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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Sep 1967, p. 9

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-ONOWEEKLY-TUMES, TRURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ta, 167 47n w - INSURANCE SEiE FitE D L Y cE iT- OFFICE MAIN ST., ORONO phme 983-5032 Res. 983-5142 JACK REID Orono's Liceused Auctioneer and Valu atoi Specialize in Farm and Fuiture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates ÉNPON E ORONO 983-5914 Mlonuiients aild «Ur 4uaîity and service Icaves nothig to be deslred ,3k the persoal who bought from ,a neighbollr, frieud or'relativel thle RIJrIVER GJ~N COMPAÎN~ 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE -'Largest DispIaY in Southeru .Ontario" Oreono Phone 9s:.5343 MeCULLOCU BOATS & MOTORS (BAIN SAWýS Rtepairs tb al ltsoLaf Mowers and 2 and 4cycle Englues OTACO PLOW POINTSo AND iMACHINERY 'WHITE WA.ISHÏING STABLES Bert Tonpkifll Phono 7486-2552 Buildig A- New Ho 1me? Cail S983-5713 Orono gLY CETT g Plumrbing &Heatlng g PHONE 8-5407 Orono, Ontarlo TENDER ~T ~ l'or caretakin, and -ice making ~' ~for the Orono MAena. Duties to ucommence on or about November R A ES A E lst. State aa epcdi RE L vritten tender before October 14 0 t Bo 103 Orono Amateur Ath- L.IMIVJAA9L.eL' Association. a-c REALTORg J 2 KING ST. WEST 0 FOR RENT j Bowmanville 623-3393ý Oré bedro.omn heated apart- - Toronto 923-9174 gLent with frig'and stove. iPort Hope Office- , hn 8-18 - 98 Walten st. 8544 FOR SALE FREE APPRAISALS Two Cook Stoveis;, 1 coal and gwod burning, fair condîtion, Exclusive Agent f6r $10.0o: î oiLl-fired a'ai i, O'MALLEV HOMES copltewlh tank, very good Port HIope, Ont. condition. Pipesý for above. N.H.A. Baol Brick g Decorative 3 rail, fencîng and R OY FOSTER Tele 'hone 983-5021. a-p Kendal - Phono 983-5801 0 FOR SALE SA large selection of Farms, g AlsCa>es Tatr wt Homes, Lots, Retreat Pro- 0 3-f urrow trailing plough. 0 perties in this area g Arthur Thompson, Kendal. Sphione, Orono 983-5077. a-c I OvileChatterto Electrical Contracting j Electric Ifeating and Service PHONE 993-5546 or 983-5940 Oron, Ontarjo FOR SALE Weaithy Apples, Crab and Pears. SApples1 J. W. Boyd, Orono 983-5968. b-37-p i C(M1NGEVENT Le aia UntedC .1u eh of Can- Service, S 0ay ctb'er tilthat 2:3.) p.m. GeseaeBy Th9mia, H. S -,B.A., B. 'D. of Ne veýast!e.Exeir Choir of B.ovmanvie wAltb ,l'r, Mel MeCoy We,4ne.,d.ay, Octobeir l8th a Turkely Sup-per wifi be served f:cm 5 to 8 p.m. c-39ce NOTICE. R& , -i a vacation frow. September 27th l'until October lt. c-39-c TEEN DANCE Orono, Town -Hall, Saturday Sept'ember 30thý 8:30-12:00, J.B. & The Sound Sect. Admiission: $1.00 single; $1,50 fcouple. a-c RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs Cccil Carveth wil welcomce their relatives and friend;s 10 their Golden Wedding in the Community Hall, New- castle, from 7 to 9 p.m. on Sat- urday, September 301h, 1967. Good Wishcs only. b-37-p IMrs. H. Toms, Mdrs. F. Butler, Mrs R. Embly, Mrs. H. Jose, Mrs. 'S. Brereton, Mrs. Jno. Nesbi'tt, NOTICE 1VJdM- Con eu. ,lai.t"'. NOTICE Meat eut, wrapped and frozen. PhneC. Mller 983-5988 Orono. AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of 60 Hereford FALL PLANTING truck, 2 tractors, baler, combine Ideal trne to plant Juniper, and f arar machinery for Blli Ycw, Ced ans and Spruce. Large Morton, 41/2 miles straight north sciection. of Welcomne on County Road,.Sat- upday, October- 7tb at 1:OO0pm. RICHARDSON FARMS, s2harp. Pontpoýl b-7-c Gcaald Rogers, Auctioneer;1 phone Grafton 349-2229. a-c BABY SITTING WANTED ___________ Baby Sitting wanted; also have WANTED) a girl's bicycle for sale.Fam hi wne.Mrid b-c am hep wned are ORO~N ~LtCKU~4_hone983-5150 Orono- Herb and Gerry Duvail 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING_ ELECTItIC HEATING -ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 7e.V. - COLOUR T.V. 1RAXDIO - HI-FI' FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLI S - THOR GUA1IANTÉEED SERVICE - ec' g ireU S Package Peliclies Pîdelity LU 0 Llability FistLUfe FrtMortgage Loans 0 B8ox 133 Phon è 668-3552 Staff ord Irotýherfs L!mItedi 318 Dundas St. E. WhIftby, Onut. Manufacturets of Cemetery Memorials Dalors la Domestic & ForeIgu Granites and Marbles - IfecriptioflU Cut andCeetry ,(,pirWork MechancContractor who SeIi nstalls CAR-%MAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phiono 983-5207Orono PLUMING u* EATING sales aul service 24 HOUlt RUINER SERVICE' I B.A FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phones: I Tyrone 263-2650 I Hampton 263-2288 BuilingaIH o usýe? or rewmodtiling on present one, thon contact Floyd ich£olsoin ORONO -v._________ Ail prize mônies from ;the an: nual show wiil be given' oui. Lunch will be seýrved. -Plan to attend. b-37-e BIRTH ROSSEAU-Býob, andý Joyce are hiappy to, announce the mife, ar- rival of a son, Paul William, on Septemnber 14, 1967 at Oshawa Gcneral Hlospital.' A brother for Neil and, Irene.- a-c ENGAGEMENT Mr. and iVrs. Harry Roy, Ban- croft, Ont., are pleased to an- nounce the engagement of, their daughter Marlene Edna to John man. $0000 er monh. F eandMs.rer lMackevso o rt r o apaI'men, 1bot " ter -heat- Stewart, Ont. The wed d g will ed Bath.Ht n ol aer on tk Itchen. Prod ane as e ~place on Saturday, 'October bap' in kth rpn a u-2lst, 1967 ln Bancroft United plied for kit cheni. Stove and iailk. Churcli, Bancroft. a-p Single man $2Eff.00 per montli___ nnU «anUU ttVflÂC. Apply F. D. Kyt ve, Tillsonburg, Ont. Phone 842-2718. t-f NOTICE TO, CREDITORS IN THIE ESTATE 0 F GORDON ROSSVILLE WJNTER late of the Township of Clarkce in the County of Durha m, -Carpenter, déccased: AIl persons having clains a- gainst the estate of the said Gor- on or;- about the 27th- day of June, 197re he.reby notified to send I to th undersigned(- Solicitor on or before bbc 30th 0day ofL Septenm- ber i196f7. their iamesý and ad- dresses and full partîcufr)s of ,their clgims and thlie nature of the securities (if any) held by themn duly verified by statutory 1 declaration. *Immedý,(iately after the said 30th 3- da o Sptmber 1967, Che assets of he saîd ,decezaseà will be dis- ~ trhutd amng he persons en- tite hertohaving regard only toth aims- of wvhicýh the under-, Signed ,Solicitor shal then have Snotiçe. Dated at Orono, Ontario, this O131h day of September 1967. jW K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontario j Solcitor for the Executrix ~I IFYOU N-EED A MASONIIY JOB TO BE DONE CALL-j Reinihard Schreibrtt Orn,983-5m~ Willi schwâw ' 1».-, ......... Mr-. Fred Truil and. f anily wilsh to take, this opporturîity ito ex- press thieir appreciat ion to rel- atives, friends, neighbours and groups for gifts, flowers and cardis also those w1ho abtended the reception for bthe celebration of M-r. Trull's 901Vh burthiday., a-p NOTE 0F TIIANKS We would Iexpress our tbanks to the many people who hclpeýd Clive at the timýe of bis recýent Iaccien,t and for tbe en-ý quiries and good wishes which we have, received. Sincere appreciabion to Dr. Me- Kenzie, Dr,. Wezgaý-rth and -tbe staff at Bowmanville MemorWa Hlospital. Bob and Maureen Johnson and f amily. a-p IN MEMORIAM TENNANT- In loving mcmory of a dejar husband and father, J. Arthur Tenat who passcd away Sep- îtenàber 28,195 Softly the leaves of meImory falis, Quietly ixe galber and chcrish thern ah. Lovingly renieabeired by w1fé an f iirày. a-p Interlor and Exterior à 11 'The Senior Citizens wîll meet - _____________ in the I.O.-O.F. Hall on Thursday, COMING, EVENT Oclober 5th at 7:30. The Orono Horlicultural Soci- Everyone welcome. a-c ety wilI hold ils rýegular monthly ___________meeting in, lhc United Church WANTEDAuditorium, Thursday, Scptemnb- An experienced 'waitress, part- er 28th at 8,p.m. tim ony. oac aal our .pon Miss Catherine Stewart wilI be 1983-5560. b-37c present ito show pictures o>f ber b-c

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