ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st, 1967 stag a 3 min teone-act mals from the Bowmanville Zoo, ation will treat us to a drn1 Pine Ridge SCho l Sp.onsors PrCogram ifly Tre rphe aw be a- Majorettes, Antique Car Clubs,'sky diving performance i wared o te wncurs f athree lihal Riding Clubs, the Ontario oftern1oon. PieRdeShol ocsinb ie oetrai hpbimile run. Regiment, Tanks and. many more Th1oorbe Aln Gos PieRig Shol onesonb ie.t ntran theipbi, l h evening a Variety Pro- special features. The parade, will1 hiHnorbeAl Gs- Street East, Bowmanville, lias a free if charge. ,rmwI e drce y M.widu tPn ig eolman,, Minister of the Department gramrillingdretwo dayMr.wprogram Pi luRdstore I lof Reform Institutions, under butlingto Cnda 1967.i sor Friday, September 29th is des- Ross Metealfe. witr an Inspection of the Ontario woeasicsteFstvlla butin, t Canda, 967.iguated Youth Day. Starting at Saturdiay, September 3O1th is Regiment aud the tanks firing a been drasiced, thelFeatiiae lu On Friday, September 29th and 1:30 p.m. Durham County stud- designated Parents' Day. Eveuts17gnslteTh ho 'dhepreadisetteO- for the community as their contri- ents will present skits, 'variety will start off at 2:00- p.m. wlth1 community exhifits housed luý the thparad giend petth n Saturd.ay, September 30th, lu ce- progranis, judo demonotratiou, a gigantie Centennial parade in 1["Tented Village" will aiso be opeunaro, egmet operation with numerlus partici-'displays and'sehool bauds will en-1 diwutown Biwmanville and wiîî for ah ta see. A.t 7:30 the Centeunial Boufire pants from1 Bowmauvilie aur the; tertai n. During this presentatiilIinclude the -Ontario Regimeut For more excitement the Can- will be lit - The Burulng of the surrouuding area the School will stuttents i1(lak ig eio ad "Uncle Bibby" T.V., Ani- adian Sports Parachuting Associ-, Elmsý. Top.'68 Pontiac Parisienne Sport LCoupe. iiottôm, '68 Grande Parisienne Sport Sedan. 681 PontiacgoesWide.Trak ail the wy New flowline styling, new'road-holding stability, plus the biggest standard VS engine in Pontiac's history. V 168~ Beamn i ort Dfluxe C fonvertible. Dramatic new flowline styling with disappearin g windshield wipers. Bigger tires, wide 6 " wheels set further apart for a wider track. Big new Astro- Flash 327 cu. in. 210 hp standard on V8 models. Peripheral bumper. Full Glass styling and Sport Coupe. y '68 FireUrd Hardtop Coupe. 1 68 Beaumont Sport Deluxe Sport Coupe. À,168 Acadian Two-Door Coupe. 6 a n '68 Frr A new style.Beaumont for people who are ready for new ideas. 12 totally new models. New styling. New power. New ride. New widertrack. New concealed windshield wipers on Sport, Deluxe and Custom models. Leave it to Pontiac to make a great sports car even greater. More powerful englnes. New Full Glass stylinig. New upper level ventilation. New, custom options. New rear suspension and the widest track in its class' for even better roadliolding. '68 AadianEvery GM cor bas toarnk à Make it simple.L i Or make it swing. Your choice. Completely new for '68. Big design breakthrough for the lowest prîce class. Fastback styling. Superh periocrance and handling. Biggest-ever choice of luxury, comnfort and power options. Authorized IPontiac Dealer in Bowmanville ROSNMOTORSJJ LIMITED' 166 King Street E., Bowmanville, Ont. Phone MA 3-3396