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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Oct 1967, p. 6

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-~ ~ -~ W ~-.w.w rw~ "~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCT OBER 26th, 1967 CL SEl CARD 0F THANKS 1 wîsli to thank Dr. Sproule, Dr Le nurses and staff of Oshaw. General Hospital for their kinc attention. Also thanks to man: frierds, rneiglibours,, Rev. Long Orono, U.C.W., Leskard U.C.W. Crono 31:1. er Rebekah Lodgc for cards, enquiries and many ex pressions of kindness during m: recent stay in. hospitai, a-r Ernest Nicholsor GIRL GUIDE BAZAAR The Orono Girl Guide Bazaa: Saturday, October 28th, Oron United Churcli Main Hall. Bake Sale and Tea. Everyone welcome. b-41-e PneOrono 983-5808 Noon Hours and Evenings PAINTING and CARPENTER WORK REMODELLING Inter ior and Exterior a. DIED LEAMEN, Ernest A.-At South' Haven Nursing Home, Newcastle, Orono History Confînued from page 1 in obtaining information pertain- d Wecinesctay, (Jctober Iiitf, f1967, înq to flic hîstory of Orono andi~ ýy Erut' ýt Leamcn of RHR. North iwould appreciate pictures of ev- ¶Orono, Ont. Belovcd husband of ents and buildings dating back Phoebe Leonard. Hcsted at the into the past. It appears that womcen are stili Barlow Funeral H-on-.', Oronoi, for At the present time a f ew lu- 'vitaliy. interested iu the hat they service Saturday, October 2lst at terested persons are assisting by place on their liead. A milliuery; Y 2 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. organizing the facts obtained by class to be lield in Orono has re- P Mrs. Schmid and writing an art- ceived a. good responîse with at n ~icle lu relation to a specific or- ,leasf fifteen alrcady eurolled in NOTICE ganization or eveut. More help is the course. jRegistration for figure skating neddl1hihs f h ok rwiii be held on Friday, Octolier 271 On Tuesday evcnîng a group The course is being ýspionsored b etweeu 7 p.m. and 9 p.m., in the i of egiPerosmttodsusby th, Clarke Township Recr- Municipal Building. Please plan] the make-up- of the book andato Cmisonadi beg eto register your chiidren at this drafted a tentative indexing of licld in the Orono United Churchj fime as it greatly relieves the flic history. A further meeting is!basement. Classes will bce conduc- confusion on the first day Of to be held in the near future. Ited for five eveuings. Instruction' skatng. a-p At the present Lime it is not lunflic course wil!libe by Mrs. ______known liow the publishing of suchI John Henderson of Kendal. a book will lie financed, however FOR RENT there is hope that some means! Apartment for rent. Ail con- of fînancing flic project will be veniences. ,levsed. Phone Mrs. P. Lunn, 983-5308. a-c The work already accomplished hyMrs. Sclmid is tremendous as evidenced by lier files of informa- POlITHOPE OSPITL TO Lion. Her inferest lu this fieldI JOIN NURSING SCIIOOL PLAN' ontinues and she is ever colleet- iug More facts and opening more (Continued from page 1 I'lanneis info flie past and pres- Orono Ilydro Sysi schools of nursing for this area. eut of this Village. If you have nnbro h e suggested regional, or enlarged any sucli information we know Sre igt rk 1 s~~~~he would b' giad te liear of if.StetLg s rk 1Participating hospitals in tisi aged. These units ai region would lie Ajax, the new costly and action wil Whitliy hospital, Port Hope, Bow paeisuît f i manville and Cobourg with head- ate uit ft quaters at the Oshiawa General. ~ ,age. Parents, warn Officiais from ail these hospit- ais attended the meeting, with E. G. Storey, chairman of the board of, Oshawa. General, as chairman. In the report OHSC suggested ail participating liospitals assist in the training of the approximat- eiy 450 student nurses who might enrol in the plan. These nurses would bie trained under the "two-and-one" plan. The first two years of training would be spent ln classrooms and the final year would be in the form of an înternship in the par- ticipating, hospitais. The first twc, cears would be in residence ai iThis plan might go into effeci in theli faîl of 1968, the board was told, but if would be 1970 before fthe lospif ai in Port Hope receiv- ed its first shift of fthc senior students. fiAil expenses, such as Provision l of classrooms and salaries for iný struct-ors as well as the $30C monthly salary for senior students would be paid for by flic provin- cial government. - It was suggested af fliat meet- ing al area high school guidance teachers be invitcd to attend a meeting in order to become fam- iliar with the changes in qualifi. -eafions iýor girls' entering under, this plan. A Grade :12 cerfifica te is ail they need. A hundred years ago, a Prisoner in a Turkish fort- ress in the Holy Land an- nounced a new Revelation of God. His name was Baha'u'ilah. His "1Letters to jthe-_Kings"--are, without doubt, the most remarkahle documents in religions his- tory. Several million people have now responded to Hîis cali. HAVE YO BAHA'U'LLAH? Local clergy of ail faiths have just received an offer of Baha'u'ilah's Message. We urge you to investigate it' ither through your cler- gyman or by writing. Bahais or Oshawa. Suite 202 West Oshawa Shopping Centre I Oshawa, 0Ont. H LITE i s Here's ypur chance to a get a superior quality r Homelite Chaini Saw at ai west price ever! Neyer has there been a botter opportunify to get a topquaiity Homelite Chain Saw at a better price! This Homelite C-51 has the quality and features of much higher priced saws. No other tool you can buy does so much, yet couta so litile. You can. cut fiirewood, clear woodlots ' cut lumber, prune and trim fruit trees. Cornein and see the Hornelite C-51 now. ls worth Morley ta you. UNITED RENT-ALL & MARINE 555 King St. Phone 728-5565 OSHAWA, ONTARIO this could be costly tg Let's appreciate 01 the Lights burning. ORON01 1 item a re fiuding a w Mercury Vapor en and units dam- nd, bulbs are vêry il be takèn against his mahic!uus dam- iyour children as ;o you., ,ur town and keep FIYDRO SYSTEM To The Citizeus of Durham County DEAR FRIENDS It is with a sense of huijility that 1 express my sincere appreciation for the support and confidence grarEted nie by the ditizens of DurhamiCounty in the October l7th election. Please be assured that I will continue to devote my time and effort fully in the interest of Durbani and its citizens. With sincere appreciation, Alex Carruthers -w JACK RE ALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or Selling cal YOUR ORONO ARtEA REPRES-ENTATIVE 983-5274 Members of Oshawa and Dis- trict Reai Estate Board Plan Now To Attend w EDN ES DAY, NV.Ist LIONS CENTREý BOMNILLE 1:30 to 4:30 and 6:30O to 9:00 p.m.

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