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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Oct 1967, p. 4

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0RONO WEEIKLY TIMES. THUJRSDAY, OCTOBER -19th, 1967 d-"% Wîth these People nothing is go- CUharae teristies of the True ing to happen." A,,truîy Christian congregation is an expectant con- gregation. If people conie to C-rttinh r chl worship and leave saying, .oh Chr'stan Ch ng h1appen;OdU, they wouid, do Seripture- Acts 2: 1-24 God. Nor can we iay' daimn to well to reali4- that nothinig hap-1 Taken froni a sermon preached the Christian characteristic of be- Penled bcseothir lack of by, Rev. Basîl E. Long. ing "in one accord." expectancy- They theniselves had 1 closeil the door. When_ we be- In recent years the Christian I In making such a statement we cornle a colilregation who. expect Church has become one of the take into account that people who- thîings, to happen, the doorway focal points of popular debate. are missing from their home fel- will be open to al of the power Many enjoy discussing ifs re- lowship are sometimes faithfui to of God. lationship to our modemr fiie Christ in being part of His fel- and niany, wifhouf too much un- lowship -in some other place. A power filied Churcli derstanding of what the Christ- When this happens we niay fruly Many modemn day Christians ian Church reaily is, assign if to say that fhey and those af home have littie more than a nodding a place among the, things that are in "one place" in relafîonship acquaintance wifh Christ. We were of some value in the past to Christ. As to being in "One strive very carefully to keep froni but of littie or no value in our accord" it does nof deny the dif- being too much involved. We are tume. But wbile our modemn wit- ference of personalities and opin- content to have the naine but ness niay be irrelevant, it is a ions but niakes reference fo fthe quickly wifhdraw if things begini vasfly different matter fo say fact that in our dîversities we to get serious. "leh resuit of suchi that the same is so of the true 'can be one in the 'Jesire to know toying with CFistianity is ,that Christian Church.i and to serve o hog u e are neyer satisfied even A gathered Chureh Christ. though we fry to convince our- selves that we are. Many know The Christian Church had its1 Quite often we hear people say- little' offthe second blessing that begînning in a sniall group ofin "I'm too worn ont, foo iii to Conies to those who move on followers of Jesus who were be' present in Church. I niusf deeper and deeper dedication. gatherel- togefher in obedience f0 stay home and rest."1 Often if lis commiand, and waifing for weuld be true thaf these sainie In the early days of the Church the fulfilment of his promise that people could do far more and en- there was an eloquent speaker hie weuld send his Spirif to theni, joy life to a far greater extent named Apollos. He had been at- We read, "They were ail together if they were to drag their weary tracted to this wenderfui expres- in one place, in one accord." bones i.nfo the lieuse of God and sien Of religion and- was well If we did 1net have this ne- join in praise and thanksgiving to, known for bis rilliant discours- count of the early Christian God who blesses us tbiroegh, Jes- es. But some of Christ's dedicated Church and were forced to recon- us > Christ by leadiiug, us ouf of people were eonerned that lie struc t the account by our expres- common existence inýto real Life. was lacking inPeer They ask- 'sion -of feday the sfory would ed hini if h li hd received the probably read semething lîke A Praying Chureli Holy Spirit. 1111 answer hie ex- this, "In fhe begianing the Christ- Another mark of fthc early clainied thaf he 'lad known nofli- ian Church was called to be f0- Christian, Churci was that it 'was1 ing about the Spirit. Further as- gether in a certain place, af a a praying Churci. When we fail in stio nîitendtge ber he certain ftinie. A handful -of f aith- prayer xve leave flie deorway tooa nihee saeweele fui foiiowers of Jesus were pres- closed flirougli which God can to became Power filled. cnf and to theni fle Holy Spirif send the power of His-lioly Spir- T he fragedy in fhe modemn came. James 'and John were ab-i if. When a con gregation is a church is fliat People are foo sent because fhey had de cided te fruly praying congregatien fthe limited in fheir understandiug of go fishing. Andrew was unable te floodgates of fie, Spirit are oPen-'what real conmmtient can' bring. atten 'd because if was bis customi cd. The poxer of God's Spirit When a congregation is P ower. te spend the weekends af bis cet- flows fhrougli fiat coagregafion filled there is neyer sncb a fhing f age on Lake Galîlce. Matthcw, a as well as through the minister as a shorfage of Suaday Sehool very astute business mnan, was un- and the choir. A praying congre- teachers or leadersi There is ai- able te get lis business worked gafien cannot becniediecre, nor ways. a broad and happy mission- info fiehe oiher six days, se, in ord- will ifs minister or choir -be like- ary outreacli, nd there is a er te finish bis business was ab- wise. Thec pewer of prayer knows steady flow f yoý.