- ~ - ~~'-' N~.-' ~-~-~--~--- - - ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th, 1967 *Kenda'l News Some of the Kendal ladies, at- tended a "Corne and Go" Tea for Miss Jean Lofthouse in Oshawa on Saturday September 23rd. Little Kalvia Copping who broke her leg as the resuit of be- ing knocked down by a car three weeks ago' is progressing satis- factorily in Oshawa General Hos- pital. She is the daughter of Mr. and IVrs. Hlarold Copping. Kendal *Anniversary Service will be held Otober 15 at 2:30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Rev. Thos. H. Smith B.A. B.D. of Neewcastle. The music will be plo- vîded by thë Excelsior Choir led 4y Mr. M. McCoy. Keadal Turkey Supper will be held October the Two Boards Continued from page 4- school sysltem. in osha-wa, the separate sichoolsi clfimbd ini enrolients by 5981 per cent over the period. The public school system jumped on- jly 22.6 per cent, The Whitby separate sclice growth was even higher at 63.1 per cet!lJ, compared with 12 per cent in the Public SYStem. How- ever, -ia hoth cases, the; publicý ilschoc>ls have. more than. double the school population in the sel- arate sysitein. UNITi Orm 1ev. SUNDAY, OCTO BE RphHardware ATTENTION1 COWIY PAY MORE? _ NSA.1 ON PREMIUM QUAL1TY Ga0soline .-mDilesel and Mrs. Wayne Bailey, Mr. and Mirs. Carl Kimmeitt were dimner guests with Mrs. Harry Bailey oni Sunday.. Master Scott Wegt, oon Of! Mr. and Mrs. Ronald- West had an' openation for appendicitisi hi Bowmanville HOSPIjtal On Fniday last. Master Michael Hut"n, son of I Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hutton is a patient in Bowmanville bMeniorial Hospitai having suffered pamniful1 Mirs. 0. Challice, Mrs. E. Couv- ien, Mirs. N. Porter and Mrs. C. 1311liIIgs, members (o! the OrO4nO liojticulitural Society, attend.a. district meeting at, Lakefield on Saturdýay where they received the HOrticulltural Distrnict Cup for the best Horticultural dispiay. i Coneraulatios tto --. Fe 1 %D CEW H Tamblyn, who ecelebrated lier 36l- biithdey last Saturday, SeP- ],nopastobar 23rd a, the home of her siePatorl aughtIer M.ns. R. Van Home and charge r IL-, VanII e 508Wantt, 1 M .rs. Tamblyn, who is stil con- B. E. Long fined to .bcd, received many: carids,, gifts, flowvers and 15 TcI- ER lst, 1967l atives and f'iendis called to off ci - their ,oangratulations.1 Orono United - liurcfl Sunday School at 10:00 SeÊvice at 11:15 am: Kirby- Moring Service at 9:45 Suniday se" at 11:00 Leskard- Sunday School at 9:45 Dr. P.1. Maartens e ]ENT!ST Orono, Ontarjo Orono Medical Centre office Hours:- 9:00 tg 1:00;ý 2:00 t. 6:00 Saturday 9:00 to 1:00 Phone 983-5825 FARMERS Jl I-Metor 0011 . FARM-Fv TANKS and PIJM1S AVAILABLE , ~.CALL CULLECT WIIITBY 668-3341 DXOIL OMPANY A delicious Birthday macle by'Mrs. C. Miller and1 ifully diecorajted by Mrs. C. was seîved to the guests. çake, beaut- * Jones il IT'S LATER THAN- YOU THINK Spring Biilbs shoutd be planted now. We have a good setection. We are taking orders for Personalizçd Stationery Christmas Cards and Serviettes and other Name-On Products. See our group of Paintngs. You may find that one and only one for an ideal gift. Try ýus, for your FIéraI Arrangemnts &Tributes fil BOY'S SWEATERS Sec our new boys Sweaters -by 'Corticenri. Fine knit -cardi- gans and bulky knit pullovers in orlon - wash without worty. V- neck cardigans in plain -shades with cotrasting stripes. Thre of the uewest styles lu pullovers. Blue, grey, red and black. Sizes to fit 8 to 16 years. Priced f rom $5.95 to $7.95 GIRL'S SWEATERS Girls orlon Cardigans, soft yet