___________________________OlONO WEEKLY TIMES, TRURSDAY, JUNE 15th, 1967 REATHER REBEKAR LOD)GE The regular ieLetinigef lea rtter iRebekafi Lodfge was held Tuesday at 8 p.Mý. at the IO.O.F. Hail. Sister Jean Wood, Noble Grand presilded with Sister Jean Lws Vice Grand, anjsisting. Correspondence was read andi deait withi. Sister Aller. thanked al who had helped with the Dedi- cation Service held Sunday, June Ilthi. Sister Barrabail reported serviîng lunch after une funeral. Sister Jean~ Lewis gave a lenigtlhy report on her work ýas Convenor of theVisiting Committee. Birthday greetings were extend- ed to, Sisters Julie JackLson and Mau4e Cooper. 1A deliciouis lunch was served by the conumittee i charge and a social haîf hou r ,ipent. June 27h will he thie'last mec- ing until September and ut was reported 'that the District meeting will be held- in Oshawa Wedneu- day. June 28th., when Siter Ne]ds Thompson will be installed as the NewDistriot Deputy Pre.sident oÀ District No. 8, Odiawa East. PRICES & BONUSIS EFFECTl TIV 1-NE15 4, 15, 16, 1i f k