ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5th, 1967 Stat ýIstics (SOn Expo _t9!Jstics ýmay be brn on oc- c~ inbut tbe Board of Govern- ors, and the staff of Durham Coi- lege are very haipy with the stat- isties accumulated so far. An in- stant coilege bas been built in four mnonths in spite of strikes and flood waters. A teachfing staýff oýf 14 excellent peopleha been estabiished. An effective ad- ministrative staff and system bas been formed.* 1Two hundred students have been enroiied witb the co-eds be- ing overjoyed at the maie to fe- maeratio of nlmost 5 to 1. There are M65 men ttnd 34 young ladies. The enroimenit from outside Osh- awa is approedmiiately 40% of the total. The number of cars onthe Parking lot vouches for the com- inuting aibilities of the students and as friendships -form there wili undoubtedly be more car pools arranged, The total regis- tration is broken down as fol- iows: Tbree Year Tcchnoiogy 35 Two Year Drafting 21 Two Year Electronics 28 Tbree Year Business Adinn istration Two Year Business Generai Two Year Business Secretar- ial 84 Total - 200 in ten classes. Supplied by THlE OSHAWA WHOLESALE LIMITED suppty depot for progressive independents '~ I L Mn I. M~ EVISCERýATEDO-R[A DY FOR THME OE 20 to 24 IL AVERAGE FR0 ZN (RYOÏAC lb 6 to 16 lb. Averiuge FROZEN CRYOYAC lb. 43 rABLELITEOZEN CRYOVAC 20to241b 6 t. 16l. AVER4.AGEAV ERAGE A7 lb. lb.4,7> JulCE 248 L 9 VEGETABLES - DEEP BUTTE REOt> 0% iPEASCORN 12 oz.IUIc CARROTS , TINS LUUUUJLIMA BEANS PEAS %wCARROTS 2 - 0 1~1 oz. BTLS. 30 oz. BULS. PLUS DEPOSIT A'YLMER FANCY 48 OZ. TINS mAkPLELE A F 77:ARý-SAE D TIN 1.9 RPELEAF MINCEMEAT STOXELY's FAHICY PUMPKIN, BIIS 12 0. OE L L; (N~O Atc j2 S!. PO1SI OGR KI O;ýL", l5 oz. SWt1-T MAiXED. Ï? O!.Sz G5KM PICKLES 2 LB47 'JAR39 4 Favourite Fruit of Chîidren Savoury Tropical BANANA s SHO'RT SHAN (READYTeTO EAT)- WItOL'E or' I SIJNNY MORN RINDLESS SID'E 1 Mb.,1 BACON VA C. PAC. 'AEY DEPARTMENT KRAFT VELVEETA CH E ESE BLK. IAMIJNO.- CLOUREU MED. CHEESE INSTANT IGA COFEE JAR 79i KELIOGG'S -12 DZ. CON F LAKSZ ~3 IGA - CHOC, BUDS, CHOC. WAFERS CHOC. MACAROONS PEEK FREAN- PF ASSORTMENT, HOME ASSORTýiMEN RAM ASSORIMENT PKG. Firm Full Clusters, Calif. Ttomnpson-Prod. of U.S.A. SEEDLESS CRAPES 2' 39c Crso F;m GreenHed-r. of USA, C. . M. SGr,.fl ICpURG LETTRCE de 2f Crs, and Swee-Can3da No. I Grade BURINOONCELERY 1 9c New Cr<p VALNCA RANGES SzI259c PRICES 'EFFECTIVE OCT. 4, 5, 6 and 7 WE RESERVE THE RiGHI TO'LINIT QUANTITIES IGA, PULMPKIN PIE DEMPSTEF,'S .TOWN &&COUNTRY ROLLS "g49C PG3 Oc FROZEN F00135 DEPARTMENT FARMHO USE A-%iPPLE PIE FRASERVALE HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS, ADOR N REG. & EXTRA FIRM; 'T 01. SPRAY, TIN ~1.31 Mm 99~ 219 55eF RAXERY flPARTMENT 39% 8,~ 49e Orenog, Ontario HEAD & SHOULDERS LOTIO^N SH AMPOO Pk AZ