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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Nov 1967, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY,_NOVEMBER 16th, 1967 The Pause That Refreshes Long before the discovery of er of the weil loved and beauti- television or the coining of catchy fui hymn "'Dear Lord and Father advertising phrases, great men of ýof mankind," reveals a deep in- the past were talking about the sight into life when he wrote, pause that refreshes. Dear Lord and Father of man- I kind, Isaiah, the great Hebrew proph-1 et, said "In returning and rest Forgive our foolish ways; you shall be saved; in quietness Reclot he us in our rightfui mmnd;, and in trust shall be your In purer lives Thy service find, strength." The Psaimist wrote, InI deeper reverence, praise. "Be stili and know that I arn Drop Thy stili dews of quietness, God." Till ail our strivings cease; - John Greenleaf Whittier, writ- Take frorn our souls the straiii CHISTMAS bav hepedpay for practically every major battie won CHRISTMAS SEAL DOLLARS' provide these services Monthly Chest Clinics Thberculln Testing Mass TB, & Diabetes Surveys Ilealth Education Assistance to Patients O~n San and ýafter discharge) Réhabilitation of TB Patients TB & RD Research Sponsoring:, Rehabiitation Couneil Baby Sitters' Courses Cumpaign Oipens Nov. 14 If you did not receive your Seals, please write to the Nortkhumberland-Durham Tuberculosis and Health Association Box 300 Cobourg, Ontario and we wiii be happy to send them out to you. and stress, year, Scott Robinson of Port And let our ordered lves confess SIlp an WyeCohne f The eaut ofThy cholrshBurketon in the junior year. 1Tension, turmoil and tiredness (Confinued frorn page 1 best describe the expression of William Olan, of Millbrook, a Presentation of the W. Fraiký life that deprives men and woml- student at the University of Real Estate Limited award, the en of the beauty of God's peace. Guelph in the agricultural course. Oshawa and District Real Estate. Board Award and the E. A. Sum- Fuss, hurry and worry can best dto co-mr wr ilb aea h be remedied by takîng the Psalm- The MeLean Foundto Sco-Imrawdwilbmdetth ist's advice, "Be stili and know arships at the Kemptville Agri-Duhm Cnt JnirAac, culura Scooiha ben peset-Night which will be held in the, God." ~~~~ed for a number of years to theTonHlin rnonSaudy Much of life is squandered for stuidents from Durham County. November 25th at 8:00 p.rn. us because we aliow ourselves to,$125.0O eachj is offered to four be caught uip in the rush and fret- Durham County Junior, Farmers Presentaton of the McLean fulness which robs us of the 'wîth two lbefing offered in the" Scholarship awards wili be, made. things whïch could bring newness junior year and- two in the senior lat the Kemptville Awards Night, 1of spirit and happy reiationships. year. Those receiving the seholar- on November. 2th at the Kernpti- Modm na my ecdeto get ships this year are James Young.. ville Agricuitural School. ,out the family car and take his mnofTroe1 te seir Anvone interested in these var- family for, a pieasant Sunday drive. Before long lie, is caught up in a speed contest with every other motorist. He. is îrritated when someoe passes 1hlm and furjous when hie cannot pass sorne one else. The beautiful scenery flashes by unnoticed. There is no trne for pleasant conversation and the trip ends with everyone frustrated and exhausted and sornetimes irritated with each other. l bous scholarships in the future should contact the Extension father, watching, asked ýhini Btanch of the. Ontario Dep art-- "Why don't you use ail you r ment of Agriculture and1 Foo d at strngt?" he itie eilw fit14 Frank Street for further in- hurt and said," "Daddy, 1 amn." The formation. There are committees father replied, "You haven't ask- that' make the various selections. ed me to help you." but the rersonnel of the Exten- God gives power to those wh~o sion' Branch act as a co-ordinating- take time for the. pause which secretary for the varlous schol- refreshes. arship committees. The resuit of fuss is worry, and worry is an indication of faith failure. Jesus said, "Consider the hules." HIe meant that undue con- cern and bother about the mater- !al things of life is a destructive force, and that God is shut out as we try to, depend upon our own strength aTone. There are persons who say that they neyer worry but often it means that they neglect their responsibilîty, causing others to carry another load. This, then, is not freedom frorn worry but a lack or respons- ibility. Jesus meant, "As you put your best efforts into hf e, have faith that God will supply extra strength." We oughit not to grow discouraged when life is difficuit, but keep on trying and God wil lend us through, over or- aro'nd $ f s every obstacle. God gives power in sickness. This is the one for The relationshiP between f aith kçind. ThrihI ýyour f a and healing is, alway,às a question Diablo Rouge. Ovei which coiiernis îpeople. Certainlydpswhcofot Jesus eXUPesse'd the.( power of God Rogei aul with mot ýI in healing,,. Surely that power is Rog suitwh 1madeaabe to his followers out now. Brawny1 j toda. t is tlrue that few people traction and three j frgt o cilthirdoc(_tor, just as roorny'storage spac it is also true that miany may for-, "B olens Action The fget to pray, to take the pause Corne on in and see jt bat refreshes one's souL Man doctors have quite cleanly stated i jpatients are flot physically ill, and1 that a high percentage of their~ m y'doctors have been quick to admit thdt spiritual sickness preé- Ç l cedes physical and mental illness ver m à WEU W imn many instances. God gives power to maintain good health. Phone: 983-5343 iGod gives power in loneliness. I Loneliness is experienced b young ani old alike and is no re- specter of places either. Sorne are near; others find themselves Pt miserably lonely although they are surrounded by a crowd. Many! TO llelp try t ebaeaotterln- ,Iliness and becorne ike one whist- Of ling in the dark in an effort toi feel less alone. Loneliness is dm caused by rnany things such as OIRCHI the loss of cornpanions or the boredom of inactivity. Many try to make enough noise, find en- I ough excitement, drive fast en- ough and far enough to ward off lonelîness, but the tragîc thing is that when the noise ceases, or Itecrowd disperses, or we uot of gasoline we are still crunot j ed with self. We need to take the pause that refreshes if we are to receive God's power. It is true in the twentieth cen- tury as in the first, that those who choose to beiong to the Christian minority discover that j in the company of other believersi they have found a fellowship in- finitely more meaningful than the casual contacts of an ever- busy world. They become part of the "family and househoid of God; part of the redeeming fel-' lowship through wbich God grants His power. Perhaps we are ail a littie like the small boy in a story told by Dr. E. Stanley Jones.-A ittle lad was sweating as he carried a large stone across 'the yard. Hisi Srnlw fun1 going ýfun-the only snow vehicle of its am*ily and friends with the exciting er hbis, around curves and through ,s'afety and fun, The Ëolens Diablo h safe snow fun in mind. Check une 16 hp engine, front-end du 'al-track cor four-passenger* ski-seater Witlx ce. Tlake a unique test ride in our Late r". It's ready for you right now., ýe the Diablol Orono, Ontario oBea' the Rising Cost é Living BUY LAND FARMS Grade A Large Deiivered to your door Eggs are a nutrie nt food with ail dietary I requirements. They ýare economical in price and ýour special price of 4!)e is abnormally If itfs Glen Rae - - - It's Good ÇG L El"NRAE 'DAIRY s

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