ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBERE l6th, 1967 OFFICE MAIN ST., ORONO phoün935032 Res. 983-51421 j A CK Rle6.-A1 D Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and 'Valuatoi Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for termns and dates PRU>NE ORONO 983-514ý Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves 1nothing to be desired Ask the person who'bought from as, a neighibour, friiend or relative The RIJTTER GRAN.'ýITE CiOMPANl"Y 73 Ontario 7Street PORT HOPE "lLargest, display iSouthern 1Ontario", WATSON' Marine and Cycle OrnaPhone 983-5343 McCULOCH OATS & MOTORS Repir toai maesof Lawn Mowes au 2 ad 4,ycle OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHIý-NERY PUMPINO OUT SEPTIC TANKS WHITE ïWASIING STABLES Bert Tmkn Phone 786-2552 Building A New Home? or Remodellng? Cail JOE BECKER 983-5713 Orono FOR SALE Teenge bPhone, IMrs. Elgin Ho. 3Ib. b-45-c LIMITELD t gREAL'TOR 9] 1 KING ST. WEST G Bowm&nville 623-3393 Toronto 9239174 tPort Hope Office- f o98 WaltenSt- 8854548w g FREE APPRAISALS tExclusive' Agent fer g O'MALLEY HOMES g Port Hope, Ont. g N.H.A. >approved Brick o Bungalowsg ROY FOSTER 0 gKendal - Phono 983-5803 ROSS GILBART f oOrono, -- Phone 983-55l33 A4 large »im ota f larme, t Homos, Lots, Roe r - p"« in luthia arn t Orville Chatterton. I lectrical Contractlng Electric fHeating Iand Service PHONE 983-5546 or 93-5940 'Orono, Ontario Herb and Gerry Diu val 983-5108 ELEGTRICAL CONTRACTING' E LECTRIC HEATING EiLECTRICAL APPLIANCES T-V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI FR.IGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DO0MINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICFE lu g Service gFÎro U fi Package Policies 0 Fidelity Bonres&dy, Liahfity PLUMBîNG and HEATING Lufe1 Sales a.nd Service First Mortgagc Loans î 24 HOUR BURNER SER.VIC O B-A FINANCINO SadieHamiton~ Low Interest Rates' Sadaiea u Pbon~ ~2-5li5 g n ~ BO~X 133 le.ather soci Club Bazaar a id Tea, Saturday, Pc mber 2nid, 2:30 p.pri. at the I.0.0 F. Com- munity Hall., Houskeeer Couanon ant Christmias cakes will be made ed -Por Hoe. iveinpriateand sold, those xishing to order qua rt. e iv-npivt cakes. ahead, please phone Mrs. Phonte cllet11-54'C4ordon Watson, 983-5343 or Mrs. Phon éoicct112594-943 1 James Major 983-5842. - b-44-c - NO NOTICE - - Sewing alterations and repairs donc aI' home. COMING EVENT Mrs. M. Downs, corner Park St. Trvlgu nth oy ad and Churcli St. Phone 983-5493.* presented by Mr. 0. J. Henderson, b-45-c lToronto, in Newtonville United UPHOLSTERING IChurch, Monday, November 20th For al your re-uphostering; at 8-00 p.m. Music and refresh- also kitchen chairs. Iments. Admission 50e. a-c PHIONE 987-4722 __________ Free estimates. Rêasonable Prices.4 b-44-c WNE HOCKEY EQUIPMENT SALE jWmascopnnble . CHANE 0FDATE $65.00 monthly, Bowmanville ar- rED Gil to share furnisned aparL- ment. For particulars phone 983-9147 -, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. a-p Farm hielp Wanted. Married The undersigned, having * re- man. $300.00 per nontIi. ive ceived instructions from Mr. Fred room apartmnent, hot water heait-lWinn, Lot,5, Concession 8, 1 mile cd. Bath. Hot and eold water on east and 2 miles north of Kendal, tnp in kitcheni. Propane gas, slp- will offer for sale by public anc- Plied for ldchi t loVe and milk. tion Building Supplies, Tractors, ingle man $2,50.0 Per mnonth Combine, Baler, etc., on Saturday7 and g00d hoe-November l8th, commencing nI Apply F. D. Kýyte, Tillsonburg, 1:30 'p.m. On't. P b e t-fi.1 Charles. Reid, 'Auctioneer. SALES IIELP WANTED MALE & FEMALE important read earefully. ilun- dreds of men and women increase their income eonsiderably before and during holiday season. They cali on friends, neiglibours, etc. with our Line large and beautiful of Cosmeties. Big profits. Write Rawleigh, Dept. -K-306-2, ý0OO5 Richelieu St., St, Henry, Montreal. ~ôGod impson0 Phone Orono 983-5808 g Noon Hours and Evenings g 0 0 g PAINTING andg *6 CARPENTER WORK 0 REMODELLING 6 Iterior and Exterier 0 IF YOU NEED A MASONIRY JOB TO BE DONE CALL - Oxford BRIC LAYERS, S TOGNT-EMAkSON S Reluhard'Schreiber - Orono, 983-5626 Or M, 8-5606 Tyrone 263-2650 Ifampton 263-2288 E Phone 669-3552 ypoc=:>ocSafford BrothersG: 0nte IV CETT' 38 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. g ~ g Manufacturer,- of g Plmbin & eatlg G Cemletery rMemori*al g g - Dealers In HOE 983-5407 Demestic, & Foreign Granites Oalo Lg and IMarbîes - Inscriptions Cut ronoaad emeery Repair Work or remodelling your present one, then contact Floy Nicolsen oRONO WE BUY AND SELL OId Glass, China, Fine Article,, Toys and Oddîties IF IT'S OLD .. CAL L U S WE PAY CASH! Phones 983-5210 or 623-3128 PLEASE SAVE YU sût., November i Pîcase have papers tied and at the curb for pick-up in the morn- ing. For any cutting mob. 'n-rfi sional or î n,-.wrý, l ý ightweight, directG' drive chain saw with super power! The Homelite Super XL'67 weighs only 13 Ibs, 12 oz., Iess bar and chain, yet fells trees up to 4' in diameter - . . culs 18" softwood in just 17 seconds . . . cuts 18" hardwood in 24 seconds. Corne in. for a free demonstration today. 555 King St, Phone 728-5565 OSH*AWA. ('NTAPJO At the Orono Rink on Saturday ca. afternoon, November l8th aI 1-00 Phone 623-5913., p.m. Anyone wishing to place e- may do so at the above mention-, ed time. Sponsored by thc Orono Hock- WANTE cv Mothers. b-c . NOTICIS Méat -i wrapptanami rozen, Phone C. 'Miller 98U5988 Oronc.1 MedlunlcdZ Coiuractor I qad SCISramteoes CARMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono mommom CIGeMING El ENT jl, A y TA"Vytxy Q A y v