memoriel3 service iihie chapeaVcn~i~lcn -1 r ihod -SALE 12:00 p.m. b _V \f4 .adnre o nesv junior Ga'-deners wiil holi An-1 Care, Osh-,.aa encrai Hosp*tal, iual Decoation Day Flowee- Sale.11 NOTICE Rev. Basil E. Long for bis woM-ýs A&ý- e'- e1 co-4.ain2?rs $200 and, The Bus leaves Town Hall Cor- of comfort, fellow workers 'and $300. Ail orders to be picked Up ner for'Horticultural Sorýîiety Con-'staff of W. B. B)enn.ett Paving Challice's beginniing ai 2:30 iv i- a'- Gue'p'lh, et 7:45 arn.., Ltd., and the Nortbcutt and Smith ipxm., Saturday, June 24th. Ad-!i Thursday, June 22.' Suggest you Funeral Home. varxce oeler.s will reccive firstI bring lunch. BedEwdaJKn ~ conc.,ideration: Order f'-cm Chai-1 rnaEd r adKn-h lice's phone 983 5Î251. or Co)uvie's Leave Guelph ai 5:00 p.m. Mrçi. Nina Cowling, Gordon, 98% 5252- b-c Fare: $3.0c0. a-c' Joan and Ron Sutelîffe. IIELP WANTED JUNE SUPPER Leskard Church June Supper DURHAM HOLSTEIN Maie help wanted. For iter- On W0ýdnesday, June 28, 5:900 p.m. view phone Orono 983-5192. Nest- Salads, meat, pies and cakes. Ba-'MAKES FINE, RECORD, ing Furniture Ltd. - -aar table. Adulte4 $1.50. Children Bweve oe arca 12 and ûnder 50e. b24ppurebîred Holstein cow ond by LOCAL MAN REQUIRED- J. W. Bowman lof Enniskillen, On- I need a represenitative for my AUCTION SALE tario'has.complc;ted a fine record firmn in this area. This opening of- performance production test. may be worth up to $8,0010,0 The Hou5ebold Effects of the As 'a six-y-car-okdi in 365 day-s on yearly for the right person. Full late L. Williamson at bis former twice-a day milking, _-Cieprôduced or Pari-time. 'Age 21 to 70. Can residence lu the Village Of Ponty' 26,674 Ibis. milk cor)nriiing 970ý vou make short auto trips? We lPool on Friday, June lth at 6:00 ibs. fat, averege*tc's'- 3.61% butter- hope you will star1 soon and stay ip.m. sharp. R.' J. Payne, Auction- fat, This record has a Bred Class, with us a long time. eer. Average of 202% for milk and Contact now! Orvus Smnith, Burke-___ 199 0/0 for fat. Patricia is classi- to, 'ine26-230 fi ed "Very Good" fo- body con- to, pon 23-33.AUC TION SALE formation.,* AUCT1ON SALE The property of Mr. H. DeBeer, _______ The Estatc of the late Leqitia lot 6 concession 2, Clarke ToWn- lWaisýin, Church St., north, Orono. ship, 3/4 mile east of Newton- Sellihig Tuesday eveýning,, June villa on 'liway N\o..Sl t ra P.Ce 21-1 â1t p.m. beheld on Saturday, June 17 at E,' _Wi-ing yroom, living room and i0oo p.m. Farm tractera and im- (Continued from paýge 2) ktl.nfaius _ Lpright, piano luees hay, Holstein calves. dgo c at the Scpt'-embeër raliy witnbec' E'-t - appianc s L, Clysdaie, A 1' liie er iU;7MsGo o ' ards of Co- di- .e~&e. <hc"t ck'ilBowmen- lkrscah ack Pidatie' c G - ff., vî11e, Pc-1,Foïham Cobý ourg, L. -rit carc"s. il ,,