M and 'Ars. Roy Foster at- tended tht Good Roads Conven- tion in Port Arthur last week. Mr. Wesley Campbell of Port MeNichol vis4ted with Mr. and Mrs. G Cathcart on Sunday Anether of Kendal's older cit- Lzens passed away on Friday, August 25th in the person of Mr. Norman Patton. H1e was, born north of Kendal 77 years ago. He went to live on the farmn west of Roy Mercer'a at the time of his miarriage. H-e farmed and drew the mail fil his- wife'sý death, February 29, 1956, eleven years ago. Then- he made bis home with his youngest daughter Aud-' rey, Mrs. A. Loweg of Peterbor- eough. H1e aiso spent some of lis lime the last year with his9 Ken- We Hope Yon'II J oin even if: -you've bden too busy to- sign Up. OR -you're not interested i saving money. OR -you neyer have to borrow 1money. You, Ca't Afford to Pass Up Membership in the Orono District, CREDIT UNION 1'reas'.-Man., Mrs. P. Werry RoIph Hairdware, fi e dalson, Mr. Rosa,- lot of time in hos, Lo moura in b Ross, Morris and F 'Jaughters, Marjorie zciAlAudrey <Mrs Several from Kencà borougli attended His brother-ind-aw, Mercer, invited the ftuneral t cone tà Farmers are havi time harvesting the ,because they are s fallen down. farthe-: eastofthCe rning ide Patton and ïH'! x iie o hrda ~t lis anwýikI cil gd acie-r eU lîcn ieal fe leavesMnan M.Carl imtt stbeesos, Mrn M rs.Chas, og, To-r- that may not be- denied;Ml s of Thunderboît Hus Elmer: and uo onto visited one day as ee ndai akisaWiny dy eae (Mrs LpWs) wth h r Airs Carlingbp. wiýi hewhîe louslyigSe-cet Sea - White A. Lowes), Mrs Bob hlmes ared baby sinGae dai and Pete-of Ciooksviiln ,spent tiswek I teflung spi-ý, ray and te bonY nMsey-Gg the funeral. ~iir parents, Mr. and mrie pmadti sagil 1ig vn diiic*Fn nu iviryn. Up And' Down The Book Stocks Il must go down to the seas again, t-o ýthe- vagrant gipsy life, To _the gu l's way and the6 whale's way where the. wind'S like a whierted knife; And al 1 as-ký is a merry yarni The Kendal women have been Space team, eia em 'u1aingîigÂ"u-ut1 busy' along with 'the Shiloh and ùeam teaching, teamn spirit! I And quiet sleep and a sweet Newtonville ladies papering and ail fields to-day, team work is a cî, ca-m wâeni the long' trick's painting the Manse in prepara- necessary key to success. The ln- over., »tion for the coming of our new dividual must be prepared to tone John Masefield nunister, Rev., T. Snelgrove. 11e down bis opinion-s for the good NEW BOOKS wiIl preach on September 3rd. of the group as a whole. Paperback mlysteries for jun The Induction Service will take Indeed, a remarkable feat of iors and senior high school Stu. place ln Kendal Church on Wed- individu ai -effort lis so rare that dents nesday night, Septeniber 6tb. it is, a newsworthy event as was Mr. and Mrs Keith Wood vis-'Sir Francis Cbichester's solo cir- Blue Treasure - Girvan îted ln Port Perry last weekend cumnaviga-tion of the globe Dangerous Deadline -Bno Invited gueEts at a lunchen This was not bis only snolo suc-! Golden, Eagle Mystery- Queen. on Friday, September lst, put on!cess and the se-a was flot his4 only Green Turtie Mystery Queen. biy the Canadian National Exhi- field ,From bis autobiography Great- Pyranidli Mystery mol gan bition will be Mr. and Mrs. Roy "Theý Lonely Sea and the Sky", Malay Adventure - Phillips. Foster, Mrs. Fairbrother, Mrs. H. the rende-r learas that his firit Mystery 'at Deer Hill - Voig'ýit. Lowery and Missý C. W, Stefart. tone attempt was a plane- fliglit Mystery of the Empty, Roon: ln the 1930's when airpianes -S were flirnsy, unreliable, and m Lurua1 lacking accurate navigational in- LOC L uvs trument,-. M jThis is a book worth reading, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Forrester -not only for its tale of ýexciting and Nancy, Mr. and Mrç4. Donald, adventurel)Uit for an insighit in- Stapies and famuly spent Snday 1 o the philosophy of a sailor, fly- with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas For- - er and navigator with a refrela- M rester and family at their cottage ingly unique personality. on Cameron Lake. The word "ionely" la the titie . Weekend visitore with Mr. andjis ýsignificant because that isa Mrs Don Evans and Dale were theme on" which he touches often - Mr. Douglas Fýorrester and Mr. 1From an, carly age, he recognized Douglas Workman of Toronto solitude and learned not to fea'- Mr. and Mrri. Jim Wiliiams of being* thrown on his own re- O0shawa and Mrs. Williams Sr. of sources. The tîtie is fromr Masefield's poem "Sea Feyer'. Chichester UNITED CHIJRcH states that these 12 lines of poe-,l I try give the key to his ietm -Orae Pas teral search for romance and adven- ture. un-a, 5V Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1967 Orono United Church Service at 11.15 a.m. Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday Scheol at 11:0 Lesard- Sunday School. at 9:45 DENTIST Orono, Ontario Orono Medical Centre Office Heurs:- 9:00 te 1-00; 2:00 te 6:00 Saturday 9:00 te 1:00 Pho(ne 983-58125 ATTENTION FARMERS ~~~~ WYPAMOE ? __ O PREIUMQUAITeY SFARM TANKS and PUMPS-AVAILABLE CALL COLLEUT WIIITBY 668-3341 DX OIL COMPANY s s $$$ s -s$$ s $ Il 1SEA FEVER I musit go down to, the seas again, týo the lonely sea and the &ky, And Ëii I ask, is a tail ship and, a star to stee'r ber by, And the, wheel's, kick and, the Jwind's song and the white. al shaking, -And a grey mist on the seas face and a grey dawn breaking. I must go down to the qeas -again, See Our the Haunted Mine- the Haunted Pool- ystery of the Mooncusser- [eweitt. ystery of the, Piper'n Ghost- New H ARMSTRONG'S HARDO0F, HEARING? O TIC ON briugs yon better IIEARING Hearing Aid! Iffave your hearing tested by Mr. Gabriel, a Certif led Hear- ini hearing for over 63 years. Hame your rearing tested by Mr. Gabried, a Certified Hear- ing Aid Audiologist, who bas served the hbard of hearing for the past 18 'years. Inquire at ORONO ELECTRIC Oronu, Ontario Repairs and Batteries For Ail Makes of Hearing Aids Agent for Bowmanville Cleaners -GLENl RAE DAIRY PIRODUCTS NEISON'S ICE CREAM L.P. RECORDS SCHOOL SUPPLIES Sof t Drinks& Tobaccos Open Evenfngs except Wednesdays I~] MVr. H-arry friends at the >his home. ,ing a diffkëult ir grain crop& so twisted and 1 - ESSES