ORONO WEEKLY TIMUES, THÎURSDAY, SEPTEMBER .t ~'uLiscdevey Tiusd.~ya"t thrà efice ut pubutcai-,î,r 7VanStreet, Pn11one 109, urono, nai ialse n 1938 by R. A. For1rester Roy C . Forrester - Editor andi Manager Mr.,Enest Dent's duties as manager of the Orono Ilyro sute were terminated as of September lst due to his rsgain His resignation severed his, ossociation with ydoafe twenty-two years of service, twenty years as mngr During lis period Mr. Dent becatne 'Mr. Hyciro' in Orono aýnd was involved ini cvery facet of the system's grow,ýth fo management, planning, construction to op- eration. H-is main concern over the years was continuous uninterrupted hydro service to the cuastomer. To this end he engineered a continued upgradinig of -the system to keep pace with 'an ever increasing demand and, to proýide unînterrupted service. Mr. Dent was always conscientious of bis service and during advei'se weather conditions was always on hand at any hour of thie day to work under the rougbest of conditions to restore or repair hydro if necessary. Mr. Dent was, and continues'to be, proud of the system he has built in Orono. Local citizens now enjoy the efforts of bisplanning and work and surely lis aims have heen met because we do enjoy uninterrupted service. To Ernie we must say a big "THANK YOU" and wîsiî bim well in his new venture at 'Canawood Shoppe,' Justice Mînister, Pierre Trudeau's speech delivered recently t0 the Canadian Bar Association on the subject of constitutional reform is, or should be, an important mile- stone on the road to true Canadian unity. Opposing, as he does, any specal political status for the province of Quebec, Mr. Trudeau suggests that further guarantees than those -in the British North America Act be extended ito French as one of Canada's officiai languages. While if is true thaf the 'BNA Act only guarantees officiai status for French in the Parliament and courts of the Dom- inion and of Quebec, there are other areas in which most reasonable Canadians recognize a need for furfher recog-' niin- for example in the officiail business of the capital "Th riht o learn And to use ither of the !two of1ficii laniguae sol be recognizedci," Mr. Trudeau saiO. i, ad dddhat agreement on this matter would prob- ably solvec ,a basc isuacing, Canada. Mr. Trudean, ln line, with the Pearson government's policy, i1ndicated opposition fo a full-blown, constitutional coference. Hte stiggested that careful discussions and graduai change where necessary wcre preferable to "public prosedution" of the constitution. There can be no doubt that Mr. Trudeau .- ani of course therefore the govermnment - iis right. If the whole, matter were toe be thrown wide open, if a constitutionai convention, were caileci with elected delegates, the field would be open to the political' campaigning of exfemists - on every side of every question - and we might wind up with neither a constitution nor a country worthy the name. Perhaps most important of ail is Mr. Trudeau's ln- sistence that the first sfep should be to make the Bill of Rights part of the constitution, in order to protect individual Canadilans fromn arbitrary exercise'of power, either federai or provincial. Here is the essence of- -democracy, and it is A good sign that the Minister of Just- ice considers' it of prime importance in our constitutional development. DURHIAM 4-11 POULTRV CLUB ed the club to order- and organiz-I FINAL MEETING 1 ed a class of cows for judging. After the iud.ging was complet-]I The last meeting of the Dur- ed,-we gave our reasons. Mr. Wm. 1 ham Poultry Club was held on 1 Tamblyn, club leader, gave us Monday August 2lst at the farm!pointers on iudging dairy cows. of our leader, Gary Jeffry. The M rni OeCu edr meeting was, openec at 8:0 by demonstrated showmansbîp for the1 Presidcnt. The minutes were1 fairs. We were given instructions' read and the roll eall answered.1 on how ýto prepare our calves for Gary t oic us what to look -for: the fait, as well as many cietai.