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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Nov 1967, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIUR-SDAY, NOVENLBER 2nd, 1967 i e rotctin f lans,-ubjct i ais.b 'l îî r. Martin and Mr. et trs a -iýt te War saw lu 1966At on orc Itrl e ar tlo i s"s ha e en ret edly Poli F0 Ln t -Most re toe ret 'x.tlian eiseinuber of 1' -L Meîb~se te arsict Ït t- tby P i ý,¾25er f et 1mbrs cf the Oronio, lorticul- -lst JVrs. E. Sclxmid; 2id M . .ment of thetY r-1t of ?4r.tu Warl i l ,ciety, aoe w wh thcr Cnallice; 3rd Mrs. K. Schoenimak- coini e r a e *e of viewý,s ~~ja lie 15f..1 rrer lowmaux ic e and er. Distr an I inftrration ofet i al lien- - th t'c' eglily enjoyed Tlianksigiving arrngevcnt -st ~ e tour- two c' tries. MY ..Miw 'r PiHrul o 1 .R hua;~ r,. 'O. par't, PL ~ î a sît.n'nt i aJo ieT iar1 ndth.,1Oct-&wr 26. Ilis casual C jallice; 3rd, Mrs. E. Sch-iid. lid GotiL0l rc-i-dr arver or i infg informa.tion "Small Talk," nminiaturec-Ist lndte our Polish c-unter-arts î î.d hn ernhke an oid fric id, Mrs. E. Schmid, 2 d NMrs. K. Fe thre Gtiis of Ca îadÉ's federal aaehn e.1was s~ tm ad hwe e hae oera- ias indeed lie s to those who hear Schelinaker; 3rd Mrs. P. Chap Hal ed under our constitution for the (Continued front Page 4) jhmo ai n eeiin man. past 100 years. 1te replace the multi-paFý-, lune in- lu the absence of the President, One of the guests, Mrs., lichol. te Lockharts School witli a sin.,e Mrs. O0. Challice presided over son of Bowmanville and Mrs. Mary Thesubeet ofcomercal e- art un dek poneplu anexthe meeting fer lier husliaud. She Morris were the door prize win-, latiens and immigration were dis-[ tension desk phone te the Gener ctne od fwloet i es cussed in addition te constitution- ai Purpose roni. tflese preseut and especially teoi The lunch comminittee -erved de- ai matters. Canada and -Pol and Nîr. Hartuoli of Toronto and; licieus regresliments of tarts, excliange mest - favoured ati nIi the matter of stationery to'thefrnohr cete.j eaadcfetewc treîn-e ce he la..' cf pre tPesoos, Board decsion stated iIrs. rE. Convier read the min-, i i jsie war ux nention of Crinimerce. lu that letter liead statienerv would ues of the Septernhor meeting. §tnPoland c-neluded l join ecaiscolpi /rs. Cliailtce said the tieip buls . Nee,-ir 1963, a loug-term! sde that the n ajortv et Prin- bad beeu purchased anid Mr. PBil- vi -at agreement .ith Canada 1 ipais agreed ini a letter liead iugs voluniteered te sec thnt thici i. -7 Iing for the p rhaeof 1.2icomon to ail sd'ee's ,.Faing -wcre plantA lu inte var-iuo fe million nitrie tons etwh eat over ,au eement by the Princiýnals on a 1er lieds. lt ias announccd that a period of 3 years, Wlieat cou- cemmon letter head, the Boardithe 1968e Membership tickcts for tinues te lie our largest expert te d A 1 l l woul provie individual ruer the Membership dinner on Nov-'of Leskard ou the former Ruddell: Polaud and lu 1968 our experts stairp toecdischool. iember 23 were available. This is Ffyfrfgierrpeetn reached a total of nearly $37.5 1lieiîîg held uow instead of lu Jan-. varieus fire, departmeuts lu the1 million, appreximately tbree TeBor ary. Uie onisMta i s tîmes greater than our imports tacing saff t a baquetthe Uie ConesMtaAdA- from iPoland. (Exclusive of wbeat1 held lu the early part of Novem- Mrs. T. Fairlirether was asked ;Tsao, et lOrno as however, the balance would lie in ber. Banquet arrangements were to intreduce Mr,. iartuoli wbom Tirdyevnn.M Polands faveur - our experts for asindt1h T .Cmi-She has known for many years. The highuiglit of the evening e 1966 totalling$9,021,887 agaiunst tee programme arrangements te h said lie had been to Winni-, was a placcessinnthus imports from Poiand of $13,756,- the' remainder of the Board. peg the previous day wbere hie had Of foam. For the session the