ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THMUESDAY, J1JNE 2Udà, 1967 te thefr Docors iin a few months' time for further examinatian. Others were given iadvice on diet andi otiier henlth -matters, penhaps preventig tievélopment of a frank case of diabetes. The final report, givti h number of diabeteq cases founti in the Durham County Survey, will be mýade later on, after re- ports frem Physicians have been receiveti by Dr. Horner. Not al of the 343 wili be found tù have Diabetes, Mrs. Pewtressj sid. Following the Northumber- LN W lad ouit ureylatfalin OCAL M fS whch 9,127 persans were ýtested1 for diabetes, and 447 ireferred ta Vi ,-tors wîth Mrs. Ken Gamby their Doctors, reports from Phy- fur the weekend, to attend Mos- sicians to Dr. Charlotte M. Horn- portrace, were Mr, and Mrs. John er, Chairman of our Medical Ad- H. Boyd, Brian and friend Mark visory Cemmittee, ghowed tit ai- and Terry, Orillia, Mrs. Harold though 42 new cases of diabetes Snell, Danny and Bobby, Toronto were founti, as well as 26 former- and, Mrs. George Graham, Rex- ly diagnosed cases and 15 pres- I cle. umptive cases, a large number of those refeired te, theiL7 Doctors Mrs. Raymonrd Chapman, Mrs. diti fot have ýactual diabetes. Dr.I Everetite Couvier, Mr. andi Mrs. ilorner, however. pointed orit that 10. Chale attended the Hlorti- the worry antdI inconvenience cultural Convention in Gueph on which may have been experiene- Wedncsday of this week. ed by some may be compemated by the. knowledge tliat ethers Mrs. Doug Gamsby and ens have been diagnosed as being di- Paul andi David, Guelph- are, abetc *r pedibetc ati avespendng this week- with Mr. anti been place dunder supervision of *r.Jc ilasadfniy their Docters. In addition a num- Mrs. M. H. Staples bs a patient ber of individuais, were te return 1l1in the Oshawa General Hospital. Up And Down The Book Srtacks At a June Workshop held in1 the Belleville Public Library for' the. Libranians cf the Lake On- tarie Regionai Systcm, Mrs. June Thexton, Directer, haîleti paper- backs as "the greatest new devel- opnieut i library service in years" She ativiseti the librarians to expeiment with pocketboaks li n mny ways anti off ered varions suggeutions. In warning against the influx of poorly writtcn "nurse" stories and shotity roniance.9 ic hipaper fWed, MVr9 Thextone urged the use cý f professionally selecteti liists in crdering these books5. Ac-, cortiing te her, paperbacks are "in" with the higli school stutients who are toting them everywhere. The9eboks are espcialiy hantiy for the summer nionths as theyi are easily carrieti in purse, pocket Dr suit-case. A tuer of the Upper Canada Newrs Agency'ýs fabulous. book- mobile of thousandis cf paper- backs effeotively ilustrateti he variety of titles. Each librarian was offer.ed a bundie cf $10, worth cf papçrbacks asý a donation from the L.O.R. Here are the tilles: Juvenile: Brade - J. Fritz Goden Dog - M. E. Patchet Fifth Chinege Daugliter - Jade Snow-Wang Buckskin Brigade - J. Kjelgaard The Last Battie - C. E. Lewis Young Aduit The Piums Rang H-igli- .E. Fimiey. Julie'à IHeritage - C. Marshall Higli Note, Low Note - A. Em- ery High'Trail - V. Brýck Jennifer - Z. Sherburne The Roman Way - E. Hamilton (Hist.) I Not Death, But Love- C. B. Bt.rnett .(Bieg. cf the Brownings, Aduit The Serpent's Coil - F. Mowat Watc.n for a T1all White Sali M. E . pel You Have te Draw a LLne Some- where - C. liardis Inv.d ci-rs of Earth - G. Conklin, cd. (Sc. I ,ction) jEXPO '67 lh iofircual ýguide to Expo has been purchased Icr the Library. NEWCASTLE ABTIFICIAL ICE ASSOCIATION JUNE' DANCE Newcastle Community Hall Cdnunencing 9:00 p.m. HonklonkPiano Feature By Gladys Brown CENTENNIAL COSTUMES OPTIONAL, ADMISSION $2.00 PER COUPLE tirs pact Saturday with three sec- Fulford-Harris W ins At Morrow antis.in five drives. These wr with Thelgiers, -a J. Reid horse;. Jack Wilams, wîth lus 10-year Wilonna Tim Pee, a Robson horsýe Wodngld horse' took top ho:-ouirs S:: o Pteboouhanti Rob ise w êddillg ,~udjay- night at Morrow Park in asaBrol hseHela A pretty wedding was- solemn- ' ù, Pïosit ion-n ithfe third race of GedeEgnWadKW. zeti, Saturday, March 25th, 19671the night, ýa one mile (trot. The Geralti Robinson placedi for at 7 û'clock