ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAV, SEPTEMBER Ith, 1967 -j OFFICE MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 983-5032 Res. 983-51421 Grono"'s Licensed Auctioneer and' Valuat&>î Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates PHONE ORONO 983-5914 Family YI mordas our quality and service leavesi nothing to lie destred Ask the persoax who bought from us, a neighbour, friend or relative The RUTTEIt (ýR1NlTî COMPAN I ,73 On tario Street PORT HOPE -Largest Display lun Southeru Ontario" adCycle Orono Phone 983-5343 McCULLOCH IBOATS & MOTOItS CHAIN SAWS Repairs to ail makes of LawiI MovWes and 2 and 4 cycle Engines OTACO PLOW, POINTS AND MACHINERY PUMPING, OUT SEPTIC'TANKS WHITrE WASHING STABLES Bert, TonIpkiIIs Phone 78e-2552 Building A New Home? or Remodelflng Cail 983-5713 Orono LYCETT- Plu'mbing & Heating PHONE 983-5407 Orono,Onao FRAN ~~~Furnished 0 ooriE(Y) Z-,. ~ ~ '~' g honlioe New,ý ite 987 70 t d-37-c e - > 1, < " a A .. ýo'aI T, avel Aen, r Burley Bus LIIEDAUCTION SALE Lines 7237171. e-38-c awa 110ti Cate 3 i orrosw U 21 KING ST. WEST f &tiiCtl,3'rco' NOTICE TO CREDITORS o Bomnvle623-3393 O Machinery, baled 1'ay, 'traw, IN THE ESTATE 0F ROWLP.NDLa b ~ 92917 gGrain etc. Tlie property of Mrs. 1111,L IIOLLINGSWORTI-I late ofAi Porto9Ofic-917 Luther Allin, lot 15, con. 3, Dar- the Township Clarke in t e 983 98 g LingtonTSwn.i- 88mils4no1lb Countfy of Durliam, Retired Far-~h of 98WltnSt 8545anville on the Scugog mr e ae:mai FREE APPRAISALS Ù oad. Seiing witliout reserve onmedcad:asn ca 4l Exclsiv Agnt or aturaySepembr 2rd, gainst tlie estate of tlie raid Row- oflo ~ ad Hilli Hollingswortli, who- g J. OCHONSKI g Terms cash. jack and Cliarles' died on or about the 15th, day of. o CONSTRUCTION 0RiAcineranSlsMn April 1967, are liereliy notifiec -Lt<f 3-Bedroom Bungalows gReid uciner dSae Mn4o send f0to te Administratrix or,,,, Priced, from $15,375.00 grs the undersigned Solicitor, on ora g o lts75x00 g efore the lltli day of Septem- gOrono Area Representative FOR SALE br 1967, their namesa. adrss j' I Jo Oono nw Trilex tiees and full particulars of their. gOVFOER gItwo-bed room aar'.mei kit- claimis and the nature of the Se- o Kendal - Phono 983-5801 (ifartmentsthe o, chen with dnte electric heat- curities(i anyhedytlm A large selection of Farms,g ing, dinraetmte, As w duly verified by statutory declar-1 oms LtRte Po 0hree seprateeedr s As otwo ation. A g~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ne coeLtRtetPo onurion.hose nw mmediately after the said 1lltb -A pertis lathisarea unde contrucion.day of Septemnber 1967, the assetsde %czc~cZc2>O'2,cZlc~~' Cail Jan . 'Chanski Construc- lofthe said deceased will ie- dis- s' el] Orville Chatterton î Electrical Contracting 'jElectrie Heating and Service PHONE 983-5546 or .983-5940 i Orono, Ontario H1erli and Gerry D-uval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTIIIC IIEATING ] ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR' -GUARANTEED SERVICE- Kamiltons Insurance Service 0Auto, Fire PcaePouies [ Packae yBond, 0 LiabîHlty g Life a O First Mortgage Loans Ou Phoýno 983-5sir tion, phone 983-5709. a-c NOTICE Meat cut, wrapped and frozen. Phone C. Miller 983-5988 Orono. t-f WANTED Farm b.elp wanted. Married man. $300-00 per montli. Five room apartmnent, hot ,water