ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, NOVEMBER l6th, 1967 'The ground wý-as covered with frost anid snow, And the two little kittens bad nowhere to go." Tbnt is the way it was with the -tteon the pasture farms on Tuesday morning. A few years a- Lgo we would have.bîtched Up the herse and buggy, driven b4ck, op- ened the gap and followed them neighbourhood has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Poster. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ru!sso of Buffalo brought Mrs. E. Fosterl home and visited among the Post- er families last weekend. Mrs. Roy Poster bas gone toi visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sinden of Simcoe this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stukel (nee Marie Foster) of St. Catharines, visited ber parents Mr. and Mrs. ents, and the parents 'of a, Teack-1 A. MacLeod, Secretary of the would be approximately $2,50,- ers College studeflt had suggest- Durham, County High Sehool 00G. ed that possihly the present Higb Board said tbat a five-year fore- MarMiae WadkPt School building bere could be cast completed last Jainary inii Hope, said tbat there are limits used for, sucb an institution. "I dicated that the estîmated cost of placed on municipal borrowing, hope the board will give this'teadio an le and certain basic services must some tbougbt and will let us Port HopeHigh School wouldbe be supplied. He referred to the know if tbis suggestion is feas- about $1,200,000, and tbe estim- arnounts to be paid as a share of ible and economical," be said. ated cost of a new Composite Sec- the necessary .debentures. ConellrCpnn,,- ,,rh. ondary Scbool in Bowmanville -The STATESMAN made some inquiries of Mr. Mac- Leod. "You point to a .7 milîs as a rate on the purchase of lbe Ako e. U-w aa in hIig aiseW3nooj ose by loboub )i ror a com'aatidvoy short I ,would bave to be crossed. ItMati Fs r.Thand M Awdht er 10 years at the longest." Mr. -would not be safe to drive them r.eslk an Ms Ad MacLeod said! that secondary de- ;up Brimracombe's bill; TbXey must wýith tbem. Mrs. Awde is Marie's bentures would 'be paid in 1975.O .JKe loaded in a big truck and g randmotber."Anwsolmilrtwud Ir ougbt home. We understand that -Mr. M. "b e 6 ilscfor lelat 2 ears," We are sorry toreport that Mr.MadrndM.ECoru ad Counillor Hughes contended. Mr. Sýpence Gordon suffered a beart also Mr. R. Youngman and bis Macedepaie tbtheig attack last Thursday and was pryo utrsec a uc-ue of .7 milis includes ýe de- taken by ambulance to Bowman- cessful hunting trip into the bentures at $100,000 to under- ~vile Memiorial Hospital We un- nrh write a purchase price of an oîd derstand be is improving slowly. On Sunday the church was de- building. Councillor Hughes ex- Mrs. L. Burwash and Mr. and1 oratcd with gold andý bronze pressed the opinion that the cost Mrs Mlcom urwsh of Oti'mums. Mrs. A. Poster was the to the ratepayers sbould be con-, tawa visited witb Mr., Arthur lorganist, ail tbe choir girls weresdrayles Thompson and bis mother îast i herpacsad agwel What if the library, in this weekend, Rev. T. Snelgrove, preached a building is not centrally located. those good used lothing for the mie emn appopDaybtte forte- Surely students are able to walk Now is the time to send in mmrneDybtheaed-a short distance. Between trans- c,,hurch bale. Those old wooîîens ance was disappointing. Let each portation and: the requirement of for blankets should be left with family make a special effort to a central location we miay devel- lirs. E. Couroux this weekend. rally back to morhing 'worsbip op a legless g.eneration," Councili- Mrs. A. Cowîe of Teeterville in your church. or Hughes claimied laugbingly He urged, that more consider- n r ~ I lion be given to the use ofth 35 Koom Schooi present High School buildingun JACK tii the debentures on the 1957 ad-- Continlued fromr page 1 Ution to it be paid off. He sug- JI fth