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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Sep 1967, p. 6

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ORO0NO WEEKLY TIMES, THJURSDAY, SEPTEMBER l4th, 1967j O ronol0 Juve Cnile 10s Do0,wnil On netavalabe s letters would havebeenof littie use. It was f it thatevrtin was now op- erating quite atisfactoeily. I T4e Ororr, Juenil BasballMir. Grteenwood stated that Club' ran jute, more errer-s inMr Lane, uiorth of Leskard, did tîleirî:first game of the Ontariee ejhave a legitimaté complaint as p1laý -11wS Oïl unaythan ,tLre penn u y Hetcher ehdren were being picked had omitý ail season. A total up prier to 8:00 o'clock. of nine errois cotributed te Or- oros efezt by a score of 8 te 6. eIs -.I. alw h haired If was pointed eut by Mr. Tur- Tiýtegam was played with Cree-,the School Boar d meeting on areky that the Cowanvil.e sehool m re in Creemnore. Mýoiday, saidta opeinig day was starting classes at 8:45 and for 1thc seheols haýdheen some-'feît that sucli could be undertak-1 The, second gamre of thie serres ithetc She inforuied the en at Kendal. if agreeable. This will be piay ed in Oro'ý) Park at lordt'ia even 4uderits werejelimninates early morning super- 2:0 o'~oc onSaurday lle reovd from the Orono school vision, he said. Som.e students, neonandthe ron bes ar de il- sem no g!ne te Lockharts lie.said, were arriving at the Ke- termino that this will be, a vie- and the remainder te Kendal. that no construiction of any sehiool i to«ry for Orone. Thse local ,club She aise! said that one parent had hia- !,ad a ilay-off for a mouth. ase iflrciden rsdns A letter rece.ived from the De- i of he ixt lie, oul alayspartmen!t of Education informed; Crýeemore took the ieadlui h the haoe sit atuenod aeways ail scirool boards in thre Province gar-ne in the second inining with bealwdt tedteOeet1hat ne lonstruction of any school one run. Orono returned to bat school. Mrs. Barlow said that no' b te bhe started prier te receivi 1ng in thre top et the thLid and oor eecuigv uhasrne the final apppoval from the On-, three runs but euly hei c lead tarie Municipal Board. fer onre inrâig. In the blttorn of Mr. Greenwood ,asked what hap- the fourth Creemore scored twoj pened te the letter whîch was te A motion appreved a payment ruas to lie the game at threehave been sent eout tg parents of of $20.00 day for suppiy teach- ru is apiece. ' r studernts prier te school epening. ing. The 'Board also aepproved a C'-ema'e eoka bg .îîm wih }rate, of $1-50 an heur for, Mrs. foreerns inthe a bogtti ofthe Mr_', Barlow said that informa- Merle Glbart, secretary te, Mr. tien fr Gibhsool.,;ý &th fiËili. Oreno scered one lu the r o fom some bus routes was niisr, principal of the Kirby school unit. eixth and two, in the eighth. Cree- moýre cered their final run ln the eighh il GLEN RAE DAIRY' OFFERS YOU The Finest in Dairy Products SE RVING THE AREA FOR 52 YEARS - if It's Glen Rue It's l Good Paul Jones pitched the game forOrn taking thirteen. strike- ousand giving rtp seven wal;sl a ad ighits. John Mathers was thec top Orono lutter with two; Frak awyer, Cameron Perrault, EalCobbledick, Fraser Wallace adPaul Jones obtained ene ht Cornsiders Bingo For Orono The Oreno Chamber of Com- ,,erce, with a scant eîglit mem- besatended the regular Sep- tember meeting at the Northway Restauryant. Mr. W. H. Carman conducted the meeting. Littie businesis was doue at thre meet- ing ether than considerig hold- ing a maffmoth bingo jointly with the Orone Amateur Athletic As- sociation. R. Forrester and H. M. Mercer were appointed te attend tile next meeting of the Athietic Association.