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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Aug 1967, p. 1

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G-y V OLUME 30, NUMBER 31 ORONO WEEKLY IMES,,TIIURSDAY, AUGUST 17th, 1967 Sc ol(optiiosToFatr A report from the Carke High Seollate Wednesday morning reveaýls that 80 percent of the Crade 13 papers writteii at Clarke werec passed successfuily. This fig- ure compares. with the provincial averagle. Dirk Vani der Werf, R.R. 2, New ,castle and a student at Clat -e, qalife as an Onutario Fcnuquets of white and yellow; Chrysanthemums formed the set- ting in Orono United Church on July 22, 1967 at 3 o'clock, for thie mnarriage of Mary Lynn Baciley, dauglter of Mrs. Harry J. W.V Bailcy, -Orono, and the late Mr. Baiiey, to Mr. Carl Roger Kimmett so3n of Mr. and Mrs. Maniy, F. KimiNapanee, Ont. Reverend l Basil Long vwas iThe offciaing clergymnan. Mrs Moýrton playîed the wvedding mus- lc and accrnnpî-nied the soloîst', Mr. Glen Aluin. Tbe bride, given in marriage by her br-.other, Mr. Wayne Bailey, lookecd charming in a floor length ýgo->n of silk organza over taffeta. The bodice and eibow iength leeves were fashioned in re-em- broidered lace and the empire waistline was accented by a-self bow. A shouider coat of-organza formed the cathedral length train. A bow of organza and lace lil the bride's shoulder length vei and she carred a bouquet of yelo w sweetheart roses, white car-ntions and stephanotis. IJatron of honour was Mrs, Wayne Bailey, and bridesmaids were *Miss Janice Webster, Bow- masaville and Miss Lois Kimmett, Napanee. The attendants were at,-ircd a- like in floor lengtb gowns of moss green chiffon over taffeta. Their headpieces were of shiasta mums as were their bouquets. MVr. Lyn Kimmett, Campbell- ford, wasbest man for bis broth- er and the ushers we-e, Mr. Wavsne Scholar having obtained :;n aver- age of over 80 percent, Three other students did ex- tremciy weil being Karen Lee of Leskard with 77 percent; Beth *Powell of _Newcastle over 70 per-, centan Anna Marie Scott, R.R. 2, ,Orono, over 70 perent. Miss Karen 'Lee will attend Trent Uni- versity thL isfli in a General Arts Helson,, Orono and Mr. Wayne Van De Bogart, Napanee. The reception was hcld in the church basement where the brideýs mofher received wearing a dress of\ aqua crepe and, lace, w th beige accessories and a cor- sage, of pink sweetheart roses anId whitec ca nations. The groomn's monther asi ','led wearing adr' 1t osoe -cI)IOtred hl c îe i -h wieaccc.soîies. Hier corsage asof nacigset~r oe and white carnations. As the happy couple icft on their wedding trip, to Montreai andý Cape Cod, the brice.e wore, a dress of deep pink linen with matchineg coat 'and white acces- sories. 11cr corsage was of match- in<e sweetheart roses and carna- tions. The couple are now residing in Ororno. Prior to ber marriage the bride wa's cntertaived at a sbower given by Mis~s Sharon Tamnblyn, Mrs. Jirn Williams a-id Urs. W. l3aiiey at the formerN, home. A shower was aiso gîven by Miss Judy Vagg and Mrs. M. Graham at Mrs. Gra- hamn's homne. A presentation was heid for the bride by Mrs.' Ed. Graham and Mrs. C. Biillngs. Mrs. G. Webster and daughters Janice and Karen, honoured the bride with a luncheon and- pres- eî tation at their home la Bow4, manvîlie. Gift were also receîved from the staff of Lord EDain School, Bowmanville and from the Dept. of - Lands and Forests staff ia Or- M.and 'Mrs, Carl Kimmett Course. Miss Anna Marie Scott will attend Guelph University in a Language Ci)urseý. Miss Beth Powell -Will attend Kingston Gen- eral Hospital ini a nursing course. The imber of stu&-ints in Grade ý,13 at CJarke last year was thirty. Portraits 0f 'The Past To Be Show.n The Clarke Township Cente n- niai Comm-itle are pow in the final planning, stages of the pro-' motion of "¶Portraits iirom the Past", a shiowlnjg of, earlly-diay formai and cýastial wear. The showing is to be heid in the auioru f thje Clarke High School oni Mopndly, Septem- ber 25f). Residents ýfrdm the area wiiI arme pr>oicledl throuigh the couir- tesy-, Of a diepartmient of the On- tario goiermenf, New Pest %Offices Planned For Duwrham Three new post offices will be built in Durhaýn County, says Durham riding lyI'P. Russel C. Honey. Construct.ion of I the buildings for Newtonv'ille, Plontypiol and Blackstock xvi! star..t when satis- factory arrangements for land ac- quisition and construction prices have bee,' nsetIled. Mr. Hon.ey said the officiai opening of the new federal build- ing in Orono will be heild this fali. To Unveil Wilmot Hatchery Plaque The Counicil of Clarke Township-. at their' recent meeting set up a committee to plan the unveiling of a plaque near the site of the former Wilmdt, Creek F'ish Hatch- ery, west of Newcastle. The Wil-' mot Fish Hatchery Plaqjie is to be unveiled on Wednesday, Sep- tember 13th at 2:30 p.m. The Township is working in conjunc- tion with Ontarlo Department of Public Records and Archives on this project. The Committee appointed by Council is as follows: Reeve R. Poster, Depiity-Reeve H. E. Walk- ey, Mrs. Lovekin, Mrs. T, Paix- brother,' Councillor P. A. 'Gray, Mr. H. E. Millson and Mr. M. Ross. A meeting of the committee was held on Tuesday evening to further plan the programn for thle o nveiling ceremronies. 