ORONO WEEKLY TIMýE§,HSA, SEPTEMB1T, 28th, 1967 thing went as smooth as silk.ý' L eave For Eniglaind Only disappointing note abouti the opening wasth' number of On Tuesday, September l9th students. Dr. E. Willey at first -Nf, - M- Af- (-- predicted 250 would attend and, A11. andu trs.. AnuuurForster tîiee Dianne Gilbart) sailed from ýMon-, treal on the Russian liner, Alex- ander Puskin, for London, Eng- land. Mr. and Mrs. Forster have recently revised his thinking and' was counting on11210. However, he said hie la satisfied with the officiai counit of 198. Denin vaIIUUuver I , Jr ble Dr.Willey, instructors, con. past two years and followiing a structiion workers and' eleaners three-week visit in Ontario, Que- worked through the last few days bec and Cape Cod they are sali- prior to opening preparing the 161 ing to Europe to spend a year or portables for the invasion. two working and touring the con-1 tinent and visitingToni's relativesi The library portable was the in Germany and tbiane's relatives only one wbhich was not ready in England and Wales. 'Tbey in-!for the opening. Dr. Willey said i tend returning to Canada In 1969 l500books, which have been or- and the University of B.C. to dered by. the instructors, 'are to complete their BA degre. !arrive around the end of Septem- 1ber. According to, Dr. Willey, stu-j dents are ,bappy and satisfied 198 îAttend C lee An officiai opening of the Col- Afte a wek-ed offranilege is being planned for Octo- last-minute preparation, Durhambelth College of Applied Arts and ________________ Tecbnology -opened recently with 198 students. JACK Dr. Gordon E. Willey, presi- dent of the coilege, said, "Every- Prîze Wi'nners RALO (Continued from page 5)9KigStE Silage Cora - Geraljd Brown, 9KigStE Neil Allia, E. Nikilaus I BOWVMAN VILLE Fail Wheat Sheaif - j. Cruik- shak.Mixen Buying or Selllng cali Oat Sheaf - J, Cruikshank, E. bMixed Hay, ls,t eut - Win. Tam- W L H UV byn, Ken i'ederson, Ropt. Kent Mixed Hay, 21d eut - Gordon VOUR ORONO AREA B3a2rie, M. Ransberry, C. Tamiblyn REPRESENTATIVE Special - Best Bariey - Harold9827 Special, Beist O ats - Harold Members of Oshawa and Dis- Swain. trict Real Estate Board Milk Producers Special Unpasteurized Whol.e Milk - C. Tamiblyn, Stan Alin, Gerald _______________ Brown. Beets A. Holjlingswortjj W. Farriow, C. W. Downey Carrcits - A. HollingswSrti, E. Stapleton, Mrs. E. Stapleton. Yellow Corn - G. Gummer, 1\Mrs., M. Moster't, Mrs. A. Sul Wh-lite Corn - G. Gummeir. Wintey Cabbage - XA. Hollings-' worth, G. Gummer Red Cabbage - G. Gummeir, E. Stapleton. Stgar- Mangels -A. Pos, -G. Guimmer. Mangeis, other F. Zegers, G. Gummer, A. Pos. Yellow Oni-onis W. Fairrow, E. Harneis, A. Sager. Red Onions - E.,' Stapleton, Mirs. E. Stapleiton, A., Sager. Parip - E. Stapleton, 'A. llollingsWrnth, Mrs. E. Stap1'ebon Pumpkins - A. 11H1lingsworth, W. Farrow, S. Chapman Field PuMpkins, - G. Gummer Swe.et Red Peppers- S. Chap. man. *Sweet Green, Peppess- S. Chap.. man, A. -Cul, Mrs. O. Challice, Grei Hubbardi Squash - A. Sager, E. Harnpess, A. Hollings- Yellow Hubbard Squash - A. Sager, G. Gumnier. Pepper Squash - C. W. Downiey, E. Harniesis, A. Sager. Red Tomatoes - E. Harness, C. W. Downey, S. Chapman. Field Turnips - A. Holltngs- worth, E. Harness, R. Osborne. Table Turnips - A. Hollings- worth, -W. Farrow, Mirs. S. Allun Pota'te - R. E. Beinstra, A. Hoillingswortb, A. Sageir Potatoeis - G. Gumnier, W. Far- row, E. Stapleton Potatoes, coli - E. Staple- ton, W. Farrow, Mirs. G. Coatham Onions, colei - A. Sager, E. Stapleton. Display - Vegetables G. Cum-ý mer, F. Zegers, A. Sagei. Largest Pumpkin, B. Cowan Oddly shaped Vegetable - A. Sager, ColcinFRUIT Colectonof Apples - D. Stap. les, W. Piersma, C. Tamblyn.ý Gravenstein, 6 qt. -. C. Tamblyn Aleibas 6 qt. - W. Pierisma, A. Cobibledicek, F. H. Jose. Duchesis- Robt. Keùt, D. Staples MeIibas W. Piersma, D. Stap- J leý. C. Tamb1yn, leaders - C. Tamblyn. r MANY October 17 DATE WITH ti s four years si nce Premier.John Roba rts was given the honour of headingyour provincial governmfent.,, ln that time, he and his Progressive Conservative assclaeshave achieved a remarkable record of accomplishment. New and Improved hlghways, schools and hospitalsi H igher wages and lower unemployment. Assistance for the farmer, protection for the consumer and bold steps forward In houslng, transportation and, medical Insurance. Good goe n ment ... the Robarts government.. deserves your support on October l7th. Reo'Elect ALEK. UCARRUTHERS F or Durham TiHA N KS.n', Having sold our business to Glen Rae Dairy we would like t-o express a sinceîe appreciation and gratitude to our many customers for their loyal support and patronage during the past 38 years. To Ge Rae Dairy we wish every ýsuccess for, hefuture and ask your support for this new bus- iness eniterprise in the communit.. C edC' am r Daie Daiffry J. C. Taunblyn, Prop. .1 Orono Building Cent ractor Brick - Block -, Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors -Tile 983-5441 ORONO . ........... . ....... - --- - -- ------ - - -----