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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Nov 1967, p. 1

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alCiilrke HigliSehol, nd Mýrs. citcrs onicong aLte Dirk ander-efwb tCommence- qOn Satuyry evening, Novemn- mer !stli fiends and roeatves gahraia-,lne urono Hall to honoiur Mr. ndMr. en -ieth Huiis on the ocasono their' 25th Wedding Anniversary The hall w;as tastefIl1Y decOr- azted wvýith flowvers aind str-eamyiers ;4ndi the tea table was centred wVitILia tw"o-tier- wedinlg cake and taspers. Wcom--ing thegus ee the mmdtefamnily, MJr. Ted Hlilîs, jdir. and Mrs. John i, M.ri -5ilis abd Misýs CGwen lilîs wile tvi,,to youngst mmerDon- neand( Janelt Hisattended the M.RnRichlards, rthrm l ft'he bride adgomof js for the evening and read an sddrens to the couple an a pres- -jIoueso.w ' e"sDc MAmr thosehelpinsrete ~ieliius unch ere Ms. iekp ocainwas Mrs. W.Ruiter, Thie weuato lnorgan- îzdon a cnt ai none haî's be cetd npicpeby th'e Dra out itictigh '-:chooI Board. The announcemrent will affect thke board as well as Some 1,00 0 rdther boards which wili cease to exist at the end of 1968. In a memorandum to board minbers, M. A. MacLeod, admin- istrator, said the aim, of the board ýand other Public School Boards n Durham Couinty should be to, see the transition fromi the pres- erc system to the jurisdiction of Icnew board takes place as ~mohyas possible. No effeets of the change slould ~ ahthe student level and al laesshould continue as organ- nzcd until the end of the sehool y7ear. Mr, MaeýILeodi said the members ýef the necw board wvould be el- ctdfrom nalilmunicipalities ln bte counlty. The prescrnt sehool acts establisied the number of rebers t o be elected to a board xepesntngthree or more mun- "But I i la qui;te likely dthe acta will bJe amended so that boards ,-wouid not be too large," hie said. Tax Coclletio)n New The m-atter of boards collectinëg tirown taxes was new to Ont- ario. "It lias been done succesa- fully in Anerica for a lonc, timie," ne said. It was lioped the f ailities iused iiy , imunicipalities would lie shar- men(-t rcenived ,an Onta,,rio Schoiar- ship A-'ward and a York Univer- sity Scholarship Award., Last Thiursday evening the Girl Gniùdes and thie U.C.W. sponsored a Consumer Gas Cookingý Demon-, stration in the lower auditorium of the Orono United Church. Theevng openiedi with a very intretig enenial fim and was foloedb two charming ladies manking some very d1elect- ible dishes whiich wvere handed or't later toluk tic-ket wýinners MissMariyn ajorwonthe Tefln lnedgraitefry pan and -mles vwere won ;byV Mrs.,,.î Gibson, Ne-twca s ad l unr-,s. m.llr. Other winn te (dLe rel ac fateMssBo Dfacing i. Ga socan i-.e ad ejyDurnte nLevnig msia cd to _pr7,eent a double cost for MVr. Mcedsaid the, board stood readyttrn- over a wel run secondar,,y syvstemu to the new board, and said it was expected such a board wouid have about 7,500 pu4blic sehüoo students andI 3,000 secondary studen ts under its jurisdîiction. D. A. MeGregor, Bowmanville, said lie thouglit the members of the board slould be in agreement witli the proposed action of the governmient. Representation slou- Id be made to "the powers. that be to say the board la completely in favour of the new educational system." Carroll Nichols said lie hoped polities would be left ont of the maittter ii the intereat of getting a go board, and did not forsee ayproblemai if it was left in Durham Counity. àI tge further t o thýe Un- ,,Ld CoLunties there eould be more prbea"le said. Distances Great Chairman J. F.Heln said lie doubýted it wasgon to be a two, coozi'ty huard. The istncsare frtoo great for one thiingp," le Refierr-ing, to the proposed con- solidation of primrary and second- ary achool boards le said it would co-ordinate work fromi the kinder- gaiten to Grade 13. "This la one of the main ad- vantages and will make the wlole (Continued page 3) VOLUME 30, NUMBER 45 Mr. Len -Pears of Orono did ex- cpinlywell at the Royal Win- ter Fair recently when lie was awarded two Breed Champion- ships for entries in the poultry dfi- vision of the fair., In a clasa of tw7enty-seven bîrds Mr. Pears won the Breed Champ- ins!-ip with the firat lien and firaý,t cock bird in Rhode Island Reda. I11e also won thc breed diainpionship witli first hen and first cock in Mille Fleurs. lis wi!nningýs also included two seconds an,ýd two thirds in White rPas sowcd a total of ten birds in .the s-how and placed ln the wnig witl cight of the birdsý. 