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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Aug 1967, p. 1

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rono0 eokl'y 'Ms -,OLUME 30, NUI'BER 33 ORONQ WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUSJSI3,. 1967. Poli-ce, Trusteees Appro ve A partments es ite Considerable Loc îoito TheOrn Police Trustees, de- spie a opposing petition signed s of lie Letter OpposesidApartmenth Vilggave approvai througliLfe , p se pîfm i 'Iolution fob the çonst netion of two. tripiex apartments on The following is a copy of a bouirs property. WitE- the gallons9 Princess Street. Tb., resolution signed petition sent to the Orono of water used by six familles, we givegapproval ito Mr.- J. O'Cbionski Police Trustees at. theis meeting wiiýl ail have to suffer h tu build the two trîiplexs on the on Monday ýevening: Let us hear from tePLAN- ,condition that ftet parking Ooo Ontario, NING BOARD and if they are in space for at îeast two cars per Oronot,,16 fax our of the proposed ýtriplex init dwelling be supplied. Dear Sirs: gs 2,97 apartmcliis, we must flot only ask for, but demand some form of The letter registered with the 'We, the undersigned, do hore- drainage. Pýoiýce Trustees in opposition to by oppos;e the proposed building Ti etrwssge ysm thie two tripiex apartmnents ap- of two triplex apartmnents on-te Td terwsin bsoe peýars eisýewhere ilu this issue of corner of Churcli and Princess twenty ceiglit residents of the area 0- apr the Editorial in the 'Ororo Weekiy ________________ Th' rooPoielrste 1as Stieets in Orono We agree with eîed a opy PofleTutersto the Times of August .24th lu that the Town.rsh'rip of Clarke from the Eon~p Pang ~ ~ Fve C ag dO Neruthumberillndi-Durham Health been bypassed n mteso 'Unit gving their approval of the which they sliould be consulted. apartmend tilding9-It lias been stated that one ofCo p ra 11 partme buldigs.thesebuildings is to face Princess A ý cafatry report from the SretWhtkn ofpaig Five Young rnen fromn the Osh- Ontarlo Watcr Resources in con- would face a front yard onto the awa area have heen, apprehiended néction With the ýoperation and back yard of others? This cer- maintenance program of the Or- tainly would devaluate 'the, two and wil2l T'appeain wCourtn p one Water System wag receîved. properties in question. The build- tme 2Temnwr ae Th rpot hoe te ve in g of twoI tripiex apartments is by the Provincial Police folIowing T-Ine reort howed th aveagean alarm at the Durliam, Farmers daily pumping at 22,000 ýOgais. not 1in keeping witli the othier Cut ooeaiea :5Mn xvtl the maximum daily galion- resideuices in this4 arca and we day morning. The f ive have been age of use beiug 103,000 gallons feel other home owners wouid re- released on bail. for one day in July of 1966. act thlieaime way. Two were arrested at the Co- A letter from Mr. James Luxon According to the Restriýcted (p eariy Monday morning whule complaîpingý of hors4es runrinig ng Area By-iaw under Sectýi 3: Pro-, týfie other thre were arrested ai are asrfcrdbyte visions an d (b) Reégulatl,,ions, it, later in the day in.Oshawa. bsiates nder Minimum Lot trea Nothing -was takeni from the PoliceTrustes to he Clake - uiliple Famjily Dweiling Witl budig TOwnlShip PlainningBor.MnialWer Sppy NO The Trusteeý, approved a pay- PRITD Permiss ion to build r_.ennt of $220 00, montiy f or th e rip!lex apartments, by Cotincil iimovaI of garbage fromn the Vil- would be a contradiction of their Clarke Public Sch1 l'Iýe of Orono which i to be re- own. By-law. Shioid the Rere troacte'ive to May ist, 1967l Mr._ ed Area By-law be redrafted it Wozodyard' stated that a new gar- wouid appear that By-laws can The Clarke Township Public bage by-law is to be prepared bechanged to suit every Tom, Sechool Board, with al members whereby residents in the Towný Dick and Harry. preserit, met on August l4th ship using the Orono dump are a lkvoqot hen they were informed by let- to be charged $6.0 a year. It was W oudter that school vîsîts to Expo sta'ted that -more refuse fromn the from Section 3, '.No building wr en otne rmSp shah be ereeted for residentiai or'w!ebigcnnudfomSp Township goes into the Village commercial uses on any land tember 1lth to October 2th. dunip than £rom the Village it- whîch due to li5 low lying, marshy Accounts totalling $6,448.90 self., Mr. Woodyard stated that or unstable character is consider- were presented for paymeiit by Ihe Township shouldbuy ýa dump eci unsuitable for the installation the Secdretary-Treneýurer. area in the north of the Township. of proper sewage and drainage Jas Stutt moved, James Low- Ir: discussingcthis matter it was facilities." We have been infornîcd ery seconded a motion that these poiinted but, that thýeTownshiip of iliat the Dcpartment of Healli accounts be approved for pay- Clarke la? consider(i-nig op erating bas given their approvai, but we ils own dunrp iiix esouth of the the resîdents of this area, know Township rather than rent- as it that thîs lhaif acre of land can- does at the present time. net1 provide drainage for, six a ge E t m MrWodyrdreprid rad familles. This sýpring this area Y~re E i r Mr Wodyad rportd a oad could have been used as a swim- expenditure of $299523 se far ming pool. Ahi this surface water The Orono Junior Gardeners' this year. The budget for the year enterg our b asements, must be C lîl helci a very s5uccessful fiow- had beeën set at $4000.00 * He fur- pumped out into our back yards, er show on Tliursday. August 24 ther pointed out that aithough wixere it sits or us onto a neigli- in the Orono lUnited Church au- they had cüt down the footage of ______________ dîtorium. oiling streets, that this cost was withiu $100.00 of last year due painted on the Main street of Or- One hundred and seventy-five to an increase in the cos4s per ono- This work is being done ýentries lu the flower ýshow and galion H1e aise said that grass tlirough the County Road Depart- nineteen ýentries ini the garden cu tting costse had increased due ment. competition gave the team. ef te the heavy-growth. 'Placing of r ooyr aegvn vl-judgeef from Bowmauville Kîwan- "No Parking",signs on the Main r.y teobtan rices for sidewalk is Club a difficuit task. street co&tý over $300.00. wérk and upon receiving a satis- The exhibits displayecl the Mr. Wloodyamd reported that factory price to have certain wonderful talents of the Young parking lunes weme sooný te be works doue as suoon as possible. members, even the novices are Orono~ ~~~ TyesWiFrs!Gm 0f ntaGrilydn The Orone Tyke basebalta -.n the tiret game et. o a two eýut ottre series on Sunday lasnt lu- tir sei-fnalphaydowns for O>n-. ~arioOron deteted enwick lu Fenwck y ascore et +f5-3 on Sun- daWternoon Tesecond aee tcsre wilhjJ be phayed in rn bi ei ing Sunday uat 2:00 oc 'ck lic Oýrono Park. If Oýrone, shoýuld win ibis game they AUihlten adovanée te fie final series for tic champ- ioriship et Ontario. Keiti Powell, pitching a steady game, was the winning pitcher. Don Ferren was, Orouo'&5 stairliii- ter witk three good soiid hits lui bts tour limes te bat. Tic local beys b 'eld lie lead tbrouglieut tic ame Plan no tecer these young beys ont-c ctiytIùs Sunday ut the OrornePark. ciewing great abilîfy. The ar- rangernýent- classes werc excep- tionally geod, one visitor remark- ed that mauy wcre good enougli te enter lu an adult class. Amus- ing characters made ýof vegetables were tic bit of the show. Misses Gay Quinton, Dale Evans and Laurie Sclimid lu Colonial and- National costumes deliglitcd the visitors as tea was served. The tea table was pretty witli paie pink gladiolus and white as- teson a paie green clef b; The sale of dozens of 'glads do- natced by Valley Sereamr Farrm contributed $2200 totfli rea- sýury. Districtl directors,' Mr and Mrs. F. Stepliens of Haw d were among theý visitors. Othiers wcr e presient from B)wmanvifie, School Term C ur vpl1y -Hol!ds5 Spli il n hree iAnalPcc Students in Orono, and Clarke, To:wnsihip and throughout, the province: will not be getýtiug the usual week'e, vacation at Easter next yenr. Instea-d it lias been aunouueed that the school year wili be di- Ivided iutd three, terms;, aeparateýd by at least one week's hoiidays. The first term, is 10 run from the day foilowing Labor day un- tii Dec. 22. *The next is fromn Jan. 3 teo the Frîýday preceding Mardi 21, The, third term starts on tic second Mouday following the end of the second term with school finishing June 30. There are a number of excep-, tions to the rules; 5ucli as if Jue 30 is on a Monday or Tues- day school will ýend on the pre- ceding Friday. Iu place oif the usual -weýek at. Easeter, students will get a, day