fire- 977.) Athougli a renewal of the met with cripplcd clilîdren a nd men blurued an old bouse unorth hetagreement was sigued lu had just returued. Besides bis Wiirsaw in September, 1966 by Mrs. ,Wîlso's request to userai adtevson ok ad the Min ister of Trade and Coin- Brown's scliool lieuse for a pres- Rorticultural lLcseareh mucli of merce, Mr. Winters, the Poles ex- entation during Octolier was his time is devoted to crippled pressed conceru about the diffi- grauted according to the terms and retarded children and to ýel- cuity of credit availalility lu con- of the policy as previously estali- derly people. nection with the wbeat purchas- lislied liy the Board.Mriatol dat vh th es. r lrnl datwt h Due to the frequent lireakage timely sulject "Protectiiig plants Immigration was of particular of the exterior liglit on .the east ove îne fvr" s He asosioewed by the iuterest and tlie Canadian repre- I side of Lockharts Sebool, the Sec-.. eofloriostinsromuctin seutatives urged the Poles to eonb retary was instructed not to re- ing nw foe ur4cin ;whicb, as pyet, are kuown oinly liy sider permitting more of their place samne. 11O h w h r countrymeil to -emigrate to Can- IroumdberonSoewere sens a- s hawîaCte yMh ada. Approximately 2,000 Polisli Accounts 1 on oot hcbedree yM.H immigrants, maiuly sponsored ly Ou a motion liy James Lowery trees17 thrua ndtakes time Thea e 1a S their immediate close relatives in and James Stutt, accounts totali- wresbrubshoangrteass. TeeacmaisMsS $e14somesho13g aesMaouleGuest Soloist, Mir. Ber: Canada, have been coming to this jing $4413a Dresented liy Emblem impriuted lu a largeh cenry from Poiand aunualiy1 the Secretary-Treastircr were ap- soena ahm'uGeriU dprnng the past few yers Teproed for paymeutv ith thre fnl-;SAwhr atoe tmteN w sle C m pointltliat tes exceptions' om and another time the gar- Pcrdhas, since the war, trans- (1) The account of Grolier Lim- den, lad licen saved from destrue- e- me/ ra ridly from an agr-cu-- ited. dated September 29, 1,967 in tion because the emblemn was in tlursi to an inuistrial ecouomy. the amount of $139.95. The Sec- evdc. lImme/iiatclky after World WrI retary was iustructed te notify 62% of the Poles w'ere eugaged 'Groliers of the Board's decision. Mr. C. Billings moved a hearty in agriculture. To-day that lias (2) The statement of Jac-k!v ote of tlianks te Mr. Hartuoli :5pm beeu reduced te 17%/. The Pol.lsli Hood dated Angust 31, 1967 lu for'previding sncb an iuteresting Pý-rriamintariaus poirted eut the amount of $7,451.45. The sec-: evening. Sponsored by thre United Chu: tlf witli ths rapid industrial exý retarv was instructed teý notif y Mrs. Fairlirotheri judged thel pasion it is difficult te let more Hoods that thea un udle three classes o-f arrangements lu Admission. $1.00 Childre g~peleave Poland liccanse that, paid ln u tii wlen ail parts ot th fali competition, priz 1e wiu-;ý con -Ir:Y, like Caada, b s a shortý the order vrere satisfactory. ýners being as folJois: age cf .man nower in' the skilled Peoîts "Wl rdy Day", dried materials i______________ traes,(a) Thre Cbairman, Mvr. Green- t woed, reporteci t'îat pursuant to The Canadian attituide toward ýrecipt of the relating apurovali Poland was appaetgtteUnit' from thie 0M.B. on Septemb er 23, ed NTations General- Assemlily lu contracts lad been sigued ou 1959 when Canada' supported yeptember 27 liv the sîguiug of- Poland's candidate for the "ýEast- ýficers of tlie Board and Winsou eru Enropean seat" oni the Secur- Construction Ltd. for - ity Council. This' attitude has 1 1) Construction- of Kirliy Cen- hee-A reflected falso ini the consul- htennial Sechool lu the a mount of tation wich lias taken place lioth1 iu Warsaw and lu Ottawa ou U.N., and other matters, and lu Cana-, da's contacts with Poland as co- member' (witli India) of the In-' ternational Comnmission for