Orono' Principal Po Candidlate WEALTH SIPHONED OFF ?ÉDP MEýETING TOLI) hewealth of our province is being siphoned off in capital gains and dividends and because of die- -ices being used the "big guy is allewved ýte get off and the littie guy is left te pay the shot",, Fred Younig, formier MP P, for York- view, told a nomination meeting. for the Durham County New Dem- crteParty at a meeting in, Bc-wmiianville -jast Thursday nlight 1Mr. Young pointed out to, the meeting the wealth of 'Ontario's natural resources is, now distrib uted in, dividends and noit in bene- fits te -the people of the province. H1e was the main speaker at the meeting which neminated Doug- las Moffat of Elizabethville as t he NDP candidate for Durhama in the prov incial election October 17. 'en per cent of our wealth goes back into Canada and the ether 90 percent goes outside our boundaries," Mr., Young said. "Woýul.d it not make, sense te charge thie people exp1oiWn.- our natural resources and iuse tiis money te' as sist in paying'for ser- vices in the inunicipality?" The subjeet of municipal taxa- tion was open te sharp critîcism from Mr. Young. 1He called the Smithi Report on municipal taxa- tion "thq Robarts Ruse." "The Smith Report is one af the greatest election ruses to be implemented in a long time," lie said. The governme4ts have put the burden of the cost of services on the small homeowner. and have refused te put tt where it should be, on the, industries, Mr. Young added. On the subject of housing, he said, "We just have -neot the ac- commodations tod ay for our pop- ulation and the tragedý is in a- partment buildings, If a man and his wif e dare te have more than ene. child, they are that building"' evictecifrein "Any excuse will de te break that lease,,' Lie said, "a family of more than'three is looked upon as some sort of freaks." The, younig people growing up today cannot hope te own their own hanses in this day and age, the former MPP said, "Thisi is what is w1hat is happýening in this, ae land of opportunity and afflu- ence Mr. Young, said only public ac- tien tb1rough government is going te brinýg about efforts te alleviate these problems which today'ýs se- ciety is facing. ,Mr. Moffait, lu accepiling the nomination, said, he was flot ex- perieniced ini running or holding public office. "However, I arn con- cerne:d with the problems of the people of Onitarieý and-in particu- lar those of Durham County. H1e referred 1te the recent Pro- OROES VOLUME 30, NUMIBEII 36' ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY,_SEPTEMBER Zlst, 19 '180 Aftend Birïthday Party Honouring Mr. Fred Trul M~r. Fred Truil, Orone, cele- brating his 9th birithday was henoured, aat a birthdaypartylast Saturday' evening in the Orono Oddfel'low'sHall, One, hundred .nd eight friends and relatives ief Mr. Trul extended congratu- loations when attending the birth- day- party- Guests .-ere preseniit fromn Oreno, Garden Ilh11 areas a>s well1 as from other parts of the pr'ovince inecluding Mimico and Rochester, N.Y. Guests of the evening werei-e- ceived by lfis dangliter, Mrs Jas.- ,Canning, Oshawa and lis son, Mr. Lloyd Truil of Kingstoni. Mr. Truil receivedý many con- gratiilatory messages including a citation from the Hlon. j. Robarts Prime Ministur o ai ntrie and presenteci by Mr. Alex Carruth- ,ýers, M.P.P. for Durhamn. An ar- rangement ai red andi white car- nation , foring the numlerals 90 was presentedI te Mr. Truli by the Orono Hoarticultural Society. Baskets ai red and white g'ladioli ,decaratud the roem flor the oc- casion* Lunch was served by Unit 1 of the U.C.W. and I.ea was poured by Mrs. Robent Allin, MVrs. Wmi. Gobbledicli, Mrs. May orris, al 'ai rono; Mrs. Ona Gardiner, Garden 11h11, Mrs R. Stonehouse, Tacrante ami Mrs. Herb IHerod, lvLîicüo. A b*irthd)ay cake, depicting an open Bile, çtecoratçCdwih sprays,; ofred roses, was aise pre- sented at the birthday party. Book Lon ,Up The boan of beoks by members ai the Clarke Public Library con- tinues ta show a vast increase this year oyer that of 1966, The lihranan's repart at the Mna evenii n meting showed that dur- ing the past August 1064 books wue ta ,,ken out by Members. This cemipared witli 698 in August ai 1966. 0f the 1064 books, 176 were ai adult non-fiction; 398 aduit fiction and 490 children. The librarian's repart aIse net- ed, that eighty nuw books were'ad- ded ita the library shelvus forthe mônth. Many new boaoks are still an order and will bu arriving at the library weekly during tihe ru- maiinder ai the year. The chaininan was authorized ta obta,.in a page ta assist with lib- rary work for oeehu during thie tir-ce evenîngs ý'eachi week. TheI dies ai Uic page is te com- me ne on October 3rd and te continue as long as the lean ai books warants the assistance, .Mrs, Robinson, librarian, report- ed considerable interest lu the book ýdisplay,-at the Orona Fair. A motion by the Boa rd- an Mon- day evening lu effeet, cancels membership ai a member who re- fuses ta pay everdue fines. 