beat- cd. Bath. Hot and cold water on tap in kitchen. Propane- gas sup- plied for kitchen. Stove and milk. Single -man $250.00 per month and good home. Apply F. D, Kyte, Ont. Phoi-e 842-2718. Tillsonburg, Callyour I licensedPlumbins &. Mechankaàl Contractor apd guarantees CARMAN PLUWBING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono Bcares & yam !1 jPLUMBJNG ar-d HATINGj Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICEY I B-A FINANCING Â j Low Interest Rates g IPhones: Tyrone 263-P.650 Hiampton 263-2288 j, BOX 133 Phone 668-35521 Stafford Brothers Limaited 311 Dundas St. E. Whlitby, Ont. Mannfacturers of C emetery Memorials Dealers la Domestic & Foreigna Granites and Marbies -. Ik>criptlont Cuît sud Cemetery Repar Work Buildîing a House? pir remodelling your, present eue, then contact Floyd Nicholson ORONO îrioute'u among the persans en- titled thereto having regard onlyi ta the claims of which the Admin- istratrix or the underegned Sol- citor shal then have notice. Dated at Orono, Ontario, this 22nd day of August, 1967. Annie Amelia Hollingsworth Orono, Ontario, Administratrix W. K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix. Cali SI We B L PýR We, .nri c". La tn: lst -a1ior, NIVTeatie h îi, J o Mis. Hwaadlai il a ki Loa M eNn Nai, NwcstemoIy w fi. Ema Service ir asscd h iy eptmo MrJa, S6tebe at;ný 2 o'clock.butermenoPý t Lî Cemedtermy a IN MEMORIAM Nln4 luloving ,meory ofa Semma (lln who pasedpas- 1 a.p ebe 7th, 1966. 63 Jne an eaclibut tolvepîngr Bwo named ber but hi piseï Buvtut i xeemeod t son ar RR-n.g ,iovipg înTemory of a George Bi ) C , K imadota awy epeme 3d,193 COMING IEVENT "Portraits ro(m The Past" a Clarke 111gb Scbool, Mondnyil,- September 25th. Admission$10.c3 THE T.S.A. 0F CLARKE, 1 TENDERS F0OR PAINTING 1REý'CEPTION Tenders, (clearly marked as to Fred ýW. Tiuli would bce pleas- ctents) will be received liy the ted to meet lis friends, neîgli undr'gne rp to 6:00 p.m, buisaïdr1ïelatives, onSauay Se fember 11, 1967 for eitlier or Septembeý ýr 16, 1967, from 7 t bclh o1- the following: 110 pin., in tle Oddfeilow's Hall, (1)-ý Pi n1in tlie exterior wood-j Orono., on the occasion of bis 90th workanrim on ýOronoPuli- lithab-B5 p, lie 'ooChorcb St. N., 0Or o n'o.NOTICE (2) Painting the exterior wood-1 Orono Suriday School will open work and trim on BrownMs fhis Sunday, September lth at Public Scliool, Lot 21, Con. 2', 10 o'cîock. Please assemble in Township of Clarke. the same place as yen were last Specifications Ymay lie obtained ya.~ ~ from the undersigned.' Lowest or any tender not necçssarily ac- cepted. 1'HELP WANTED Horace R. Best,, Two fulliime I waitreeses, ex- R.R. No. 2, Orono, perience preferred. Seqretary-Treasurer. Royal Lunch, Highway' 115. Phone 987-4215. - Orono Building,ý Centractor Brick- Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry Cabinet Work Floors -Tile 983-5441 ORONO IF YOU N'EED A MASONRY JOB TO BE DONE CALL - Oxf'0r d BRICKLAYERS STON EMASONS Relnhard Schreiber - Oreno, 9m-56%6 Wiml schmakl Oron., 8.U I JACK R1CARD ,RE.ALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Baiying or Sellng cali VOUR ORONO A-RFA REPRESENTATIVE 981-5à74 JMembers of Oshiawa and Dis- trict RCeal Esta te l3oard Orono, Phione 983-5808 PAINTING and CARPENTER WORK7 REMODELLING Interlor and Exterier V ....... --- ÎF -, , i 1 nirTQ rrflýip