- 1It was alse, consid.ered thatlî cerne change could be made in thre Saui-ta Ciau5 promotion,. The majority of those, present faveur- ed an ailou' effort te decorate thre bu siness ýsec-hio i for thre Chrisimas seaueun. Prize winners of the lucky drwwere Ai0 CIemeace, Bow- manviiIe and W. E. Reid, Orono. Wide Range continued frein page 1 Jim Adams, Newtonville, B;rown'si. ",45.00; Vý,an-Rowe, Bowmanville: I S1150.00 Orrono, $250.00} Brown's; DQugias Simpso>n, Brown's $275. The Board aise mnoved to re- rev the contract withi Mr. H.1 Paitner for looking after thel heiating units in the varlous, --hools in the area. O11 motion, the Board .ipproved ti4e paymebnt of a further $100000 nsthe ontract prhc for the new bolier installed at the Orono ,sdhoil hy Partner Plumbing qtîd Feating. Mr. Partuer in, meeting ,.ilth the Board qtated that the i nit had been tested and was in operatien but did state that corne nehad been turning off valves. Mr. Best informed the meeting -hat the boile had been inspeet- eà by the Department of Labour a.n& that a further inspetion was to be made by an Insurance r-epresentative on Septemnber 12. Ii was upen a favourable- report freino the Insurance repr.ese,,ntative that the payment of $000 is to be made. Mr. Best aIso stateýd that thIose at *the school have stated thati 'ahey have net touched or tuirned any, valves. H1e also informred thel Board that there wasc a nioticeable I uoeur of oil fumes at the Orono, Sehool. L heCu n ciof the unicipality of the T ownship of Clar ke- The Council of the Municipalîty of the Township of Clarke hereby gives notice that'it intends to pass a IB-law to'eclose-up or stop-up the Road Allowances inthe Township of. Clarke, in the County 'of Durham, following, that is to say: 1The Part of the Road allowance, now unopen ed, between Lots 2 and 3, in the Pirst Concession of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, more particularly.described as, follows: "Ail and singular that part of the road: allowance between Lots 2 and 3, Concession 1 in the 'Township of Clarke being North >of the northerlly. limit of Highway 401 and south of a line drawn through the said road allowance on a bearilng North 26 degrees 05minutes angeLt fin a point in the co esaira onc 246.66 feet south of the north 2. The Road Aliowancq between Lots 14 and 15 in the Fifth Concession of the Township 'of Clarke,, County of D5urham, extending from the southerly limit of the saidFifth Con- cession to the northerly limit thereof. 3_ The Road Allowance between Lots 6 and 7 in the Sixth Concession of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, extending from the southerly limit of the said Sixth Conces.- sion, to the northerly limit thereof. 4. The Road Allowance between Lots 34 and 35 in the Second Concession of the Township of Clarke, County'of Durham, extending fromf the southerly limit of the said Second Con- cession to the northerly limit thereof. 5. Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 30 and 31 in the Second Concession of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, being the northerly 1155 feet southerly of the southerlyboundary of Queen's Highway No. 115. 6. Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 6 and 7 in the Second Concession of the Town- ship ofClarke, County of' Durham, extending from the northerly limit of QueenWs Higli- way No. 2 to the northerly limit of the said Second Concession. 7. Part of the Road Allowance between Concessions 9 and 10 adjacent to Lot 35-in the Town- ship of Clarke, County of Durham, and as shown on a Plan. of Survey by M. L. Brown,, O.L.S. numbered 65130 dated October' 15, 1965, marked as Schedule "A" attached toand' forming part of this resolution and outlined in red thereon. AND TAKE NOTICE that any interested party desiring to'make dlaimi or to oppose the said By-law will be heard in person or by proxyý at the meeting ýof the said Council .t.o be held in the Township Hall at Orono, Ontario on the l9th, day of September, 1967, at the hour of 7:30 ocokin the afternoon Daylight Saving Time. Dated this l6th day of August, 1967. H. E. MILLSON Clerk of the Municipality I

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