ORONO WEEKLY TIMIES,TURDYSEEBE h,167__ 'i FARERS ASUREI~f; i mnge f le Federation, V HLP ONSDERD f 1Agriultur.f Dia aoW'upuwof D'f -iAs.-u.ance of conýsiderationj of I nitriw r oesi gt t umaboassi3ance fr crop hat tLo thje idviU farmer a- 'f'ia!t'er )were abou t as.g ia rsutofsvee rsste poiethe hail dam-, ~~ni ~- U vlag n 98 n ta gso(sIbssumr a gvn oag as of a grave natufe, ie '8I 'TAF reeiewec sonpootstinig a- r gîo-P of famr t a meeing aarný5age has flot been confined to gantca-s akn in the centre r te Cold p ng cmmniy n one area, niiatu-. ally, somne L LL.. ofth us esseto.Anitm~aîaieas have been harder bit tijanG E E printled ii 1921 state,:" ai others, lbe dded. that anuld 0be soppd"The Avoiaey 50 farme"s, rigs in the church shedl and feit1 section of Northumberland~ County pRogram woud probassbenset D A IR Y nure *ndbugy one~s ef thir naitl frrnthene t~we e fl 1 xr'érr oe xd poaby abest the, car owneirs dbd(ntýt deserve1 were told any assistance would tip alo.ng the lines. of last year's special piivileges. probably be i the form of inter- ivhich cost the government some est free boans from, the Ontario 18 million dollars. OFFERS YOU Did you know that we had a department of food and agricul- weaver by the namne of Siev-!ture wrig'it who made shirts that you 1 The lbans would be granted to TeFns nuiy rout neyer got cold in a-, they keptfarmers who have lost, in some THE DURHIAM 4-B POULTRY ,ou backled uip against every fencei cases, as mucli as two-thirds of CLUB ACHIEVEMENT DAY otini towri scr.atingoee their grain crop as a resuit of severe rain andi hall storms ear- The Durham 4-H Poultry Club SERVING THE AREA FOR -th!at uneý of the first grist ,lier this summer bele its Achievement Day on Aug- inlsin Clar:e was once operat-' The area moste severly affected ust 26th at Blackstock Fair. The 5 E n mgin the valley west of the bak- by the storm stretches from 'members had their birds at thie 5 E erv and t1hat wolves were so thick Bewdley to Harwood. fair for 9:30 and the judging at th1ey were known to 'have followv Russell Rowe, MPP for North- 10:00. Mr. Daîýrymple and Gary ed the millers children to their umberland, attended the meeting Jeffry judged the birds. The first home near the mill. A branch of and asked for suggestions whîch three ln theclass were: If If's Glen Rue t' Good thsfail]y is stiîl well represent- he might present to the provinc- lst- Dianne Darch ed by the descendants &f George ilal minister of agriculture, Wil- 2nd Brian Metcaif Awd'e and Mary Jane Hooper in liam Stewart. 3rd - Wes Lane D)arlington Township. Mary Jane Also ln attendance at the meet- The club had 100% completion, wvas a daughiter of the miller, who Ing was Dan Caley of Lindsay, somethîng to be proud of. after running the mill a f ew yPars, died a horrible death' wvhen caught i some new mach-I i1nery. -4ýhat the home (on soutfh cor- neýr of Princess and Main Streets) knowný as the Gamsby home, was the site of Oroino's first drug h o n i f t e Mn cp lt MUNICIPAL :eeLcAiWfte o nhp fC ak LIKENED TO BIBLE "Municipal Law is like the Bible," Mayor J. A. Heenano interpreted in different ways." He was commenting on the advant- ages of the United Counties Mun-____________________________________________ icipal Workshop to be held in Cobourg on September 20 and 21. During the' two-day program l The Council -of the Municipality of the Township of Clarke hereby gives notice that it intends r persons involved in municipal af- to pass a By-law to close-up or stop-up the Road AHlowances in the Township of Clarke, in the fairs will have many of their ,unyo Duhm'oýow g taisea: questions answered and municip- Conyo Duhm foow gta isosy: i. k aI law problems sorted ouI. 1. The Part of the Road allowance, now unopened, between Lots 2 and 3, in the First Concession Mayor Heenan said that with of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, more particularly described as follows: the changing face of Onario and "Ail and singular that part of the road allo wance between Lots 2 and 3, Concession 1, the municipalities involved it was y fCak oth ~..1 0 n desirable to work on a uniforminl'in the Townsip o Car e ngNrtOf the lot ueryliîmit of ±±îghway40 an basis. "There is the letter of the south 'of a line drawn through thé, said road allowance on a bearig North 26 degrees kaw and the intenïion of the law.. 05 minutes East from a point in the ýsai d road aflowance 246'.66 feet South' of the north Different people interpret il f atanl fLt ntesidfrtcocsinn d4erex4t w*îs'!he said, 'Ithietageo ot3i h aý frtcneso. workshop may provide some of the answers." 2. The Itoad Aiiowance between Lots 14 and 15 in the Fifth Concession of the Tow'%nship of Clarke, County of Durham, extending from the southerly limit of the said Fifth Con- cession to the northerly limit thereof. < Clarke Schools 3S. The Road Allowance between Lots 6 and 7 in the Sixth Concession of the Township of Clarke, County, of Durham, extending from, the southerly limit of the said, Sixth Conces- Continued £rom Page 1 sion to the -northerly limlit thereof. Lockharts school, teaches grade 7 with Mr. Beam teachng grades 5 4. The Road Allowance between Lots 34 and 35 in the Second Concession of the Township-r ani 6, Mrs.' Gibson grades0one ,o Clarke, County of Durham, extending fr om the southerly limit2 of the said Second Con- and'two and Mrs. J. Ingrabam cessiïon to the northerly limit thereof. 1- j, grades three and four. The staff at the Orono school 5. Part of the Road AlIowance between Lots 30 and 31 in the Second Concession. of the reniains the same as last ye'ar Township of Clarke, County of Durham,- being the northerly 1155 feet southerly of the with one exception. Miss Kathy suhrybudr fQensHgwyN.15 Scott of- Newcastle replaces, Mr. suhrybudr fQensHgwyN.15 Muldrew who now teaches la the Kirhy school. Miss S cott will 6. Part of the Road Allowance between Lots f6 and 7 In the Second Concession of the Town- teach. grade 7. ship of Clarke, County of Durham, extending from the northerily -liniit of Queen's High- Mrs.Touhbun, Ms. . Bil-way No. 2 to the northerly limit -of the said Second Concession. ey and Mrs. D. Stapies teacli the first three grades at the sehool. 7. Part of the Road Allowanée between Concessions 9 and 10 adjacent to Lot 35 in the Town- Mrs. R Caleton grade 4, Mrs. sipofCareCuny f uha, n a son oln aPla-nnof SuvnIrve %Y by . L rw