ORONO 'WEEKLY TIME~S, 3THUJJft»AY, SEPTEMBER 28th, 1967 Up And Down 1h.' Book Stocks Tlý' following, is from an ad- Senators about the rtading they vertjsemnent in an American miag- do. Here'.s what we learned: azine: Thie average U.S. Senator reaci If your son wants to be Pres- 27 newspapers a -week - that's ident somieday, tell, hini to 'be a more than ýany other occupation- reader now. Every President ai groupý ever interviewed by In- spends years prepariing for the ternational Papers. H1e reads ob. Three of our last four got three books per month and four their schooling in the Senate. magazines every week. International Paper talked ýto 50ý Here's what a few told us: OA L.Bowmanvill 623-5589 FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 30, OCTOBER 1 DOUBLE TRUBILE (lu Color) Elvïs Presley and- Annette Day r. I I O"RONO POST FFC Building OFFICIAL'OPENING By Ruseli C. Honey FRIDAY, SEPT. 29 - 7.00 p.m. Orono Band and Sehool Choir in Attendanco Reception. after at the Oddfellow's Hall Everyone Welcome 71 Kîng St. E. BOWMA N ILLE "Re~4i~ is ýqential to âany ne career. When 1 was a youngster, 1, read anything lI coulget my1 biauds onl - includinig cereal boxes."j Phone 623-2971 TO OIJR CIJSTOME RS IN ORONO OFF, 2O% ALL DRYCLEANING :STA OFF kRTING, TO-DAY BIG SPECIAL at our Agency CANAWOOD SHOPPE 2pair men' s pants 99c 2 lain i crts 99C -N. SIX-DAY PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE Ric.mnds 14-- lords Amaolgaiate loto Iw. osOrds 1I go through nine newpaPelrs A bik egnaeduaon.e-ig n shUg" every day. 1 read around «40 mag- hc einleuain-r-igadshoigý azines a mon01th. Anld, riglit now, portjgaLsed athe (sy&b neting tmsan uschbanhatrs shid 1 have my place marked in recent1ysugtsttyse ofIkwanurn ea decos thre diferet boks o my14 scihool boards in six area min- and rate of growfh, the, tii nigtst nd. oos"n yicipalities should be reduced to pated density, of developinient and niittad"two adminisitrative bodies. its housÜng types and it is a plan- "-When 1 wasStont, my father A Central Ontario Joint Plau nmng agency's respoI$ibilk~y to gave nie a series of hiistorical- no- ning Board report, presenfled at inake sure school autihorities vels. It started, my interest in a boa-d meeting says in.its fore. have the information. goveraiment. Ever since then, I've ward that "ont cannot help draw' The report deals wfth current read anything I could find on the conclusion that a sinugle board facilities,, their growth oveir the history." of education for the entire plan, yearis and requirernenits in the The Senators ail realize that to ning aea and a single seartetowsip, of Whitby, East Whit be a leader you must be a reader. ischool authorîty would be more by, D 1ntç; the towns- of The sanie is also true in, every logicaL" v1lWt1, Bownillvi n sd Oý9h- business and profession: the men The. report, submitted by diir- awa. .whorea nwe aciev nireýcor of planning William F. Il. who ead moe ahiee, oreMeAdais, says the major con- TIn. his presentation, Mir. Mt- The tun t tehricalandbusn-clusion of the involved study "is Adams said the education syýtem ess miagazines for the vital news that there appears to be a need of the regional area "appeairs to of hei fild for closer liaison and working b overgoveoeied" sud that re- 111w to help your boy relationship between the agencie s ources o)f educational develop-- If your youngster hopes to rise responsible for planning, servie- nient have, net been organized in _________ _________ dith best way. to the top of any tree, there's a lot of reading ahead. Take hiim -By the Shores of Silver Lake - Tht report niys that advanoe to the library sud help hi find L. I. Wilder 1warming of development trçiids 1bçjoks on his f avourite subjects. On ýthe Banks of Pluin Creek - would afford school boardis tht H-elp him develop the ncws- L. 1. Wilderoperunyof wacquiiring land lu paper habit, Encou!rage him ,to Jvnl onFcinadii-iiceof developi ez$a, . read inewsmnag,îzines. Teacli him TeQcnRds-Cmbh at reasonable prices in erder tû ta look at several points ofview Canada: WoRidesr-iampoeSur . Stetthezr future nadis" hefore fie fornis an opinion,. rss-M rihat i>hw*ao h um Hlelp your boy become a read- pie .BatwicAohr*ao h um~ er. It's his best chance of inak-Ung Telstar - Solomon ýsjox oo thiat the separate el. god.Picture Books jemitairy sehool grow'tlh ilu s lir- A ýýjy a Ta a, V flJfl in J MA flV m INTERNATI ONAL PAPER IT'S A TIIOUGHT! H1e that loves not books before ie' cornes to thirty years of age, will hardly love themn enougli af- terward to understand thém. -Clarendon INEW'BOOKS Aduit Fiction The Happy Return -C. S. F'or- ester Lord llornblower - C. S. Forest- er eTh e Commodo re - C. S. Forest- Hornblower in the West Inidies C. S. Forester Aduît Non-Fiction No Man Stands Alone A. V. Wilson Tales Froni Barrett's Landing H-. D. Wilson Juvenile Fiction Basil & The Lost Colony - E. Titusia eei .Ade Peter's Chair; - Keat Walk the Mlouse Gils, -Kuskin Iending in 196W ar exoeeds schoo& I Continued page 7 U NDERBODY CORROSION TEXACO UNDER SPRAY Texaco Under Spray is the best body corrosion prevent- ative that lias been developed. Whether your car is new or old, big or small, "undercoat" or not, Texaco Under Spray will provide, positive protection, increased trade- in value and longer if e. ERNEST L. BO WE N SERVICE STATION « GARAGE ORON, OTAR10 AUTOMATIC OIL Vyon neyer run out of Onl with our automatic deliverY aud with this delivery you reeiîve FREE 24-Heur Service FRAEINSTALLATIONSI NEW AND REPLACEMENT FURNACEEstimatesi Full Guarantee Competent installation. Vour Local 01Dae Oro. Fue md umbe Phone 98349167 Ormono Otri. Cen tenial Cleaners