~~--~-- -~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TRURSDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1967 Up And Down The Bok Stcks New HihSMoo aiitis lned For Port Hope Mrs. William Bunting, chose a well-entertainied by an enlighten- New facilities planned for Portmutn o$130Adisra most interesting Canadian book ing description, of an Irish wake. Hope High School passed for ap 1onin o$1,2.Amiita for the Reading Club's October Equally impressive and thought- proval at the last meeting of te , àe nq tîve cxpenses dropped $775. dur- meeting held an Thursday last provoking was the sound philos- Durham County District H-igh!I ~fo ae1 ing the year to $10,287.00. in the Clarke Public Library. It ophy on many subjects - politics, School Board, include a library' daimns. CMemeriequeity in te rhamst was the "Yellow Briar" written by the death penalty, war, murder, 'resource centre with study cor- Prcmiums' for sjprgical con-C-ortieMdclSrcst- Patrick. Siater. This name is the; medical doctors, love and mar- rais, four laboratories and five tracts amounted to $59,242.. with talled ta $94,153 at the end of pieudfonym of John Mitchell, a riage, commercial areas and offices for dlaims amounting ta $54,903. Ma- August 1967. lawyer and writer boru in1 1882 He 1iso Cnda tt director and conference room. 'o eiaprmus mund Th anal etng e-ecd in Ontarilo. nota $9,747 with dlaims costing $3,- the three. retiring, directors Mr. one should pass by, especially' The "Yellow Briar" is a novel those with a wee bit of the Irish The Board approved the sub- 341. Extended Medical premiums Lawcrnce C. Staples, Mrs. Alice setmanl i th MnoMiîs re ~thm.mission of the building proposais totalled $3 1,969. with dlaims a- Chater and Mr. Bey. S. Gray. se nyin the Ms.Atough fictrian em to the Department of Education. ______ ______ in he130'. ltouh icioalNEW BOOKS the scenes, events and characters Adult FictionI The report of the Port Hope areporrayd S vvidy tat he The Gift Shop- C. Armstrong committee stated space was ur- unwary reader assur- os that this The Detective - R. Thorp gently needed as there were sev- is the actual autobiography of the DryPo .Bgye otbecasom nuea Irish narrator, old Paddy Sater. enpral Issom nuea Aduit Nonfiction present and the projcct enrol- The club memibers feit that Travels With Charley -,J. Stein- ment indicated more woul d be ORONO, ONT. PHONE 983-5539 John Mitchell must have had ac- beck required. cess ta the colourful first-hand ne- His Own Good Daughter (story miniscences of some of the Mono of Sir Thomas More - V. Newell The. committec proposal asked Milîs aId-timers because even the The Three Lives of Charles del for approval ta draw plans ta ac- style is definitely "Irishy" lu its Gaulle - D. Schoenbrun commodate a number of addedî twists of speech, and the anec-1 facilities and ten alterations ta dotes sound exactly as an auld Juvenile Fiction the present buildings. sodder would relate them. On The Case of the Gone Goose checking in Walker's "Sketches of S. Corbett a d PLANTS Old oroto" itwasfoud tat asqerae a Se Hose E. The altenations include plans Old oroto" itwasfoud tat Msqurad atSeaHoue E tocouvert the preseut library ta hi s reference, ta a double hang- Ogilviealuc omt ear te us ing in Toronto is not onfly histor- Juvenile Nonfiction ic naom, to couvert the present A Gioa Selection ot C.eeus ically accunate, but particularly Automobiles: How They Work three labonatories ta, classnaoms realistie, sa much sa that the C Yenkow and to increase' the capacity ta ehv ylmn lein n otdMm reader exclaims, "Why he must Airpians:hHow hCycWorm-nK. te foyerandaenrge thepnîndi- have heen there!" ipae:HwTe ok-Kthfoean nrgtepic- The ladies wene especially MFrad a' fie SPECIAL PLANTS BY ORDER - If yen want it Pictre BoksWe can get it. Anatale & the Robot ___________________ Anatole Over Paris , Hair Nets New Complete Book quette - A. Vanderbilt. of Eti-1 UNITED GHURCH Orene Pastoral Charge Rev. B. E. Long SUN DAY, OC TOBEIt 29th, 1967ý Ores. Uu"itd Chureh Sunday School at 10:00 Service at 11:15 a. A orui&g 5.viee at 9:45 9uasay Seh..I at 11:u Sunday Schooi at 9:45 DENTIST Oreno,'Ontarieo Oreno Medical Centre Office Heurs:- 9:00 te 1:00; 2:00 to 6*00 Saturday 9:00 to 1:0 Phone 983-582,5 $ $$ $ $$ $$ $ $ ATT 10 FARMERS WHII PA.Y MORE? ON PREIMIUM QUALITY GaL>soliïne - Diesel - Moter 011 -~FARM TANKS and PUMPS AVAILÂBLE - ~.CAIL COLLECT WHITBY 668-3341 DX OIL COMPANY T. Be Worn Long haired youths at high school may be in for a surprise when they report ta certain class- es in the near future. The Dur- ham County District High Schoal Board at a meeting recently, pass- ed a resolution which may per- suade same of them ta visit the barber. Th e resolutiou states that per- sans whose bain is considered ta be lon g by the instructor, be re- quired ta wean a hair net as spec- ified by the Industrial ISafety Act,' but ouly whîle workiug near any rotating shaft, spindie, gear, belt, or other possible source of en- tanglement. i HARVEY WOODS THERMAL UNDERWEAR ,Men's thermal shirts and drawers in. medium and heavy weight combed cet- ton, guaranteed net te skrink eut of fit. Long and short sleeved shirts. Sizes S. M. Land XL. Price - Ileavy Weight - Drawers, per pair,.... $3.95 S.S. Shirts, each ...... $3.510 L.S. Shirts, each ...... $3.95 Medium Weight -Drawers, per pair .... $3.00 S.SI Shirts, each ...... $2.50 Rainey's Confectionery JUST ARRIVED! IIALLOWE'EN CANDY. Specials -Thursdày, Friday, and Saturday Neilsons Ice Cream, pint bricks - 25e Ci' garettes Package of 20 - 40e Package of 25 - 50c Open Evenings ýexcept Wednesday s MEN'S, AND BOYS' LACED RUBBER BOOTS Laced, rubber boots with steel shank, rubber insulatign and fleece-lining. Rein- forced foxing. Olive green, PRICE- Mens size 7 to 12, pai r $5.95, Boys size 1 to 5, pair. $5.50' LADIES NYLON GOWNS A new stock of shortie nightgowns in opaque nylon tricot, daintily trimmed. Long sleeves and sleeveless. Shades of bine, orange and aqua. Buy early for Christmas. Sizes S. M and L. Price from $4.95 to $6.95 ORLON PILE SNOW SUITS Furry-warm orlon pile snow suits, two-piece style with hood. Pink or aqua with white trim. Size 18 and 24 months. Price each- $15.00 ARMTOGS We Hope You'II Join even if: -yiou've been too busy to signU 1P. OR -you're 'not interested in saing money. ORiý -yen neyer have te borrow money. Yeu Can't Aford te Pass Up Membership in the Oron'o District CREDIT UNION Treas.-Man., Mrs. P. Werry $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $~