ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1967 _ - .~ - General F RED LYCET OFFICE- MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 9835032 Res. 983-51421 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatoi Specialize in Farm and Fùrniture Sales Consuit me for ternis .1and dates PHONE ORONO 983-5914 Fanily M Imorials Our quality and. service leaves nothiug to be destred Ask the persosl wbo bought fromi us, a neighbour, friend or relativel The RU¶1TER GRANT-TE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE wl.argest Display in Southerfl Ontarlo" and Cycle -(r"nô phone 983-5343 MqcCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORUS CMAIN SAWS Repairs te ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle, Engines OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINEKY PUMPING OUT. SETIC TANKS WNITE WASEING STABSLE Buildig A New Rome? Cali JOE BECKER 1983-5713 orono LYCETT aPlumbing & Heating PHONE 983-5407Z Orono, Ontarîo REAL ESTATE g LIMITED J gREALTOR 921 KING ST. WEST Bomnvle623-3393 g Toronto 923-9174 - Port Hope Office-g 0 98 Walton St. - 885-4548 g FREE APPRAISALS g gExclusive Agent for SOMALLEY HOMES PotHope, Ont. N.H.A. approved Brick 9Bungalows g ROY FOSTER Kendal - Phone 983-5801 R OSS GILBART g oOrono _' Phone 983-5533g SA large selection of Farms,g 9Homes, Lots, Retreat Pro- perilainthis area g IOrville Chatterton Electrical Contracting IElectric Ileating and Service PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5»40 Orono, Ontario O1RONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 IELEICTRICAL CONTRACTING ELEC'TRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS -'THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- ~Hamitons Insurance g Service,~ p~FfreU Package Plicles Fidelity X1u4, 0 Liabllity FrtMertgage Lans oSadile Hamiltongo' a Phonle 983-5115 Box 133 F01R SALE Winter Barti tt Pearm and Hubbard Squash. Phone 786-2425 APPLES FOR SAI Hallow'en Special $1.75 a bushel;, Cooking $200; Maclntosh No. 1, Bring your own contair( Carlos Tamblyn, Oronr 983-5134 STOCKER SALE ;ý Carrots 1600 HEAD 600 HEAD The Durhamn Farm-ers Annual a-p FU lF~eeder Sale, selling without _____reserve at the Durham County LLE Sales Orena. Orono. Monday, Oct- LESow ober 3th at 1 p.m. Snowpls Selîng year olds, 2 ycar olds, g2.appbs stockcalves, grass calves and feed- $22 u.er cows. io. Poe AIl cattie graded and sold in a-c suone itable lots by the pound. Plnto attend this important RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Iesper Dean, Or- ono will welcome their relatives, neighbours and friends on the occasion of their 4th Wedding Anniversary at the Oddfellow's hlall on Sunday, October 29th from 7 to 9 p.m.. Best wishes only. b-41-p NOTICE Ray's Barber Shop, Main St., Orono, ilîl be closed Saturday, AtL1iI w1IeJO uyrsanase erNovember 4th 1967. c-42-c FOR SALE meet each year. Girl's winter coat, blue. Sprîng Tcrms Cash. No reserve. coat, red. Al weathcr- coat, light Jack A. Reid & Son, Sales Man- COMI NG EVENT blue. AIl size 12 years. agers and Auctioneers. b-41-c Heather Social Club Bazaar, Phone 983-5928; if no answerSaudyDemer2dith poe9350.a-p' E FRD .O.OF. Ccmmliflty Hall. S3 edofRýýý,--' iE Ir Plan to attend this Annual Ev- FOR RENT fords seîl by Auct'oýn a the mi,h One bcd'robm apartment for annual Ottawa Vall!ey Hereford; ren inOroo. easnabe. Club Sale, Octoher 28 at 12:00 COMING EVENT Pht non 83-5726. b -41-c noon, Galetta, Sales Arena, 4 The Orono. Horticultural Soci- Phon 983572. b-1-'mile s east of Arnprior, Ont. Con- ety will hold its Faîl Show at signments include complete dis- 8.p.m. in the main auditorium of FOR RENT persal of Gordon Cole's North the Orono United Church. Please Two-bedroom House. Bath and Horton Herefords, Renfrew, plus chieck your littie year book for furnace. North of Orono. many other top bulîs and females details of the 3 classes for the Phone 983-5919 after 6 p.m. from Ottawa Valley Herds. show: (1Y "Windý Days", using Ready for rent November lst,. For catalogues contact: Harold dricd materials, weathered 'wood. 1967. a-c Hawthorn, Scc.