OROMO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER -Ith, 1967~ PLANNING BOARD 'NO', (Continued from page 1) Mr. Lowe also stated that the (irono area- was th~e only area that they feit couId rea1]Jr be planin.ed.as a residential area. Opinions differed on whether or flotthe restricted area by-law, was law ot rot. Mr Woodyard stated tatIwo lawye rs had said '!eaProvral of ic MinistÉ.r. Mr. A. Loe said the I)epartment of Municipal Affairs states that it is Ilaw when givei the three reading.s by the Township whichý- t'iýe eisting by-law in, Clarke 110W Mr. R. Simpson said the issue had been kicking around for the last two and a haif years. Ile said the by-law was causing nu concern in the Township; The orily trouble, lie said,,is in Orono. Hie ýsuggested they adjourn this Planning Board and pack-up un- tii a decision i; made on the hy- law. "We are accoriplisàing noth- ing under these conditions, he said Mr'. Simpson further ýstated that it was the 0MB that had in sisted'on the "No mu1tiple IW(Al ing clause' be in the hy-law. "WVe have consulted with the &MB rïnd this is the minirnuîm they ~l accept. "If the people of Oroto, are going to try and get some- thing Iess - - 'they have another think comilig," se elaimed. $1.18 MILD CURE,, SWEET PICKLED WHOLE or HALF apr~ lb SUNNY MORN RNOLESS a ac Pak ALPINE, PRIMROSE, TRIANGL lb. S COTT~pIepi WHITE. PINK, YELLOWor 1 LS TURQUOISE WHITE, 77~P -K YELLOW GUIRIT . X PPE R ?33c REFILL 100 FT. ROLL ONLY 29c . SC CIKN APKIKiS SCflTIFS TIÛLr. 11 2 Pkgs of 5041l 6yeoa ago thre ndeçeadear J9-e, h.d his probleen, lo eveit har rie [GA w-s f.-redrr Carada C. i, dthe-s tore owre eethee able ta atna> etrn Thre GA ariewix r ave 000 stotes a C-oneraWfer t orns ta 0w 'a d PrIes -aI GA roe doar tare a b0 k seat ta-y- xc , lin aSS -o etra saarrqsta yoa evera day. Se na y C-re abat YOU t IGA, Snpptr.d hy THE OSHAWA WHOrLSALE LIMITBD supple depox for proseeSsroa todependoner. 2 2 ROLL( PACKS95 2PACKS V RECEIVE A FREE $ 1000 RONUS TAPE WITHI- EACH PURCHASE 0F . - SCOTT Fe Ily jISFU4 CONFIflFT ïAPK1Ns 4 Rail 57 BAKTO SCHOJOL FVUIE SWEET & JWICY CALIFOÜ'rRNljIA VALEI4CIA Fi.. 2,29c Ce.n N.. , 9R q c RIs P CEI.E Ry LargeNo lk à6 FROZEN lýFO00 DEPARTMENT FRASERVALE PEAS AC FRENCH FRIES VALLEY FR ,2 LB. POLY aBAG 9 3 9 o Pkgozsý3 3 :zg.' $1-00 FAN'HLY49 .32c ARMSTRO NGS Oreno, Ontario CRST Mýnt Pain uOIH IE FIrOL 99c, jSTAINLESS -Package of 5 NOXZEMA INSTANT SAE C R E A iSE PRICES EFFECTIVJE SUTEMBER 6 r' CANADA VINEGAR CIDER OR SII COLONIAL BISCUITS1l-O- EAMi KERR'S CAN>DY 39c RANGE Al 4e