off on both Goodi Fmiday and, Eas- ter Monday. The new miles, which- wiii be ln effect fliroughout Ontario, start 'with the retumu to scliool Septembeir 5. This year the three terme rum fmom: Sept. 5 to Dec. 22; Jan. 3 te March 15; and Mardi 25 fo June 28. ment wîth tic. folhowing excep- ionre. accountof Harvey Partner Ltd. In the amounit of $2998.66 for replacement bolier un Orono, Public Sehools,; tint $1,500.,00 be approved for current payment and tlie balance $1,598.66 be, paici wien the system lias operateýd fer a minimum .perïod, of 7 days teo the satisfaction of the Board and relating insipecfol-s4 resulting in a revised apprioved total et $4,950.24. This motion was car- Curvply Wood Productq lu Or- eue, held their company pienie on Sunday, August 27th at the Waltona Park in Newcastle. It was estimated tlint approximatehy 150 aduits and chidren were in attendance. There were games for the kiddies and adulte- and everyone took part itr try their lu i{ for fthc wonerfui prizes that v cre available Winners of the varlous. games 'were as foliow5a: RACES: Ages 1-6 Girls - Susan Nicho,ýn; Bey - Peter Hope. 6-8 - Boy Eric Selis; 8-il,- Girl - Alce Pruner, Single Girls- Joanne Munneke' Single Boys- Pat Ilarness C.HILDREN'S 8110E KICK- Boy - Frank McCartliy; Girl - Tammy Bougl'cn. CHILDREN'S 'PIE EATING - Girl - Alice 1runer; Boy- Frank McCartliy. M\ARRIED GIRL RACE Mary Clapdorp. MARRIED MAN RACE- Sieg- frrcd Blocek. ADULTS WHEEL, BARROW RACE - Siegfried and Ingrid Blô ck. ADULTS THREE-LEGGED RACE Alfons DeSmedi and Mary Ciap- dorp.- Atter the fun aud excitement, every one enjoyed a vetry filling buffet style lunch et potato "s'ai- ads, green salads, cold cuits and Kentucky Fried chickeu wlth relis and breads and tasty pies>, cakes and cookies. Thc atternon end*cd with tbose ln attendance showing ihelr thanis,ý and appreciation te the management and, those who help- ed plan the pienie. We hopeiliat it will be possible te moke this an annual event. ried.- REPORTS Mrs. Barlow, chaîrmani of tihe Transportation and Management Committee macle the tollowing re- porte: (1) In conjuncti with Mrs. Jeanne Staples of the Centennial Committee et the Clarke Teachers Association, they had been un- wr In J u nior l 1o-wer 1S h ow Whitby, 'Oshawn, Leskard and ai- se eue from Halifax. Nine-year-old Jamie Quinten was champion points winner. This is the tfiret lime a Junior lias carneil thîs distinction. Jam-ie will receive thre Bowmianville iI- wani:s Trophy at thc Awards din- ned lu December. Juniors were remindýed. te pre- pare a bouquet ln a disposable container for the Flower Sunday Serviee ou Sepiember 1tinlutihe United Churcli, 11:00 a.m. The Centennial arrangement ot red andi white glads was presen- ted te Mm. Fred Truli as the old- est visiàter at the show. Other bouquets were sent ont te aiiing triends lu the comniuuity. Prize winners were as follows in botli the senior, 12 te 16 'and junior classes, 6 te Il years Asters - Sm., Laurie Schýmid, Evelene Brown, Wendy erer Jr, Nancy Mercer, JamieQuto Zinnias, Sm., Donna Chahilice, Dale EvanEý, Wendy Mercer.; Jr. Jamie Quinten, Stephen Bamnett, Nancy Mercer., African Marigols veen Brown-î, Donna Chllie aui Smd;Jr., Stephen Bamett Yvonne Sclioenmaker, Nancy Mercer.1 Vase of Mixed Flowems,, S., Laurie Sclimid, Evelene, Brown, Donna Cliallice; Jr., Stephen Bar- ueit, Jamie Quinion, Sus4an West Pet ted Plant, Sm., Gay Quiuton, Dale Evans, Evehene Brown, Don- na Chailice; Jr., Debbîe West, Yvonne Sehoecumaker, Kim West. Carrots, Sr., Michael Obrlst, Donna Chaihice, Carol Barneti; Jr., Jamie Quinton,, Stephen Bar- nett. Beets, -Sm., Michael Obrist, Ev- elene Brown, Dale Evans; Jr., Jamie Quinton Steplien: Barneit, Nancy Mercer. Tomatoes, Sm., Donna Challirce, Evelene Brown, Wendy Mercer, Jr., Yvonne Scioenmaker. Nancy Mercer, Steplien Bamuýett Driftwood Arrangement, 'Se, Laurieý Scbmnid, Donna Challice, Gay Quluton; Jr., Esther McEwen Jamie Quinton, Debbie West. Diniug Table'Arrangement, Sr., Lairie Scimid. Gav Quinton. Ev- elene Brown,; Jr., Jamie Quinten, Kim West, Susan West, 'Colonial lsosegay, Sr,, Gay Quinton, Diane- Barn:ef t, Laurie Sebmid; Jr., Jarie Quinten, Kim Wesýqt, SusanWe. Floer osic, Sm., Laie Sdhi, ae CahmDna Chalice Jr. Janie uinonEs- (Continiued an page 8) 101 ION

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