ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIJRISDAY, SEPTEMËER 218t, 1967 NEW BANKING As a service to our customers we have extended our banking hours on FOR iD,)Ay S 10 m. pm Open Monay ThsdyWedniesday Thursday 10 A.. to3 P.M. BANK 0F COMMERCE Orono Branch ORONO POSI ýOFFICE Building By Russell C. Honey FRIDAY, SEPT*' 29- 7.00 p.«m. Orono Bau had and Sehool Choir ini Attendance' ectonafter at the Oddfellow's Hall LEveryone Welcome Council Table Triplex Approval Clarke Council, on Tuesdiay ev- ening ýabIed the request for ap- pi-ovni teD build two triplex apart- ments on Prlncess Street in- Or- ono. The projeet has been opposed hy residents in the aica. .ý Reex e Fosier stated that the Department of Health had re- checked the. site and had again feit there was no0 problem. How- ever some suggestions had been made but could not lie binding on the buikier. The Reeve alsol pointed eut that the' Orono Police Truistees had given their approv- ai and that they were an elected greup Counillor, ,Cai-vefli also pointcd out that the Trustees had gpproved, tic project and thnt they shouid know what they want i n Orono.11 JDepuýty-ýreeve Bai-I Wàlkey said that lie didn't like the idea when Iit was first brouglit before Coun- cil but lie felt the decisiofi was up to the Trustees who lid ap- proved it. Drainage in, this area,1 lie said, hadalways been a prob- Ilem. "The people here know bet- ter- than I do," lie said. Councillor Frank Grey com-! mented that lie feit better lots couId be found for the Triplexes. The Deputy-Reeve also point ed out that approval" o f the projeet wouid be going against the latent of their own Restriet-. ed Area by-law.f The request was tabled for the 1 Octob),er meeting. Mr. E. R. Woodyard, inspecting Orono Trustee, met with Council stating that Mr. Lycett. would have a draft. of a new Restrjcted Area by-law, ready for Counci wlthin the next few days. Thej crhaniges, lie said, would flot af- fect the Townsýhip nor some por- tions in Orono. The on'ly changes bheing proposed by the Trustees iwas for-tlCe biilt Up aireas of Or-1 onow here. multiple dwellings would be permitted and adjust- ments would lie made as toe, sizes. Multiple dweilings would be affiowcd to a maxinmum cf six and bachielor aarmnswudbe peris~blewith a minimumy of 500 square feet, he said. M- Voodyarid aise ýsad that itwa rnot intcnded t& put parkingre quiremrent's inl this by4aew. On1 thiÉS lalttc Point -Counc(il agi-ced ta it slimild be part of thebya It ws sggetedthat a Crr .mittee of couîncil anid the trustees bie appoiaýted te, meet with the Departmenît of Micipal Affairs as soon as the draft was comhplet ed. This itlasfelt should lie donc before 1 any action is taken 1 on. passýing the by-law and. trying te9 get appro val lcrk H. E. Milsen inforniedA ICouncil that ppovlfer the 21 schools in Cleai-ke had not yet been receivcd-from -the' Ontario Muni- ialBoard. Reeve Walkey staied that the coitractor was waiting to start work on the Kenidal and Kirby pi-ojects. A sum of $150000 was trans- ferred from the Reserve Fund to assist in paying thïe cost of the gravel pit recertly pt-rchased by Coùncil. Over lIn Orono Basebali is now concluded ini Orono with bolli the Orono Tykes and the Oronù Juveniles out of further play' Last week the Orono Tykes lost onut to the Newcastle Tykes, 3 to 1, for the league champidnship. The fourth and final game was played in Newcastle with New- castle taking the victory 1614. The Orono Juveniles lost out in their bld for an Ontario cham- pionship to Creemore in the Or- mo Park last Saturday afternoon JWhen Creemore camne forth with their second and, final victoryl over Orono. Creemore won the second game 9-1., ROYAL BewranvilIe 623-5589 FRIDAY, SATURDAV, SUNDAY - SEPTEMBER 22, 23, 2 MATINEES SATURDAY and SUNDAY AT 2 P-M. ADYEITURE, LADOHIERtAIDLOEAEYDSIAN Also Il WALT -DISNEY'S YELLOWSTONE, CUIS Friday, and Saturday at 7 and'-8:30 pn Sunday at 7:30 SUNDAY, SEPT. 24, ONLY, LATE, LATrE SHOW il p. DR. WHO AN4D THE DALEKS Aise FLAME AND THE FIRE Ail Celer - Aduit Entertajament AUTOMATIC OIL DELIVERY You ney-er i-un out of Qil wiîth our automatic delivery anxi withtlis'delîvery you receive FREE 24-Hour Service I FURNAÇE INSTALLATIONS j NEW AND REPLACEMENT Fr~e -Estimates FutGýurantee Competent Installation Vour Local Oil Dealer Fuel ad Lumber Phone 98Z-9167 Orono, Ontario. ORONO, ONT. PHIONE 983-5539 Planting MIIXED TTLJLP BULBS 40 for $2.40 Many other, varities Try us for your Florl Arangmens &Tributes AKFOR IDEAL DAIRY PRODIUCTS distributed by. CEDAR 'DALE DAIRY Jug Mfik at: Armstrong's, Snelders Rank's Snack Bar, Cornieh's Tor Home Dellvery Phene 983-5030 ci