ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1967 Report From Queen's ParkJt Alex Carranr, M..P ) Drhami and cherished sacred cows-- The Universal Welfare State t he Welfare State, appearse to be One ,of Britain's most famious ln difficulty. The experience ofM that country may provide a les-' that country reverals that after son for us inib anada, where theJ nineteen yeairs of the world',s ýtrend has been s4teadily toward a 'first free, National Health, Secr- similar type'of society. vice, under a welfare economy, one million children are living ini Britain's venture, into social- pvry isým, instead of vanquishing want, P disease, ignorance, squalor and There is a growing realization idlenes4s, appears te have rxesuit- on the part of responsible citi- ed in~ a widening between the zensi in this province, and in other ,have and have nets. jurisdictienis, that the concept of A recent govexnment report, in social benefits for ail, meanL, GLENRA E DAIRY- OFFERS YOU The- Finest iln Dairy Products' SERVING THE AREA FOR 52 YEARS if It's Gln Re It's G.od Gln' Alil Canada Insurance Fedieration on behalf of THE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE INDUSTRY that the enormeus cost of any increase - i these benefits, pre- ventq it from being large enougli to help those in real need. The dilemma faced by the Labour Government in Bitain is, wheth.er to continue the Welfare State, tliinking that the only way to help one million needy child- ren, is te raise the family allow- ance for ail six million of the nation's chidren - rich or poor, or to concent*rate help where help is needed. To follow the firsgt course, would mtean a further in- crease in the present $191/ Bil- lion bill for, social, serviceq, A belief isi beginning to devel- op that universality in any wel- Sf are programme militates against thoee who need the assistance. It maintains, them at a subsist- ence level while the gap between themn and the affluent grow jThe solution wouid appear te be the abandoning of universal- ity and giving the help wliere help iii needed. This is the pres- ent policy ef the Ontarlo Govern- ment in its OMSIP and -other pro- grammes of social accurity. . Funther proof of the high cosîi and limited benefits of univers- ai ýwelfare piegrammeq, eau be found in a comparison of taxes in Canada with those in Sweden, gone the limit in cradie-to-gav a country whiich seems to have School Meâeting Continued f rom page 1 able toi establisîh a display area for t1>1 School Museum Articles and as a resuit the articles, were 110w tored lu, the basement of Orono School. (2) An agreement had been reached with Mrs. Vinkle to per- foirm the caretaingduUis at Newtonville Public School at $14000 per month for il months of the year. (3) Mrs. Jean Payne and Mrs. Eilecen Allun, prospective teach- ers, would net accept contracts for a full time -teaching position but would bel willing to do sup- ply teaching. (4) Mr-. Jack Carscadden had ýbeen advised te prepare a sched- ule for the transportation route he currently operateýs and applic- able te. the redistribution of grades for the 67-68 term and'to submit same for Board approval. Mr. Jas Stutt of the Property and Finance Committeei reported that a p'reliminary survey of ,ýchool properties indicates that painting should be undertaken on a 3 year schedule. His committee would recommend that the exter- ior of Orono and; Brown's schools be paintied duking the current year. In consideration of heating oil requirements for the coming sea- sos. The Board agreed te continue purchasing from Texaco Canada James Stutt moie and James towery seconded that the secre- tary be authorized to advertise for tenders for the exterior'pain- ting of Orono and l3rowns Public Schools The secretary was authorïzed te request tenders for the Instal- lation of a drain and pump for the flowiug well at - thej Kby Centeninial School. The secretary was instructed te lnitiate action to prepare Stark- ville school for occupancy by Sep- tember. '1