dctinlpoga. gested that it is possible that at G - ~Strike pointed out. the end of eight years satisfaction A It He also described the plans for, could be expressed regarding this the construction of a new, sebool ibuilding. R E ALTOR on the 18 acres east of Liberty* Mayor Hobbs said that it is 99 Kng S, E. Streetan for the development desirable to a bave a five yearj BOWTANVLLEofth property. "The core of the forecast as soon as possible. M. 1 school will be the library re- source centre," Mr. Strike said. When Buylng or Seliing 0311 He also mentioned the plans for a modern cafeteria, and the Io- ~ ________________ Ulbl IC E A lAEII cation of playing fields. The need YOUrà ORmONAiE 9835274 Members of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board "DISCOVERING CANADIAN presented by BETTYBRIGHT 01mSO 'NMERP'S'GAS NOVEMBER lôth 8:00 p.m. Tickets available froni Members of U.C.W. and Girl Guides PRIZES RECIPES of speciai electrical wiring will be pre-arranged and, other as- pects of modern tecbnoiogy will be provided, bie added. Area Superintenident of Pub- the Department of Education, lic Schools MacLeod told of a 1 study made> by specialists from 1 and also mentioned discussions between tbe Public School R9)ard at the Durham County District' High Scbool Board. *"Facts and figures presented to date do flot seem to favor the conversion of the High Scbool to, a Senior Elementary Sehool," Mr.I MacLeod asserted. "The total 'number of classrooms bere is more than 33, while a senior el- ýementary sehool would need only 11. It would be impractical to heat and caretake tbis large sehool. If used for elementary purposes the 1980 and 1929 port- ions- of the building, with the possible exception of two rooms, ,should be demolisbed," bie stated. Mr. MacLeod also explained that whîle classrooms in the 1957 \section of the building appear f airly satisfactory, certain reno- ivations wouid bave to bc made to satisfy the needs of a new Senior Elementary School building. This- would include renovation of the 1 agriculture' and shop mooms and office space, Ire said. "The library accommodation does not conform witb modern ideas re the physical needs of an elementary library," Mr. Mac- Leod stated. H1e also said that in- dications point to' the require- ment of a complete overbaul of the, plumbing facilities. His Worship,i Mayor Ivan Hobbs, asked Mr. Strike if the plans for the proposed new Comn-, posite Secondary School and play- ing fields cover the, entire 18 acres east of Liberty Street. Wben 'Mr. Strike replied in the affirmative Mayor Hobbs inquired if any, space would be left for future expansion. Mr. Strike answered that hie did not think so as 'the architects' i- deas include the entire area, and the board is planning on accom- modation for about 2,000 stude nts tbere. Mayor Hobbs told thie meeting! that lie had been informied that Teacbiers College is in need of greater acommriodation for stud- En~ SHAWA CHORAL SOCIETY Conducted by Hugh Martin present, their E x U'67ll Eastdale Collegiate Auditorium Oshawa iturday, November 25 Curtain time 8&15 7uest Ssloist Larr y Marshall 'Admission. Aduits $1.50; Students $1.0f0 Children 12 and. under Free C/le Ž& 17f«,Sclnool FIFTH, AN-NUAL'COMMENCEMENT in the High' School Auditorium biUta v Guest Speaker rKILFRI, NOVEMB-ER 17 at 8 :00 p.m.- go 0%MOTO- S 1<1% Join the GO people this winter-there's a new, white world of fun waiting for you on your MOTO-SKI. Seven new '68 models in bright orangy-Ped sport many new performance- proven features, including ighter weight, extra thick seat cushions and rubberized cleats for extra stability and traction! Arrange'your winter fun now for the whole family-see us for Sales and Rentalsi OO-K FROM $799.95 ~ - W. C. Plitman, M.A., M.L.A., Associate llegistrar, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario r NOW ON DISPLAY AT RO elUH - HlAR DWNAR E Orono, Ont. Phone 983-5207