967 3Cia rke Men Kied ln Accident Thru-e yaung Newcastle men burned te death lui Port Hope uarly Friday niarning following a collision on Peter Street. The accident accurred when the driver lest contrai on Peter Street stniking the CPR viaduot a butment and catching fire. Port Hope ,police said tie vict- ins were Joh i N. Enns, 29, driv- er of the vehicle; Arthur Thomas Celbary, 27, and Donald W. Gilkes ahl Qi RR. 2, Newcastle. Police 'said apparently the car was travelling west on Peter St., had proceeded througli the Mill Street intersection and went eut of controa aiter hitting the south curb ai Peter Street, a few feet ln front ai the Peter Street bridge. The vehicie then mauntud the sidewalk, crossed the grass verge and cnashud broadside a- gainst the viaduet. Constable David Mehauchian ai thre Cebaýurg'OPP was first on thre scene, Ris attempts te reacli the occupants iailed because ai the intense heat. The Part HopeFine Dept. was cailed te the scene The three men were 'sitting lu the front seat ai the late model car. Police believu they, were knecked unconsciaus when the car struck the cencrete abutmunt. Constable Vera Leus and Cen- stable' Sam MeReelis investigatid the accident. -The Port Hope Guide MR. DOUGLAS MOFFAT convention in, Toronto as a "great teleývisied, circusý." Premier Rbbarts at thait con- vention, he said, made a state- ment referring te the PýC',s sWeep- inig back into, office in the prov- incial election 'with more muscle.' "Muscle is a great thing teo have if yen arýe a lifeguard, but a gevernment which rese'rts te muscle power is net really ne-ed- ed, by the people of Ontario." Mr. -Moffat took a crack at what lie terîned "thè~ skyrocketing mun- icipal taxation. H1e cautioned the: members at- tending the meeting te "watch for the hidden, taxes te see if they remain the sanie following the im'priementation of the.Smith Report.' "Frankly, I doubt it." The Durhiam County teacher expresseci concern for the rural people ln the field of education. "We are told we, are receiving ec- ucation that -is second te nenýe. Th-is is truie lu cities a.nd 'larger Lack Of Kindergarten Noted "Do yen have kindegrgarten in ]}arlington, Township?" lie aslced. "Yes, but you have te, pay focr it Post Office -Officiai Opening Sept. 29 Th.e Officl4al, Opening Cere- monies oi the Orono Post Office will be heid on Friday, Septem- ber 29, epmmencing at 7:00 e,'- doack in the evening. Mr. Rusnsell C. Honey, M.P. for Durham will couduc, t the officiai opening, assiisted by Mr. Ralpli Fonberg, district director, De- partment of Public Werks; Rev. Bas il Long; Mr. Merrili Van Camp, Warden, United Ceinities of Nortbumberland and Durham; Mr. R- Foster, Reeve of Clarke Townisip;) Mr. E. R Woedyard, ('hairm'an af the Board of Trust-. ees, Police Village of Or5one, and Mr. Alex Carruthers', M.L.A. for Durham County. The heur-long program will lie augmentcd witl seleoetions by the Orono Public Sehool Choir and the Orao Band yourselves." "If the ment for ldndergarten is there-for a, place sucli as Tor-, ente, then it is there for any oth- er locality in .Ontario and sheuld be paid for." 11He told the meeting lie did net think it possible te vgIve the peo- pie7 of Ontario everythlng they want without taxation. 1.1 "What we, do need isa gavera-, ment te conduet taxation in a sensible, efficient and economie manner" Cliff Pilkey,, NDP candidate for Ositawa, told. the meeing, IIt, çan lie said the past governenjt has become decreplit with age and 24 years lu. power has gone te their head." Thr6e:e Speech Critielzed43 Hie said the Speechl frein the Throne drew more notice for its oMissions rather than for what it (Centinued page 8) Portaitsof te Pst Bing hownondy Geuneil ekf the Township, of Clarke gave approval on Tuesday evening by passing a by-law for a two-year-turm fer Council. 'The new -by-law cames into eifect Jan- vuary lst, 1968 with the resuit that the council lected te office this faîl would serve for two yeurs Reeve Foster, in supporting the by4aàw statud that it takes seo long te, get a pregram werking that-a year is not enougli. Little, lie said', eau bu doue lu January as wel as Novemier nd Decem- ber in a oe(e yuar terni. Tliree readiutgs te the y-a ,w1~g Ïiven On TuesdIay eveninipg. A letter £rom the Dupartment of Provincial SecretarT and Citi- zenship was received by council, asking their comments on an ap- plicatien by Gauaraska Speedway for incojrpojration. Aiterceid- able discussion it was decided te gain furthur information on the requeit by the Departinent as council members s aid ithey dîd net kuow what wasm- wanted and what was lnvolIve..> Counciliir Carveth statedtn the Speedway sol supply their onpolicing. Reeve Fester netedî thtcars dici park aogsýideaif thun i-oacid d icdr,)i n feel that ît was tle sa est place. Counilor Grey also pointed eut that the O.P P. Corporal wheu pakn te council at a pastmeeting didu't appuar -te feel that it was tea Deputy-neuve Walkey said ilt cound muan that the Township weuld have te sut up regulations te gavera sncb ae business eperat- ing in the Township. "I am net sure. what 'is involved se I arn net ýsure whether or',net ta 'sup- Port this eperation," lhe said.' Cauncillor Carveth tcW'minated the discussion whenlie propeseci bhat niare information be obtain- ecil before a decision is madeý. 'Portaits freim the Past,' a fash- ion ýshow of former years, lu heiug heldi this Monday, September 25 at'the Clar-ke High School. The event la being spansered by thre Clarke Towuship Cuntesinial Com mfittee with local citizens adl ligthIcvarionis waigappaýrej. cýi si v e "imervative! ieaw