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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Aug 1967, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TJIUXSDAY, AUGUTST 31, 1967 ORONO EEKLY TIME (Authorized as Sec--ond Class mail, Post Office Department, .Publàshed every Tluray at the offiee of publicatî o- Main Streetý, Phune 109, orono, üntario Est'ablushed in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Edttor and Manager Th. Really Big Show This coming week will flot only feature the Con- servative Leadership Convention, in.Toronto, a point of in- terest to ah Canadians,' but also the Durharn Central Agri- cultural Society Fair at Orono Il is the latter which we now hope to draw your attenilon and to have you as a visitor for thie two days, Septemnber 8th and 911, on which the fair is open 10 the public, Two commodIties are -necess.ary to make thîs fair a success; exhibits and attendance, and in both of these the generalpublic can assist. There are stili prize lists avaîlable for anyone who may wish to exhibit and are available at tle Orono Times and Mrs. J. Rickard of Newcastle. For those who are spectators and visitors, may we encourage your attendance for the two days of exhibition ln Orono. A great deal of work las gone mb îlte prepara-. thon of, this show and your attendance ensures its success. WeDidn'qit Meun This - QUICK ACTION - In last week's issue under "What Purpose the Plan- ning -Board" we were critical of the fact that the local levels of governments were by-passing the Clarke Planning Board la matters of interest an concera to ilis Board. Munday evening îhe Police Trustees made a complete re- reversai and refe'rred a letter, complaining of horses run- ning over a resident's garden, to the Planning Board. The irony of this move is lIai tle Planning Board in nu way has any jurisdiction over suc1ihaýppen1ings. The aci of referring tbis malter 10, the Planning, Board furtîit emplhas:izes the fact ilat local politicians, have 11111e idea of tle purpose and aims of a Planning Board. The Town Clock R. C. OECMPTS FRENCHI COURSE Whiy do I sigh? I tell you the reason. Durham M.P. Russell C. Honey No lighnt in your elock has8 completed an Immersion This Centennial season Course in the frendch language at Like he 'hole in the buéket', the Royal Military College in St. (Arthur fixed it no doubt), Jean, Quebec. He state& that an Please, someone fix it, tmproved knowledge of french; That light has gone out. wil le helpful in lis duties4; as a As I pîeer through the windows, fe4eral Membe of Parliamen(t, Which no o11e willî dean, particularly in, understanding the So sad and depreessing, you know debate on the malter of' constitu- what I mean; tionai amendmnent in Canada. That bright face is missing .When ýevening draws nigli, The students were from the Just thre sound of the trains, Liberal, P.C. and N.D P Parties. with their sweet lullaby. Durih!g the three week &b1ursea the Vve aitd an hoed tat ay-17 M.P. students attended classes I' e , oaned n d h op d ha m from , 8:30 a. ý to 1:00 p.m . The, Tel une night, ea notstudentsý lived, spoke and read' a glimmer, you're right. only ia french, leaving the col- Wlhatever the cause is; lege site only twvice. They visited On this I'm flot clear, Expo and the Granby Zoo on 3 Please lets have it lit, lOur tours. These excursione For Centennial year. were designed as pedagogical ex- ercisee to Nive the students an Hopefully, opportunity to praetice frenclha Betty Rocks. a practical fashion. Sport Brilefs BEATEN BY ýNEWCASTLE 1The Orono TykeF ret urned to the Orono diamond on Monday night. to play Newcastle Tykes in, tle second game of the beague playdowns. Newcastle dubbed the local, boys 9-1 in this feature which naw has this series tied at one game apiece, KENDAL DOWN ONE' The Kendal Intermediates dropped their first game la, the Otario playdowns with Water- down on Sunday in Waterdown. The final score, 2-1 for Water-, down. The second game of this: play- down seriesi will be played ln Kendal on Saturday afternioon commencing at 1:00 p mn MORROW PARK1 Orono harness horse drivers canme up with two winners at Morrow Park, Peterborough, last Saturday evening Jack Williams, driving bis own horse, Sycamore 1 Jean, and Junior West, driving Jerry Hat, were th'e two success-] fui drivers Junior West also drove to, a Recentiy at the Mohawk, Jun- sixth place With Lady Dean ior West drove to a second 'Place finish, driving Jack Reid's, Thel- Geiald Robinion drove !i four r aces during the evening placing giers. Keith West placed secoild Inir xvt~ is wn ors Sicoewith the West horse, Doc Foley, Boyd th i withouse PicandThe A rstrong horse, Passpodrt. Bovnthildwith Fbot Bractand Irecently finished, in s5econd place in a Mohawk event. Kristy Ann. The Township of Cla'rk. Noticen to Public Schools The Couneil of the Township of Clarke hereby çleclare Friday, September 8, 1967, Orono Fair Day, a civic holiday to provide a legal public school holiday in the 'Town- ship cf Clarke. H. E. MJLLSON, Clerk N.HR.L. Hockey Star Here is your chance to meet one of thie great Hockey Stars of the N.H.-'I. play the exciting Esso Hockey Game.. browse through the colourful hoý-ckey exhibit . and find out wvhat's newv and better in MODERN HOME HE,-AHNG ký-QU1PMENT. Ail this is yours to enjoy wvhen the big Esso Hockey Ca-ravan cornes to town. Be sure you attend and enter your name in the big Esso Hockey Trip Contest. t's the big event of the season.. k ~DONT MISS IT! â n~~ Did You Know?. -traI the first dhurch buhîtin Orono in 1845 is stihi in existence. -that the bakery las been used continuois1ýy for rfie same purpôse for nearly ninety years ani that tle rest aurant idea la not a new une. -that we lad a barber with two pet coons that gaveQ bis place of business an aroma ail its own. -fIat whiskey was wortl 15e. a gallon in 1857 and fiowed every where like waiýer. Orono was nometîmes bowling wild at nighl and there were broken heads and black eyes. The drinking places were open on Sundays also, and a drunken man or two was no0 uncommon sight on the street, by Helen Sehmid Mr. Honey stated that in the three week period he read onlv the frenchlJanguage press. He was imnpre4sed wtl the deep concern iha that press with the malter of constitutional changes. 'Te fngilsh language press has been inclined to ignore or gloss over this issue, which is a very live one in the Province of Queb- ec" he said. The Durham M. stated that we can "ignore this subjeet only at th'e peril of con- federationl He expressed the hope that a better abiity to read the thoughtful frpiich language prezOs will enable hlm to obtain a greater comprehension, of the debaie -which is 110w a very real concern in Quebec, and put 'hlm in a better position to interpret and assess such matters for bhis cOfl5tituents '-and, others in Eu 1g- lish âpeaking Canada. your cIioice! deta ils at the Esso Hockey Caravan HARVEY PARTNER'LTD. PHONE 983-5206 A. H.s STURROCH &~ SONS LTD*. PHIONE 6z3-5516 BOWMANVILLE, ONT, t ORONO, ONT.

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