ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSD-AY, SEPTEMBýIER 21st, 1967 ORONO0 WEEKLY TIMES (Ai*therized as Second Classmail, Post Office Departtment, Oftaym) Publlalied every 'iburs"ly at th2e office at piblioatioe Main Street, Phone 109, orone, .Ontami F>âtîbihd in 193 by R. A. Forrester ROY C. Ferrester - Ed'tor and Manager Clarke Urbanized During the past few weeks rhucli has been written about the Smith report on taxation and especially on the Portion de'aling with a 'basic eshlelter exemiption grant.' This grant, affecting a reduction of municipal taxation, lias by many, been termed a shifting of taxation The cost of the grant stili has to be raised from the taxpayers of the province. The grant could have an effect -of actually raising taxation. Municipalities couldi take the opportunity of ne- duced municipal taxation to increase theïr own taxes and yet put out a tax bill less in dollars and cents than in' previous years. The Smith report possibly holds gre.aer and more effective means ýof redttcing taxation on more equitabie basis than the shelter grant. The Smith report suggests a widening of the tax field which in some respecte is simil.ar te tlat of the Cart- erreport on taxation. La this one must agree fer excsnp- tions from taxation are becoming toe great. Possibly oine ef the mostfar reaching recommenda- tiens and one capablc of 'bringing about a truc savings is that of establishing governmcnt on a regional basis. This is not a new proposai but is one i whieh furtbcr inîtiative .l:i needed. The repert cdaimis the move is necessary to Éecure efficîcncy -and equity in the Ontario municipal rev- eniue system. In outlining the various regions, Clarke Township bias been included in one of three 'Urbanizing Regions', te Oshawa Central Region which extends aeross the seutbern portions of Ontario County and the southwest por- tion of Dnrham. To some extent the Oshawa region now operates, with the exception of Clarke and Newcastle, through a formn of Regiona.l Planning. The mnunicipalitiýes west of Oshawa and incbsÏding Oshawa, Bowmnanville andi Darling- ton are members of the regional planning scheme. It is unfortunate that the municipality of Clarke did noît or * las not taken part in this regional program for the -devel- opment andi grewth 0f Clarke is directly related to them. This will be more so in the future if the, Ontario govern- menit adopts the regional pr,,oposais lin the Smith report. Presently we are, la Ontaio, over governed, cansing costly duplications and inefficiency in almost every phase of municipal affairs. The small unit bas served its purpose but it lias outlived its effectiveness in tbis day and age. It is to be oped that the Ontario government does' promote the regional aspect ami revamp the present mun- icipal ,system to bring about a framework for local govern- ment keyed ýto todays nceds ami to bring about true savings. POýRTRAITS PROM TRE SPONSORED BY THlE CLARKE TÔWNSIIIP CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE CLARKE HIGH SHO MONDY, EPT ER25 FASHONSFROM THE PAST MODELLED BY RESIDENTS OF CLARKE ADMISSION$10 Oi bjcio o leaving t he northern, section, a- LOCAL NW law. The reeve, RYoyfos by- Mr. and Road Closing, that the road would have to bel-spent the week-end with Mr. and Counil f te Tonshp o clsed s averise or iotut ll Mrs. Vance Allen at theïr cottage Counil f te Twnsip f cosec asadvrtied r nt a ai on Mink Lake. Clarke a t a meeting on Mr. Cathcart did not lodg , o for- 1 Mrs John Leishman, Oshawa, Tuesday evening witlidrew one mal objection to the closing butj visited with Mr. and Mrs. Miltoný road,,closing from a list -of seven stililihas the opportunity, if be due o obecton by an adjacent wisbes, 'to lodge a complaintTabn*oSuay property owner, Mr. Kuýein, lot when the closing cornes bef-ore iMrs. M. H. Staples returuedi 6, concession 2. the United County Council. Pion, wt ri edshldaâ fMr. Kuehn ,stated that he did Council decided to complete Pi[r.an ihrs: nd Sap, not objeet in the principal of thie recessary readls of i i ay Mr. and MroadS Mes ciosing the road but did object Raicoigby law for the six1 to the closing taking place at1clOS'i»gs at their regular meeting Brown and son, Mr. and Mrs, G , this time. Hie said he had recently on October 3rd. Allen amid family, Mr. andi Mrs, purhasd te popetyadjcen I ounilalso intI? viewed r Jack Allen and daughter spent to the concerned roadi and felt Wayne Kennedy in respect to the 1bewe-n tMnrsBy that the closing would incur too 9 aeakn f h1al.M. e-fing the hall and thon letting ît great of a cost at this tim.e having nedy is !to provide the cost of run down. Councillor Carveri to build new fences, possibly ai such service at the October meet- suggested the cost be obtaiued sujrvey and baving to construet a ing. Deputy-reeve Walkey stated now so it could, be inciuded ;.ot private road to the varions fields that there was no use in decora- "next year's budget on bis farm. H1e said It was not - _____________________ harming anyone as it now stands J___________________________ and stateil that he woudiktor obi oct to the closing. _ nReeve Fr stei- suggesteu mhat the road lie closed -but that the fences be left as ithey now exist and also the use «f the now un- opened road. Mr. Kuteln said thatl once the road was closed he could have no, say in fencing and may be obligeci to carry out such work. Mr. Garland Catheant also spoke to Council suggesting that the proposed road closin.g at lots 14 and 15, concession 5 be trimmned Orono Building Centracto r Brick - ]lok - Concrete Stone Worký Carpentry - Cabinet Work Flo -Tule 983-5 441 ORONO JACK REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE Wben Buying or Selling cail W1LF NHAWK E YOUR ORONO ARIEA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Members of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board HELAR WITH OTICON Vour llearing Deserves The Best CALL OR PHIONE ORONO, ONT. and make an, appoiutment Lo have your bearing tested by Mr. Gabriel your certi- fied hearing aid audiologist Mr. Gabriel- bas been serv- ing the bard of bearing for the past 18 years. Rest as- sured ho is able to fît your hearing loss with the proper bearing aid. FREE TRIAL- NO COSÎ or Obligation Repairs for Ail Makes of Hearing Aids COMPLETE MEDICAL PROTECTION Is suPPlied by the Durham County Co-operative Med. cal Services on a cost basis. Vou get full value for your dollar.. If you are making a change in your medical protec.. tion be sure to check. our' plans and premiu rates. Prhone 983-5404 For Information and Literature Durham County Co-operatilve .Medical Services ORONO, ONTARIO LOVEIN Your Candidatýe for Durhamî For A FresbApproach Vote Liberal Liberal Leader THURSDAY, SEPTÊMBER 28tb Dr. Powers Sehool, Ward Street, Port Hlope 8:15 p.m. s i t ý - g ý - 1 îîz,; i- î r., e 1 1 .- - 1