îs in a class of meat type birds on our duties at Orono Fair, Sep- which we judge I and gave reas- tember 8th when our Achievement onîs on. Vie' official placing and da'y 's leld. reasons were given by Gary. The laEf wrk hée ws tken upan A quiz on the club work foi- ther preparation of the birds-foýllowed. t-h, fa*. it discussec closing Briaîî Kfox, c lub president the meeting. called tbe attendance and spolie Gary was thanikeci by Elizabeth briefly to the senior elub. Kellogg. We thank Mis. Jeffry for the nice lunch.i Mr, andi Mrs. Malcolm served On bebaîf of the clubI1 would us a deliciotis lunch of cake- andi lîke to tbank, Gary Jeffry and ice cream. lion Brooks for being such good1 Senior club members are re- leaders,' Much time was, spent iminded they are al respousible andi we are very grateful to tiîem. frordslya rn ar SENIOR 4-11 DAIRY Neil Tink thankeci Mr. and CALF CLUB- Mrs. Malcolm for their hospital- For'our final Dairy Caiýf Club ity. meeting thlis year, we melt at the! We thank our leaders, M.r Tam- hoe f AMr. and Mrs. Neil Mal- blyn and Mr. Jose for their as- colm Btcksock -o Monday ev-sistance duriug tbe season, as enng1,, Agut28tb, Iweil as Agrîcultural Represenfa- Mr'. T* R.Suerad Assistant tives Mr. Dairymple and Mr'. Agriultual Rpresntafvecail- 1 Sutherland. NO JO Esubpsiute forreuci ch ZIstro Classified Ads N-110 M I 1veis in the body and the risk Oneofth joescurenlyma- f heart disease, the finding is PAINTING TENDER a rciclewhih xtremclly significant. 'The nuti-j Tenders xiii be received up to ing the rounds is idi hc tionistsi- have wisely concludedI and including September 15, 1967, i asks the question: "What do you that herei-snecci for further lu,- i or preparati.Jn, vàrmisling and ! cali a dry parrot? ' The answer: vestiîation before dietary chaug- painting ("2 coats) of ail eYterîor1 "Polyunsaturated." es are recommendedc trim, plus fence of ,the Orono. While not ýexactîy colîapsing jThte Senator continued, "It is Medical Centre. AIl tenders; must Ifrom laugh.ter, we were remindeci too b ac these findings, weren't state types of1 materials t1o be of this littie item by Senator Aik- mlade several years ago,. Since used, andi date work will be comn- en of Vermont; The Senator, a 1960 a siguificant share of the de- pbeted. Contracf or responsibIe for longtim chmpin o th dary ine in dairy products consump- cleaning up of windows etc., fol- indu11stry, recently called the at- tion is traceable, to doctors' rec- iowing compleion of paintng. For f teion of bis colleagues in Con-, ommerdations, fanned by the oieofuteinomincnatJ.D gres t soe nw fndigs n telobby, that heart patients should Moffat, 983-5944, or R. F. Ruther-1 srubs et oeserol. The fngsindithe remove dairy, products from their ford, 983-5648, after',6 p.m. were contained ln a report of ag diets and substitute polyunsatur- Mail ail sealedi tenders, marked Iricultural re1search scientists: j ated fats." "Painting" to Box 74,. Orono, Ont,.' With the new evîdence that b3- Said tbis report: switchaing to the corn-ail type sub-- stitutes can actually increase1 NOTICE, "Plyna.uatd as te mcholesterol leveNs, the Senator The Orono Girl Guides, will iÜln vegetable 1stimlate, psero- rightfully concluded ýthat mucb of holdl their first meeting on Wed- ducionofchoestro. Rseachthe well intended, medical ad-lnesday, Sept ember l3tb from 7 nutritionists have' uncovered newvice was premature and perhaps to 9 p.m. in the, Orono United facts la the metabolism of 1chol armful. 1Church Christian, Educational esterol in the body.,Dietarycorn "If all goes to, show that a little Building. - oul bas been found 'to stfimuiate knowiedge can bedangerous .. -- the produiction, by the body of bhe conciudedý. To which we can Mnwne o 50fml -choiesterol."Ma atfo 150 aml ail ad "Aen."Rawieigh 'business. Permanent if Senator Aiken commented that The Holstein Friesian _Associ-jyou are hustier Wzite Rawie.igh, "Isince polyunsaturated fats (like ation of Canada, Brantford, Ont, o are hustler.* Write. Rawleigh,, corn oil) are beîng used as a Submitted by Everett Brown. St., St. Henry, Montreal. N.HL. Hockey Star R FAI R SEPTEMBER8 AND 9 Here is your chance ta meet one of the great Hockey Stars of the N.H. ..play the exciting Esso Hockey Game . browse through the colourful hockey exhibit .. and find out what's new and better in MODERN HOME HEATING EQUIPMENT. Ail thiîs is yours to enjoy when the big Esso Hockey Caravan cornes to town. Be sure you attend and enter your name in the big Esso Hockey Trip Contest. It's the big event of the season ... À ~4 4 DON'T MISS IT! y ~~~~ ~~~o' ! d aHat h e ~o o~y aa PHIONE 983-5206 ORONO, ONT. A. H. STURROCH & SONS LTD. PHONE 623-5516 BOWMANVILLE, ONT.