ORQNO WEELKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1967 Report From (Continued fromr page 3j sedurity. ASK FOR IDEAL1 distribu CEDAR DA Jug Milk at: Arr iiank's& For Home Deive R OYAL THURSDAY, FRID.AY, SATURI WALT 1Y 1h. Shat The Absent-Mil One Complete Show I "Shaggy Dog Matinee SUNDAY, SEPT. 3 TO inin Western Europe. Thbey,,get Q ueens Parkhosg subjsidies, rent rebutes for low incomie groups, free hos- Theicwdes, a mnaterial way, pitalization, sublsidies for doctoirs' ienjoy the higliesut standlard of liv- bills and drug bis, free carein child biTth, cash allowances for maternity, 'free higher educafion, siek pay,, unemployment i insur- ance, old age and disability in, surance, etc. The cost of the pro- gramme howeve1r, has placed a heavy burden on the Swedish tax-, -e ù- Lvpayer, ae the following facts illu- strate:. 1. A married Swede, with an income of $5,600 pays 25 percent of his ijicome in Social Security taxes. In Canadâ, a Canadian with 2 children pays only 9 percent on 2A single man in Sweden, earning $5,000 pays 35 perent. In Canada, it i5i 15 percent. 4. Taxes represent 66 percent of the cost of a gallon of gasoline !in Sweden .- compared with 39 i percent in Ontario. j5 The tax rate in Sweden on i a package of cigarettes is 60 per- cent. In Onario, the rate i5 57 Ipercent.' ~ '< '~6. Living costs have Zisen 30 percent in Sweden since '1960, compared with an annual . rate of j 2.2 percent in Canada. The cost however, must alsïo be measured in the moral and social effects of the programme. Although favoured with a smal population growth, Sweden, after DATRYPRODCTS wenty years of building the DAIR PROUCTSworld's; greatest Welfare State, is uted 1by aced with many serlous prob- lems, including:- 1. A discontented and restive population. %LE, UAIKT 2. A serlous poliitical setback for its Labour Goverament. riistrong's, Snelder's 3. Adoubling of the crime rate, Snack Bar sînce 1950, with juvenile crime ry Phone 983-5030 largely responsibile 4. A sharp increase ln crimes of violence. 5. During the last three years, the number of homicides and _______________________ Irobberies has climbed by 80 per_ cent. B owTmafVillle 6. Acute alcohiolism is gi at a startling rate. 7. The housing is s 623-5 89 - sever'e now, than twenty tDAY - AUG. 31 - SEPT. 1, 2 ago. There is a waiting IË, >INE'Shoiising ila'Stockholm of 1. plus 50,000 looking for hion, the city's suburbs. ggy Dog8. Deepite goverament cor ggy Dogrents for apartments and bu~ eosts have skyrýocketed nded rofesor 5 Workers ia the *lowe~ middle income brackets p Each Evening at 7:30 taxe&s, twice as much asQ DSaturda>' - 35 cents workers in the same bracWkd Looking behind the facq 0 SUDAYSÉPT 10Sweden's 'Great Society', ~ SUDAYSEPT 10la disturbing picture - a pict how at 7:30 p.m dvl ngciss fot one iajl problems solved. "ON['OFTIHE MOST BEAUTIFUL MO VIES EVER MADE!" -tife magazine "7,~ WINNER OFO ACAD EMY çt DAVI1D L E AN'SeiF 1IL M 'x F wPASeRN G[RJ21INE QMPN JUUE CHRISTIE -TOMOORTNA ALECGU1NE~ O8HA McEN~4- RkPH ~HARSL) Aduit ts $15 Students $100l SUNDAY IDNIE EPTEMBE'R 3 ALTFRlED IITCIICOCK*'S Thep.Birds Monstor on the Campus Atâult enterLinment SUNDAES & SODAS Light Lunches Fîsh & Chips HANK'SI Snack Bar 'I Ail Snîokers Supplies Agent for.- GILLARD CLEANERS Delivery Tuesdays,. Thursdays, Fridays Mantt's Barber Shop and BiI'lrds OO OýNT. HN 9 -~---~ -~j 83-5539 AGood Selction-, of FOR TUE WE-N AGENTS FOR Ceuemal, Cleaners e_____________________________________lu________0__ ALL YOUR SCHOOL SUPPLIES ARE NOW IN STOCK FOR STUDENTS 0F ALL' GRADES We Are Ready For The Rush Sýtutt's Pharmacy Phone 983-.5009 Orono, Ontarie 177M. --ll 11, - . .