(u1g men and sent. Peter was in fie embarras- ne limitafions o5r boundaries, but Young wemen ite Christian vo- sing position of having had coin- offen remains an untapped source cafions. Wiere thie Spirit is miss- pany arrive a lîftle while before of power. igpel ilsy btIhv the gathering was te take place. igPol ilsy btIhv Anxious f0 be a good host hie An Expectant. Cliurch nef the abulity! I haven't the stayed home. Philip had be en up The early Christian Church Wasfinie! I haven't the iealt'h!" My late the nigif befere, and iaving an expectant church. They were abîleity, le"Cirst mii your life a heavy head, finally decided thaf waifiag in expectation thaf some- and li et wi m a you ableI fie mosf important thing was te tbing wonderful was going te n ewl aeyual.I look affer bis healfh. lie, tee, happen. 'If might be raier eni- you haven'f fhe finie tien you are was missing."1 barrassing fo ask, "iew many er br i tig ta a As a congregation having mucli peep le came te Churcli this mern- neve rn lasting satisfaction in cemnion wifh many ether con- ing expecting semefhing wonder- and well-being. If you say,,'1'm gregafions we are forced te, admit fui te happen"? If might be nef well enough', if inay be the fhi we are nef usually "ail te- equally embarrassing te, ask hew tfuh, but fer many fhe cure -would ýbe te ,surrender fiat un- gether" on any one day set aside many miaisters go into their pul- happy life te Christ a nd lose one-, te wifness and tic wership of piftiinking "whaf's the, use! ýefi i evc. __________ A mark of fite modemn day Churci is fihat many have been satisfied te seffle fer a degree of goedness but have been afraid te sfep ever theline and say, "here 1 amn, use me in the lest way tînt Iam suited te serve?" The challenge of change in our finie must be met by an enliglit- <ned, dedicated Churci who are flic expression of eod's love as If bas bien revealed te us in Jesus Christ. The truc Christian Church is sf111 Ged's redeniptive and ec- onciling agent in fIe world teday.1 SafeSt goilng This is the one for fun-the Oniy snowvehicle of ifs kind, Thrill your famuily and friends with the exciting Diable Rouge. Over bis, areund curves and threugh dips with conifort, safety and fun. The Bolens Diable, Rouge is built with safe snow fun in mmnd. Check oee ouf IIOW. Brawny 16 hp engine, front-,,nd« dual-track' traction and thre or four-passenger ski-seatcr with' roomy storage space. Take a unique test ride in our "Bolens Action Theafer". It's ready for you rish fOW Corne on in and sep flic Diable! more imrn 0ftnfto dsolutions tlirough reaso"ing tIban te have memorbed a fable of f acfs. Our elemnentary sehool popu- lat ion will stabilize in thie near future. Attention tan thea le di- verted froni building plans te ne- adeniic prograrns wifh a mnuci more hopeful eniphasis on re- search," Mr. Pifman stated fliat af pres- cnt less tian t,%,p( r cent i5f fie educational dollar is being 3;pent on~ research, If a large business emnpany speat a littie on mc- searci it would ',e Pleugied un- der within a short finie, he point- cd out. "Research is necessary for CYCLE pro3gress Standards of elementary. C E sclooi educatien wili be maised. W ATSO0N'"S MARINE &iC BY 1975 \niost feaciers in surd scioolls WÎill e University,grad- Plione: 83533Orono, Otarlo Uates. Council Meet clerk was tui notify tlhecoms sion. It appears that the commis- sion is requesting gates and sig- nais. Concerning the Newtonville brailway crossing the reeve saidý that the Township action would depend on what the railway and commission is going to do at this crossing., A letter was received froni the Durham High Sehool Board stat- ing the need for a new High School in Bowmanville. The let- ter pointed out that Courtice will be filled by 1968. If alsoý stated that the 'Board is endeavouring to seli the present iligli School and that the Board has alrcady pur- chased an 18.2' acre site east of Liberty Sstreet and just south of IConcession Street. The new high school in Bowmanville would W~ a composite sehool. Both deputy-reeve 'Walkey and ceuncillor Carveth stated that the additions te the Bowmnanville High School shouid have neyer been constructed in the first place. Cierk H. E. 'Council wouid ono Trustees the holding of elec- ti -ons on a two year basis to ce- incide with the coming two-year ternis for Council. As if now' stands election, even with the Township on a two, year terni. have to be held every year if 're- quîred. Deputy-reeve Walkey informed Councl tflaffthe County assess- Iment, office 'was nof sefting-'up, sub-offices fhroughout the County Las prev!ously considered. Millsnn asked if discuss wifh flic DRINK MILK... it's the FLAVOURFUL WAY TO'HEALTH Further te yonr familles' licalth we offer cconomy through our volume discount plan. Ask our deliveryman how you can save by buying haif gallon botties delivered te your door. Glosa Rae Dairy Plonc Orono 983-5140 Bowmanvilie 623-5444 I j I y UNDER SPRAY Texaco Under Spray is the best body corrosion prevent.. ative that lbas been deveioped. Whether yonr car is new or old, big or smail, "undercoat"- or flot, Texaco Under Spray will provide positive protection, increased trade- in value and longer life. ERNEST L.BOWEN SERVICE STATION & GARAGE ORONO, ONTARIO 1,

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