ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1967 ORNO WE EKLY TIMES (Autihonzed as Second Clas mail, Pos Office Depanent, Ottawa) Published every Tliuray at th1& office o« publicatWS Main StreeT, Piione 109, Orono, 0m'arno Eeablished in 1938 by R. A. Forraster Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager A Clear Definition Needed There is certainly a need in this country for a clear defînition by those who discuss the future of tbe province of Quebec in relation to Canada. What is meant wben on1e speaks of separatism, federalism,, special status, associated statebood, deux nations and equality of ýopportunity? Not until clear meanings are given to sucb phrases or captions will there be constructive action or will the general public understand the viewvs of those speaking. A good example wa's the use of "Deux Nations" at the recent Conservatîve leadership convention held in Tor- onto. No sooner had tbe 'phrase been circulated wben it was stated and discussed that such a phrase bad two mean- ings depending wbetber it was interpreted in English or in Frencb. It did not appear that even those in tbe policy making were too sure just what it meant. "Deux Nation" in itself means notbing . it is merely a caption. What is important is the policy set out under the caption. Like the use of the caption "lligbWay Traffie Act" which also means nothing in itself. The im- portant and revalent features are contained in definite stated policies under the caption. Tbey do not differ whetb- er written in French, English or any other language. There bas been f ar too mucb bantering of meaning- less phrases used only to pacify ail interests. It is 110w long past the time wben specifics are to be spelled out so tbat the general public can ascertain the views of the poli- ticians. Some bave been beard recently and- in this regard Rene Levesque, an out and out separatist, laid bis views on the Une. In tbis be rendered Canada a great service be- cause now people of Quebec and the rest of Canada can definitely decide their alliance either witb or against the separatist views of Rene Levesque. Prime Minister Pearson bas been slow to reveal tbe true meaning of bis discords but tbey are beginning to aj- pear. He bas opposed "special status" as it would, be said, iead to a "separate state". He also underlined tbat as Can- adians ( those of Quebec) ail of Canada is their homeland just as it is for the rest of us. These views, of the Prime Minister are in opposition to other views. Wbat Canadians are looking for today is not catcby phrases but meaningful policy listed point by point.. Give tbe Canadian public sometbing to go onadte ilmk the decision. nadte iimk What Others Say The Federal Government is exorting ail concerned to exhibit some restraiint not only in their demands on government, but also in their personal desires and needs. The fires of inflation are burning fierceiy and can, unless controlled, create problems for ail of us. The warning may serve a purpose but we doubt it, In tbe first place the young militants in tbe ranks'of organized lab or bave littie thougbt for anytbîng but bow mucb can tbey get. Then we bave many groups making persistent demands for addîtionai services and handouts from government. Not the least of the offenders are some of those wbo sougbt election in the three provinces which bave- gone tbrougb election cam- paigns. If the politîcians cannot be restrained in their el- ection promises it is difficult for the generai public to show concerfi. It is basic to the discussion that goes witb' the warnings to accept tbe certainty tbat wbatsoever is ,purcbased, be it government service and bigber wage leveis, bas to be paid for and the oniy way tbis tbougbt of doing an honest day's work. Tbe caîl on ail governme nts respond to pressures and those who are appiying the pressures must assume respon-sibility if the bailoon bursts. The wei- lare state is aimcd at belping the bave-nots, but unfortun- ately many' in that ciass are only too content to accept the aid witbout any thougbt of doing an honest days work. The eaul on ail goveruments is for the establishment of firm orders of priorities. At municipal level the need is especiaily acute. Actually the greatest need in the municipal area is for a caim assessment of the calibre of tbose seeking office. After aIl we pay dearly if we eleet people of little ability, or worse stîli, people wbo aren't prepared togive attention to tbe job- in hand witb the resuit that paid administrators j itter~, she said, was a trade- mark of North American society. "We drop our cigarette b oxesCO NO RIA, OV toTUS YOV9 with great care, only after, we jOIGFIANV t HR'ANV have left our own property." At present Toronto emPloyed1 nearly 600 men and 176 vehicles for garbage collection,- and an- ___________ - other 443 men engaged in streetr ýcleaning. A large cbunk of, $4,- ______________ _______________ 332,902 went to cleaning up after m citizens. "There, is one area wbere we in O)ntario bave a -relativrespite6 from ugliness. Aithougli should- ers and ditches are littered. the overaîl view on the open highway is fot luttered with advertising," she said. "In ail Canada there are only 15,000 billboard sites"' our responsibiliy, To- compound your pbysician's pre- scriptions with the utmost precision is the prime responsibiîity of the, registered.pbarmacist. There is nev- er any compromise with accuracy. Nothing less tban a :revolution of the educational systemi was re- quireéd t dispense with the prob. lems of litter. Somietbing more was needed than goverfiment pol- icy. "We must teacb the sebool cliild to relate himseif tb bis total environment. To see himself as fpart of an interdependent, inter- relating world, not simply its Imanipulator," sbe said. Mrs. Nornabeli feit tbat ad alism. was just "grown-up litter." Both were based on a lack of re- spect and responsîbility. j Referring to tbe natural re- sources of Canada she said that over the generations People bave become careless. "We have as- sumed that what was there oncej would always be there despite our stupidities and abuses. Only now are awakening to tbe faet tbat our own civilization is rabid- ly destroying our envirofiment."1 Tnose who lived on the shores Of Lake Ontario could see wbat Di@d you know?@ Cen tenial Cleaners 71 King St. E. BOWMANVILLE clean articles of Suedel, Se e Kid and Leather IN OROjNO' THIS WEEK OL 2 Skirts 99c 2 Men's Pants 99c SIX-DAY PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE WE ARE IN BUSINESS FOR, VOUR HEALTH Stutt's Ph ar macy Phone 983-5009 Orono, Ontario SPEAKER CITES JIEACTION was happening to the waterways ielop an accompanying sense of TO UGLY SURROUNDINGS ialready. The algae on the water-i responsibility for bis actions în "The more people are surround- front was very réal. Itime to prevent disaster for al, ed by ugliness the less they care. I "When one considers that man 'she said. The less tbey care, the lower bas the power of life and death1 Mrs. Nornabeil is a charter- their moral standards will be," over ail nature, including bis own I member of Peterborougb Parks Mrs. V. A. Nornabeli, chairman species, and tbis for tbe first time 1Brancb and bas been cbairman of the Otonabee Region Conserva- in al bistory, one cannot help1 of th, Conservation Autbority- tion Autbority, told members of but wonder wbetber be will dev- since 1959. tbe Port Hope Rotary Club at ___________ l a recent meeting at the Port Hope ~Golf and Country Club. Ugliness affected human lîfe J~' IBowrnanvîle like a contagious disease. It un- R OA 'dermined pride bred contempt 623-5589' I and al ta ssortvenideln iec beseltheod re aillients tbat' FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 28, 29 beetmdensocîety . 3 Mrs. Nornabell,-who was speak-I ing about man and bis environ-, ffC f E ment, said that beauty on the Rl, ~ ~ II L other band encouraged self-re- spect in the young and demon- COLOR strated a belief in the future.DaaA rwsTnn in m 1 - ---- - - ýy - w %,l allî ý m 1 1 rAff., .1- Phone 623,-2971