1-ce lasý, over the past-yeara,4 ace areùce r o note of pou-îury winning miany prizes at local fairs end Poultry slhows. The OronoF)irefigliters are to ie th Nillage on Saturday, Noebr25 in) aid of Muscular Dysropy. helocal department wi~ becarvasingfor funda to be us tocoba this dis case. It lias in Ic ast, beeni an annuai evntfo tcOrono depaLrtmet an aoritof ireýfigliters t o mprke the cna The following Awards and Dip- oiaswere presented atteÈ n numal Clarke Higli SchoolCo- meýncemçnt on Friday evenîng last. , Secondary Selool ilonour Grad- uation Diplomas, presented by Mr. E. G. Witherspoon, Principal. were' giver to the following: Thomîas Ch'.ard, Sandra Ferren, Domnie GauhoKaren Lee, Mariyn McDonldDouglas Mof- f at, lzbt Powell, Bert Reid, CraigRgerSOn, Barbara Sawyer, Candace Storks, Dirk, van der Werf, Maievan der Werf, Doug- las Wade-, Grant Wade. Anna Marie Scott was pr'esent- cd with Matriculation Certificate Weekl' ORONO WEEKLV TIME,ý Times AY~, NOVEMBER 23rd, 11! Capaity row Attends The Clarke High School Com- menceent as held last Friday eveing;u with a capacity audience fillin the ehoo aitorium. The hîghightof te evening was the preenatin f ;radu ation dip- mas, shlrhp awards and proficenyawards. "Ir. E. G. Witherspoon, princi- pal' of thesho, welcomecl those present as did Mdr. Forbes Hey- lad, chaji of the Durham Cony Distriict High School Miss aren ec, eskard, .was the vldcoinfrtegaut The Cmmencment address wasgie by _1r. Walter G. Pit- man AsociteRegistrar of Trent UnierstyPeterborough. lHe ont- lie htlie considered the aima of eucaionwhich lie feit should flot he imerely the obtainîng of deg1rees and diplomas. H1e furth- ered thiis thouglit by stating that one should not attend University only to obtain a BA for the sole purpose of monetary value. The speaker felt 'that education was, in some respects, too .rigid, leaving little timne and opportun- ity to browse arouind in this field. rte aise) desc2ribed education as havîng agrwn nature and that one subjeet was dep-endent upon another. H-istory, lie Said, wuas de- p)endenit on Englishi and this couldc be carried into other fields Mr. itmn ntedthe Jack of empIavsis inthepatetocourses in ocil elfreand in Mis- iotntfields but thecy neyer (obtine minmumof 2nd Cîas Vlnor iIGaes1 and 13 and Eary dmissioýn to-- University of SecondJary Sehocol Graduation Diplomnas, p)resented by Mr. S. B. Ruterfrdwent to the following: CodnAluin, Hugli Allin, 'Neil Alu, onie Bail,' James Bask- erville, Heaiýther Best, Richard, BlcKenineth Biewitt, Elmer Bonhm, Wndy oxRalph de Jong, DoothyDunilop, Suzanne Eydený,-, Glen FarrowIý, Sharmna Fer- guson!-, Gary Forget, Brian Poster, Marilyn HamLida iHarris, Ho- bertifederonRuthe 1Hender- son, Carol Joînston, Tove, Jor- gensen, James Kent, Christina education. The program for the evening was angmented by musical num- bers by the Oronio Junior Band and the Clarke Higli ,School Choir. PIrior- to thie Commencement Ex.- ercise, a graduation dinner was sevdin the cafeter ia of the suhool ait which the Secondary SehiooilHnu Graduates and the safof the school were present. On Wednesday, November 22, Mr. Freeman Eddy retired from. thev Oronri. Nursery staff afier- corpfleting ,twenty-five years -ser- vice with the Department, of Lands & Forests. At a staff meeting on Tuesday, November 21, -Mr. A. Walréth, District Forester, Lindsay, on be- haif of the Minister of Lands & Forests, the Honourable Rene Br unelle, presented Mr. Eddy with a gold Quarter Century.Pin in honour of lis long service ývitli the Ontario Government. -Mr.,Wal- roth also read out a telegrani fromi the Min ister expressing iir. best wishes to, Mr. Eddy' on hja retirement, Mr. Bill Bnnting, Nursery, Sup.. erintendent, on behifïoîf the nr sery staff, presented M'ýr. dly with a watcýLiadwobuut of flowers to Mrs.Edy thy retirement. Kozub, Barry Lane, Nancy Low- erEleanor McCracken, Bruce M4ercer, Larry Pruner, Peter Reit- smia, Beverley Riekard,' Garry Rivers, Janice Rutherford, Anne- dore Schubert, Nicolleta Vander Spruit, Marthn Jane Witlerspoon), William Wright. Ontario Schýtolar Dirk van de.,r Werf was hÎonoured, the presentr,- ation being mnade by Mr. W. F. Thomn, Area Supt. of Sehools. York University Scholarship was also awarded ýDirk van der Werf. The following students receiv- ed awards:- For Highest Scholastic Stand- (Continued page 3) Clar ke Hoiiour Graduates Pictured above la the graduat- îng clasa of Clarke Hligli Scliool Who on1 Friday last received their Honour Graduating, Diplomas. Tley are, front row (1 to r)- Bair- baira Sawyer, Mlarilyn MacDonald, Elizabeth Powýell, Karen Lee, Sandra Ferren, Candace Storks. Top row (1 to r) Domenie Galleilo Dirk van der Werf, Grant Wade, Thomas Chard, Bert Reid, DOug- las Mýoffatt and Douglas Wade, Absent -Marie van der Werf, Craig Rogerson and Anna XMrîo Scott. i i, m9,â ;i - llîr.---iýiél i Zllzmýl'j QIj

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