-Treas.,- R.R. Ï, One side only. ______________ Foresters Falls, Ont. Telephone (2 Thnsvig bfe ar HELP WANTED63 64-93acI rangemen t- fresh flowers. fruit Lady wanted one day'per week' for domestic work. Preferably) with own transportation. L. Manning, R.R. 1, Newton- ville, - Phone 983-5021. t-f WANTED Farm heîp wantcd. Married man. $300.00 per month. Five rloom apartment, bot watetr heait- ecd. Bath. Rot and cold water on tap in kitchen, Propane gas slip- plicd for kitehen. Stove and milk. Single man $250.00 per month and good home. Apply -F. Dl. Kyte, Tillsonburg,1 Ont. Phone 842-2718., t-f1 CeZ1your , I <licensed PluMbiag &. Mechanical Cemiractor Who selis, ba als CARKMAN PLUMBING AND IIEATING U3-il 10lth ANNUAL A LL BLACK BREEDER & FEEDER SALE Sponsored by Eastern Ontario Aberdeen Angus Association. 650 HEAD 600 Feeders (steers & heifers) 50 Breeders (mostly eows and bred heifers). At Peterborough Sales Barn, south of Amber light on Highway 7. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 at 11:30 Sharp Sale commencingwith Breeding Cattie. The sale of Feeders starts sharp at 1:30 pa.. E. C. McDowell, Pres., Millbrook, Robert Petch, Sec., Gormley, Ont. Gordon Ribey, 'Undcrwood; Ross Bailey, Uxbridge, 985-7583, Auc- tioneers. b-41-p HOCKEY NOTICE Hockey Registration will be held on October 27th from 7 toj 9 in the Arena. Please bring j Birth Certif icate and $6.00 regis- I tration fee (includes1 insurance) with you when registering. If' it is impossible to make it on Oct. 27, you must be registered by November lst with Russ Major iJn order to play hockey this year. Orono Amateur Athietic Association c-41-c TEEN DANCE Sponsored by the Orono Hockey Mothers. ORONO 'TOWN HALL -SATURDAY, NOV. 4th., G.. B. and the Sound Set (The dances in the hall prior toli the above date are not sponsoredl by, the Hockey Mothers). t-ff TENDER Tender for suPplyinig oil to the Arena in Orono for the '67-'68 heating season. Please have ten- der to the Athietie Association, Box 103, Orono, on. or before Oc- tober 28th. Orono Amateur Athietîc Associ-1 ation. Phone 668-35521 Stafford Brothers Limited 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufacturer@ of Cemetery Memorials Dealers la Domestie & Foreign Granites and Marbies- Inscriptions Cnt anid Cemetery Repaîr Work Buwlding a House? or remodelllng your present one, then contact Floyd Nicholson ORONO c-41-c IF YOU NEED A MASONRY JOB TOBE DONE CALL - BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS Orono, 983-5626 Willi Schaéala l Orea, 983-5m4 and vegetables.. (3) "Small Talk"~ a miniature arrangement using dried mater- ils - not over 4 ns. tail. Guest speaker will be Mr. Wm. Hartnoll, known to so many as the 'Gardening Doctor of T.V.s Channel 9. Mr. Hartnoll will speak on 'Protecting Your Plants Over Winter". Plan to attend and bring a fricnd. b-41-e COMING EVENT Come to the Rot Turkey Supper, at Shiloh United, Church on Wed- nesday, November lst, 1967 com- mencing at 4:30 p.m. tili ail are servecd. Admission Adults $1.75; Chýild- ren under 12 ycars .50c. a-P REGISTRATION Registration of Cubs and Scouts will bc held on October 27th from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Or- ono Arena. a-c NOTICE Sewing alterations and repairs donc at home. Mrs. M. Downs, corner Park St. and Church St. Phone 983-5493.' MÎEN WA-NTED Mcn wanted- good opening. Scîl Rawleigh Produets. Year round, steady work. Good profits. Write Rawleigh, Dept. J-306-137, 4005 Richeieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. NOTICE Meat eut, wrapped and frozen. Phone C. Miller 983-5988 Orono. t-f ORONO FISH & HUNT CLUB, Would the members who have received their circular in the mail regarding our dance in the Oddfellow's Hall on the 28th please note the following change. No admission will bcechargcd for ail those bringing a fancy box lunch. Those who do not will be charged the $1,50 per couple. Please inform anyone you have to the dance, about this change. We ask that ahl tickets be turncd into B. Van den Heuvel by the 2lst of Oct. please. jPLUMRING a"d HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE'1 B-A FINANCING , Low bItes-est Rates Phonps: Tyrone 263-2650 Hampton 263-2288 _____________________________- III Lii j "i' , 1- wmmým 1 LLL-