sturdy, shrink-stretch-resist-, aut. Bulky khlt- sweaters in plain shades with fancy designs as well as jacquard kuit styles in contrastiug colours. Sizes 8 to 14 ycars .Prdced front $4.98 to $7.50 GIRLS' SIIELLS Girls' sleevcless shelîs by, Corti- celli, soft orlon in plain huit or rib knit, round neck or turtie neck. Burnt orange, blue, red and white. Sizes 10 to 14 yrs. Priced $3.95 to $4.95 Ladies' Winter Coats Warm coats lu wide wale corduroy and suedine with orlon pile llning. Red, green, brown and burgundy. Sizes 12 to 18. Regular values to $24.95 Your Choice $18.95 Girl's >m Boy's Gym Suite with Clarke High ýSeheel crest 00W in stock ARMSTRONG's W'eHope You'II Join even if: l yove been too busy te -= u P. OR -you're not interested ln saving money. OR -you neyer have te borrow You Can't Afford t. Pasu Up M.çobership hW tbe, Orono District CREDIT UNION Treas..Maa., Mrs.* P. Werry Rainey' s Confectionery Agent for Bowmanville Cleaners GLEN RAE DAIRY PRODUCTS NEISON'S- ICE CREAM L.P. RECORDS' SCIIOOL SUPPLIES Sof t Drinks. & Tobaccos Open. Evenings except Wednesdays I POLICE TRUSTEES Park. Mr. Woodyard said the pa eighteenth. j 1 Cntnudfrm ae!)sent charge for water lai the ULCAL- NE'W S (Otne rmPýe1 Park was only temporary an)d Several families from Kendal thority, which was giv en, to put that new rates were to be estab- attended the showing of 'Port- Mr. and Ma's.,Gant Moffat and jin stock, sleeves for 4, 6, and 8 ished. It was recommended that raits of the Past' on Monday ev- family, Oakville, Mr. Douglas inch. water mainis used for re- water bce ut-off to the park dur- eaing in Clarke High School. It Mffat Of Guelphi Univerisilty, Mr. pairs. Mr. Downs said it would ýing the winters months. was indeed an outstanding Cen- Lawrence Squaiyln, Mr. and not be necessary to cal in New- *tennial event. Stàrting with the Mrs. Jack Maffi,. B]aiin and lan, castle if lie had this material on The manager also spoke of rbeautiful costumes of, white deer- M vr. and Mrs. Alex Moffat ani hand when a breakdown occurs. i work to be done where hydro skia followed by that worn' by f amily a'tended a dinner' party unes had to be 'moved to new cMadame Champlain and hier maid on Sunrdâ:y at the homne, of Mr. Mr. D. Simp,ýson questioned the rpoles. Approval was also granted ThenMrs Jon Gave Sieoe nd i.s Wi. Mff it, he ccas- us ofplastic pipe at the Orono *~~~~~~~~~~~ PhnMs onGae iceadMs m ofat h c ar k,-nd use of . .e itwa to the manager to have Mr. Jerry is followed by a rural belle. The, ion being the latter'is 47th, wed- Ipr n adh eevdi a plain quaker costume of Sarah ding anniversaxy. against the poîicy as originally 'Duval ýct as standby on week- Ashhridge formed a striking con-, i er rrbnQeasset- out where only copper pipe 'ends when the manager was out trast. The finest costume of ail,l r er rhm ue' was to be used. He also question- ro! town. The Commission was 1 eof course,. was that of Quedil Vic- Jniversity, Kingston, spent the ed the charges for water la thepa 150fosuhtndy toria as she might have .dressed weekenid with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. py$50 o uhsady at a bail givea before lier mat. rala n rage to Prince Albert. This was Mrw. and Mrs. Rupert Carveth ofr - -modelled by Mrs. Robt. Reid. Victoria, B.C. and Mr. and Mrs. î Î Then as now the sporting coJst- iGerad Carveth of Grande Prair-1 Y umies were most interesting, lie, Aberta are visiting the C. R. Ca w o d S pp Skater. the Tennis Player andP Continued Page 8 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Little and ORONO, ONT. PHONE 983-5539