p.m., at the Unitedi race went in 2.19.2. two thirds and ,a sixth. King of Church i Wh itehorse, Yukon, Junior West who iast week won Diamonds, who, Robinson won with when Evelyn May Hariris, daught- three firsts, had to be satlsfied lst wcek teok third this week. er of Mr. and Mis. Lawrence His other thirdl place heirse wae Harris, Os-one, Ontario, becamel 'Vital Victary which is owned and. the bride of Roy Wiibert Fulford, Haines, Alaska. The brides trav- trained by G. Robinson. son of Mr. and Mrq. Wiibert Fui- elling costume was a two piece Keith West made two drives a&t ford, Meaford, Ontario. The of- beige and green polka dot suit, Merrow on Saturday taking a sec- ficiating clergyman *as Rev. JH. black accessories and a corsage of ondi place finish &long wih a 3rd P. Marston.- red roses. place finish. Minor B was the- Given in marriage by Mr. Gordie Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiibert Fui- top horse fer Keith with Dot~ Gee Emloer f he rom, heford wiii re5àde in WieosFoley beig the third place .fin- bride wore a wedding gown of Yuken, Box 2513. -isher, white Peau de Soie, simpiy styled n n .r,2esaup.rI np.rainiJm anti tacha' ý,augL centro eibow lcngth shirt and a de- abie Chapel iength train was ,t by a petailed, headdress, red with, white flowcr. T'ls awr designeti andi mad-e by 1,hle bride. She carried a white bible with red la-es and white carnatione. Mrs. AI Ashby of Whitehorse was the bridai attendant, wearing a street length dreýs.s of paie green Peau ;de Soie, this; dress was also: designed by the bride. Her hat was pale gr-een Peau de Soie and lier fiowers were a nose- gay of white daisie& and yeilow mums. The, best man, was Mr. AIi Abycf Whitehorse. A reception was held iat 202 Club, White H-oree, Yukon. A wedding trip was taken to, S UNITED iJJHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Miister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, JUNE 25th Orono- Sunday School at 10:00. Monn9ervice at 11:15 Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 sunday School at 11:00 Leskart- Sunday 'Schoolý at 9:45 FOR JUNE 22, 23 and 24 WAS NOW BUFFERIN,10,0s-,............ 9.... $1.69 Bayer ASPIRIN, 1001s........ 99e SCOGRE HAIR DRESSING .69 $1.09 FLUSII-A-BYES, 48's. ....... $2.49 $2.19 MODESS, Regular, 12's.... 2 ror 88e L IS-TERINE ANTISEPTIC, MacLEAN'S TOOTHPASTE. $1,19 $1.19 .. .99 .99' KLEENE X, 200's.................. 2 for .41 PEPTO-BISMAL, 8 oz ........ $1.25 ALKA-SELTZER, 25's ....... 83e RIGIIT GUARD, 5 ounce. $.2 ENO FRUIT SALT........ $1.29 RAID, House and Garden Spray $1.69 RESDAN, '6 ounce...........5 NIVEA CEM 4 ounce .. $1.49 AINACIN, 100's.... ...$1.09 .. .69 $1.09 ...$1.39 $1.19 $1.09 I $L.39......99 STUTT' Drugs Phone 983-5009 Orono, Ont. g _______________ .1' LADIES' DRESSES' M-e Summer Dresses have arriveid --the lbs shipment for this season. if yon are in need of a new dress, see our stock of cottons, arnel jerseys and other easy- cars fabries. Shifts and tents are incîuded in the styles. Bright-, attractive- prints. Sizes 9 to 241/2 Priced, from .. $6.95 to $24-95 LADIES' SHORTS Another shipment of ladies' Jam.. aiea Shorts i stretchy nylon, fortrel and cotton and sailclotb, Ail the new Summer shades. Sizes 8 toe 20. Pricý-ed from .... $3.95 to $5.95 TAILORED BLOUSES Ladies' Blouses with sîceves oi sleeveless, tailered --by- "Shirtmate"- to wear *!th slims or shorts. Floral pnints, stripes anti plain shades. Sizes 10 te 20. Priced from . ... $2.98 to $5.00 BEACH TOWELS Extra large Beach Towels of goed quality cotten terry ln bright multi-col- oured stripes. Size 30" by 60". Priced each.. . ...... $2.45' BABY CARRIAGE NETS .Nylon carrnage, nets with elastic hem, fits regular size carrnage or bassin- et. Maximum protection against all ini- seets. Priced each ........... $1.69 Swim SuitSFor Ail The aml p -_____ I 11,376 Tested In Coudeis Diabees Mass Surv.y Tiie Diabetez Tests from ftic Durham County Mass Survey were finaily conipleteti June 5th, sùit Mrs. Margery Pewtress5, Ex- ecutive Secretjary, Nlýoithumber-' land-Durham andi Heaith Associa- tien, anti resuits were as follows: 11,376 people were tested, anti of these 343 have been advised to consuit their Physi ciana becai.ase of evidence of sugar in their urine,