68a Attend Bible School Classes SixIty-eighýt childrein of the~ comýjinity daily attend a Vaca- tion Bible Sèhool b-eing held l the Orono United Cliurch. Tire school openied undi-er the leadler- ship of Mr. Marvin Colvin on August 7th and continues until August 18th, this Priday, wlien an open house Js being heïd for parents andanayon e interested la attending. the open house la be- ing held fromn 11:00 to 12:00 o'- doack. Twenty-oae assista nts are help- ing Mr. Calvin with the five de- partmnents, heing *Kindergarten, Primary, Junior A and B and In- termediates. The iargest' enroiment at the Vacation Bible School iexists la the Kindergarten departmnent with seventeen. Twenty-seven are en- roiied in the two Junior Depart- menits, fourteen in the Primary and aine in the Intermediate div- ision. T'he daiiy programn from 9 a.m. Parade Fridýay, September 8th is the date of the annual school child- ren's parade, through the Village of Orono, to the Grandstand, of the Durham Central Fair Grounds where the children will be dis- ,misseci to enjoy the day at the Fair. Please be at the Orono. Public School Grounds at 1 p.m., Fridaj September Sth. Each sehool that marches in the parade -wllI re- ceive $10.00., It wiil be the re- sponsibiiity of each participating school to provide its own, trans- portation to and from the Pair. Open ýto ail groups including schoïls, churches, Scouts, Cub,, Guides, Brownle, athletic, groups, etc., 'or an individual chlld.. If drawn by tractor it may be oper.. ated by an adüit. Prizes: $10.00, $8.00, $7.00 and $5.00 to alil oth-er entries, Amateur Competiton Class 1 - Sponsored by the Orono Chamber of Commerce. Open ýto schools, chfrches. ,choral gois etç. Prizes: $25.00, $U500 and $10. to ail othe.r worthy performances. Class 2 - Sponsored by, Smith Beverages Limited. Open te al individujal students, or upto five peopie in any group. Prizes. $20., $15., $10., and $5. to ail other worthy performances. Entries muýst be received by the secmetaryT Mrs. John Biiekard, Newcastle, in order to participate. N.M.L. Hockey Stars There, wiil be two NHL. hock- ey stars in attendance at the Paen- ner Piumbing & Heating Booth sponsored' by Esso A prize wlli be gi-ven,' to the person attaining the greatest speed shooting a puck into a net. Orono -Junior Band wili be In attendance, to 11:30 a.m. at the school in- cludes opening- sing sonU Bible studýy, games and interesting crafts. The crafts wîli be on dis- play at the open house. One of the major projects is the assembling of an Indian Village. Interest by the chiidren in the various classes is most noteable and Mr. Colvin states that assst- ance with -the program. hasbe âenerously given. Ask s Approval, To Build Two Triplexs, Orono Mr. Joseph Francek t'pon com- piaining of the-condition of road drainage at Lots 3 and 4, Con- cession 4 in the Township of Clarke was toid by Counci at their recent meeting to return to council ini February of 1968 to iodge his request for correction of the drainage condlition. At this time such work coulId be includ- cd in the annuai road budget. Reevýe R. A. Poster stated that the condition, of drainage had been bad everywhere ithis year. Deputy-reeve H. E. Walkey, la speaking on the matter, stated that mouies were not available in the, road budget Wt undertake construction to correct this prob- 1cm. 11e feit it wouid be a major construction job. He did say how- ever that some work, had been donc ieading up to the 'final plan- ning 1to complete this particular part of the fourth uîne road ai- m r, J. Ochooshi made applica- tion t oni to build two tri- plex aatm tbuidings on the corner of Church and ,Princess streets in Orono. The proposai was referred to the Property and Finance Committec for considera- tion with the Orono Police Trus- tees. It was aliso moved by Council that they meet with the Orono Police Trustees, ln committee, to consider the request by Mr. Jan Ochonski and also to consider the restricted area by-law. Approval was rcrceived from ,the Departmcnt of Highways on a Supplcinentary Road expendi- ture by-law. September 8th was deciarcd a legal public sehool holiday in the Township of Clarke, This bylaw allows participation by publ ic schooi children at the Orono Pair on September Sti, The Council of the Township of Clarke are proceeding wîth the ciosing of portions of' roads in the following areas: Lots 14 and 15, con. 5. Lots 2 and 3, Con. 1- Lots 6 and 7, con, 6. Lots 34 and 35, con. 2. Lots 30 and 31, con. 2ý Lots 6 and,7', con. 2. Lot 35 in cons. 9 and 10. Accou7ints wcre, approved for payment in the foilowing amounts General - --------- $27,377.66 W elfaxe ----------- 1,345.11 - Roads ------------- 49,651.64 Orono Police Trusýtcc& 613.96 PFirst and second reading were given to a by-law to authorize th.e provision of municipal and school tax credits for assistance to eId- erly persons, Similar readings were alsû giv- en to a by-law for the licensing of dogs and, for rcgulatirg the running at large of dogs. Council also gave first and sec- ond reading to a by-law authoriz- ing ithe borrowing of $25,OQ0O for the Orono Hydro, System, Three readings were given a by-law whereby the Township Mf Clarke accepta a road allowance frum William and Etta Irwin. The rond, Winters Road, is in the Inrian sub-division south of Orono. i Ana Marie Scott, Beth Powell Karn Lee Dirk Van der Werf Dirk von demr Werf An OentarjloS"Cholar Kimmuett-Bal*ley "Wedding MM

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