Sup- er-vsiou and Cotrol lu V ietnam. Most recently Canada lias sup- ported Poland's application to lie- corne'a member of the Geueral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Tis cooperation bas in receut mon4lis been supplemented liy a valuable exchange of visits lu the performiiîg arts and ou au ac- ademic, tecinicai, and/ political Phone Orono 983-5808 Noua ilours and Evenings PAINTING and CARPENTER WORK REMODELLING Interior and Exterior Durham Frers $242,000.00 ($244,800.00 - $2,800.) Y Tuesday, October 24th, a suli- wîtli compietion date of Aptil 24,. district meeting n-as lield at 1968. - Bcthauy Orange IRail, well at-, (2) Addition to Kendiai Central tended leton1wrebi o School lu the amount of $106,230. new officers for, the year 1968, ($108,430. - $2,2M0) with comple- and ail positions, were willilnglyj tion date of Januiary 25, 198 filled. A number of delegatesý Mrs. Barlow, Chaimarrof the were namcd to go to the, conven- T. & M. Commuttee reported that iion which is beïrg held lu Chat a significaut amount of dissatis- ham, Ontario on November 27, faction was persisteutly beiug ex- 28, 29. A special speaker, Mr. presed b paents ofyouner:Muider, from thre labour Councir children concerniug pupilpick upofPtrrugws een.Hr prier te 8:00 a.m. and the corres- topie, the Tilico Plant of Peter- pouding late returu on transpor- liorougli, wasý botis educationaI, tation routes operated hy .J. A. audîueresting._ CA very handsome returu is lie- distrilinted teail members, Mrs, Barlow- stated there did n-ho purcliaseci fertilizer (anyoue not appear to bic auy apparent wliolias net received theirs, eau solution te this probler n l the do so by getting lu toucir with immediate future. the secretary at the next meet- ing.) James Stutt, seconded by Jas. Lcy Tikt ra wner Lowery, moved thatthe tender of wke s rz -$0.0Jh F7aulkner Well Drillîng Ce. Ltd., Claie, M Illrokt prize - 0.0Jh utîerdat o Seteber14 197,$50.00, Art Low, Kendai;- 3rd and inthe amount of $2,900.00 for prize - $25.00, H. Ormiston, Bow-I j itIe supply and installation of' a manville. sulimersible pump and $40000 to Durliam and Northumnberland provide a drain for the flowiug counties are holding an annual lwell at the Kirby Centennial site, dance at 'Cold Springs Hall on Sibe accepted. This motion carried. November l7th. Ail members and The uext regular montbly meet. friends mark your calendars for ing of the1 Board to lie held on this occasion and corne prepared IMouday, November 13, at 8:00 for an enjoyabie e veniug. p.m. at Keudal Public SehooL. Sec you at tihe next Meeting! propcrty. With the use of thse Clarke Township truck and foam the firemen repeatedly fought thse fire. Tliey concluded their work Sby bnrniug flic house, to the ground. RucseH C. Ilouai, 1iL.P., Durham This week I was asl'ed, as euee of' air Canclan au Pi ameÂnt ans, Society gis Martin ;tan Payne 'nard Lynchs uunity Hal irei Choir and Hi-C's ,n 12 years and under .50é 7 -MUMMI Di COMING - Tise Royal Canadian Legion and Ex-service imen and women, will hold tiseir ANNUAL A RMISTICESEVC on the evening of SUNDA, NOVMBER5th at tise Orono United Church at 7:00 p.m. Ail returned men and women and otiser service clubs are asked to meet at tise Oddfellow's Hall at 6:15 p.m. so as to mareh to tise Cenotaph to lay wreaths before tise Cisurcis Service. p, wp-nmelný - 71 . 1 - . 1 WMMMMMWML-Vý iring the meeting arrange- ts were made for the forth- ing drive for the Muscular .-op hy group, an annual eveut which the fiî e departments L,ýiate. The drive will lie 1, inNovember. xilowing the meeting lunch served at the Orono Fire 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE hen Buying or Selliiag eal WILF HAWKE YOUR ORONOj AREA REPRESENTATIVE »83-5274 ýmbers of Oshawa-'and Dis- trict Rehl Estate Board al

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