ORONO0 WEEKL'Y TIMES, THURSDeAY,SEEME ti,96 CIassified Ads È 0 ftSA,ýL E SALES HELP WANTED MALE, 100Chcns 16 wveeks 'Old. 1 ncrease your income. You can eurn up to $3 per hour selling' _________________________Ruwleîgh Produets full or part time. Write Raw lcigh, Dept 1-306- FOR SALEI 16, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, ln Oro.no on Summierville Dr., Montreal. rew Tilx three bedroom a-ý paritments, kitchen with dinette' electrie licatin g, separate meters, $600000 down. A]so two, thre K n a w and -fou r bcdroom homes now un- ( der construction. Cail Jan O'Chonski Construc- (continued from page 7) tioi. Phoe 98-5709 a-c, the Bathing, Bcauty just to men- ti on a f ew of the thrynine -,ho-wn and including children's FOR~ SALE outfits of the past. The program Two co stoves: 1i coul & wood w"as întcwrspcýrsed b)y music pro- burimn, fair condition $0100 i idcd lby-the Counittry Four and oil-fired u-utomatic, complcte' with two' soloists. tank, very good condition. Pipes for above. Decoraitive -ralfencing and posts. Telephonle 98ý3-5021.a- CLARKE TOWNSHHIP LIBERAL MEETING FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6th - Odd;fellowv's Hiall, Orono Corne and meet your Liberal Candidate, E. Richard Lovekin Lunch served Final upproval ha.5 been re- ccivcd for the construction of the addition to 'the Kendal Public Sehool and for the construction of the ncw Kirby Centennial school. The upprovul was receiv- cd from the Ontario Municipal Board the first of'this weck. Approval granted the expendi- turc of $12 1,030 for the .Kna school and $279,507 for the Kirby, Sehool. These prices included 1 both construction and equipmcnt, With this approval work a now start 'on the two projccts. 'Div hm M.P. Russell C. 1oney said recený1tlythat he is extremely plezts;ýd1with the decision of the Cabineft to postpone indefinitcly t'ie movc of Barrie',9 Channel 3 traw itte-r to Paulgarave. Mr. Honey is one of a group of local M.P.'s who have strongly urged the, Goxernmcnt to counter- mand the Order of Broudcast Governors allowing another TV Ch'lanniel ýin the Toronto market. H sttdthat he had requested reports frorù technical officers of the 5' ederal Department of Tran - jort as to the probable cffcct of such a miove on TV reception in thie Durhaim County area. "Re- ports îndicated", said Mr. i{oney "thatthere was a, strong possibil. ity- that the signals from Chan- ke 2 and 4 in Buff alo now wcll reccived liere would have been 1ffr~-Awith, by the ncw Chan- âel 3 and -TV operators 'in this area world probably have been faced with an expenditure of a- t'out $25,00 for the installation of a device toý sci-cen out the inter .e. There, was no evidence .of eithe'r a public need or désire forathr Toronto Channel. Li ve ofthe potenqtial inte4efrence with cistinig TV reception the Cabinet actcd in the public ln- tc-rcst in sheling the miatter ln- d-efintely'< the Durham M.P. Mrs. Wm. Mrcer is progressing satisfaetorîly in the Private Pa- tients Pavillon of the Toronto General Hospital. She hopes to bc up ncxt wcek. Her room nm ber is 335. Visitors with Mrs. C. Thomp- son las t weckcnd wcrc Mrs. L. Burwash and Miss Olive Eckel of Saskatoon. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Zeland have a new baby daughter born lust week. Wec notice the foundution for the ncw Kendal school hus been levelled by a bulldozey. REGISTRAT'ýON DATE froni 7 to 8p.m. EvÉening Classes will be held ini TYPE WRITING -SE WING - WOODWORK or any subjedt where there is s-uffiCdent nuniber of applicants TLPl-IONE: Newcastle 987-4842 We are endeavourîng t o have Up-Grading in Acadeice Subjects but up to prsent time, we have not received sufficient applications. Aflyone who is inter- C,;trd in taking ýNight schôàýiolCasses lu English, Math, Science,' History, Geo- graphy, pieuse contact, the school. HERE tq'v,8C1LSS IfEONINETY-EIGT l LUXURY SeDAN "-, z , ISANR D EVERY OLDS lIAS TO MAKE ff BEFORE WE MARK fi' Authlorized Chieý,rlet Utck, Deulier ln Bowmanville: ]ROT NICHOLS MOTORS LIMITED, Phn:728-6206, Ciurtice -6.-25,Bowmnanville