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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Nov 1967, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY (AUth0i-zed Mas Second Claes mail, Poat Offic-e Depatsnt, ÉPu); Ped very 'lburKlay at the off ic-of LpulicatLiur MainStretPhciie 109, Orono, nro RUoy C Fres, - îtranc Mnageýr Nominations for the Township of Clarke Couincil, the Orono Police Tru-ýstees and the Clarke Township Public Sceol Board are being hield this Friday afternoon and evcening. These meetings should be of concern to ail resi- dents of theý Township and Village. * Nominations for Counil and the Public School Board will be received at 1:00 o'clock and close at 2:00 o'clock, in the Township Hall on Friday, Novemnber 24th. Nominations for the Polie Village wiil be accepted fromn the hour of 7:00 o'clock to 8:00 o'clock at the Orono Building. Nominations and elections this year for the Township Counicil take on a greater importance as the term hbas been extended to a two-year period. The two-year period will give opportunity to a progressive Council to carry out better planning of Township affairs bust also a weak coundcil could have a detrimiental affect upon the municipality. Council, duri-ng the past year, have placed their em- phasis upon baiancing the budget which has resulted in cut backs iu the road department. This cut back can flot lýe carried on any longer. The Township should now be consol- idating the wvork comnpleted in 1966 by pavinig. Unless this is carried out in thec immediate future the program) of work corn- pleted in 1966 wiil bc a dead loss to the municipality. Improvempents have certainly been made this year in conducting the business affairs and in the progressive thinking of the Public School Board. A more business-iike approachlihas been instituted and the Board has recognized * new ideas such as the use of educational television and other such programns. The nominations are this Friday and it is in your interest that interested an-d qualîfied persons are elected to thie variouis municipal organizations. JOOs Attend Church Skating Paorty * Have you ever seen ten teen- p.m. everyone returned to the agers, not 20 years old, in charge j Sunday School where the teac h- of 250 boys and girls ages 3--16 ers had repared a wonderful the one she was maldng. ,ail attend the Kendal school a Rebekali Bazaar iThe Kendal friends and neigb- j_______________ bours were- very sorry to bea c _________________ Plan to attend the Annuafl Ba- the sudden passing dof ,mr. Spjence .. zaar and Tea at the I.OO.-F. H all Gord,;.onuo Thursdiay Nvme U u DKaacs Saiturdaiiy, Decioruber 2nd at 2:301"cinfilBowmnanville HosftaruM p.M. Godnwsborn at Dunidalkî, On-orgrea1g This ana event is the big- tarto. As a 'young m11n heM en gest pFI rojet of the season spon- west were he lived f or a timne, sored by the H-eather Social Club. Then he camne to Orono and mnar-R E Mrs. Nelda Thomipson, Oshawa, rîed Edith Curtis. Nineteen RyearN District Depuity President will be ago he puirchased the farmi on the ond hiand toi welcome the guests sixtb unie where hie lived tili tLak- A Bisseli adofficially open the event. en t h hospital. The haJi will be decorated and o'fsGrdnadteaml EIee i rgshaipooer a Chis-tmias tree with Ilow'ing fT r.Gro n h aiyti ligbits 'will grace the Tea Room exedou epetsmpty wb'-ere we hop11e you wiil enjoy a fMrs. Elmner Mumford (nee JunejiSEI Ifriendcly cup Of tea.f Gordon) McCord, Sask., camne by IW7~V 2 .5 0 Delclushoe ad Crit-Jet to her father's a MaS Cakes will be on sale along The new school at Kendal baspeda wÂih mlany other delicious tbings. the roof on and haîf the brick The Canidyý Booth w-ill b)e just 'work comipleted.' Some of theard a e packed with goodies. l Kendal families are attending The Apron Booth will have three 'differeut public schools so Ro IphNH rw r dozens of colourful aprons al they wlibe happy when tbey can 9350 ra shapes and sizes. 983_________________ 5207_______________ The very popular Penny Table ____________________________ will be there and draws wili be mnade at 4:00 p.m. The Miscellaneous fancy work P~ IbC bootb will have many new and interesting articles for sale. The Country Store will be load- NO I A I N AN L O IN ed with fresh things and cider i u 1N TO N 4 LC wvill be sol'd by the gallon, quairt or glass. police 'Village or' 0Orono ýThe Nearly New Table and _________________________ Touch audn( Take will be full of parel wth surries fo te Pursuanit to, the provisions of the Municipal Act Public No- youug- and oid. tie is hereby given that a meeting of tue Mnicieipalle I tors cf the Police, Village of Orono in the T0V&iýhip of1 The draw this year featuires 1) 1Cak i take place in the ain Electric Carving Knife, 2) a Care i Permi by Lola, 3) large Crist- mans Cake. Tickets may be pur-1 chasedi before the big day or at the Bazaar and the lucky ticket O o o M ncp lB idn will be drawn about 4:00 p.m. in the said Police Village of Orono on There will be a beautifuliy de- jI corated Angel Cake draw to be96 miade the same afternoon, Fri0f ll e ' *D Ucomimencing at the heur of seven o'clock i the alternoon Knndn Nnwciand c-ontinuing until eight o'cloek in tht. ifterunon of af - - - -_ -11 -_- Il. KI- O% %U I u 1117 and everyone having a good time? lunch of sandwiches, bot dogs, If you haven't had this wonlder- cookies and bot chocelate. Mr. and Mfrs. Gordon Laugstaff ful experience, then you should This skating party took the1and anuly hav oyeçt iîto their have been at the Orono A,ýrena place of our June picnic whicii new home this past week. Tbey iast Saturday afternean. aotoe because of se bave made a lot of improvements It was grey and dreary otside many Centennial projects. Judg- in the bouse Ivhich was formerly thie Arena but inside it was noîsy in y the enthusiasm of theonebyM.FWar. and bilarious as the Orono Sun.-iSuunday School this may -well be- Mrs. Alva Swarbrjck lias gone day Scbool held its skating Party. c -orne an annual event to start off tos'0a e ekswt e TYwo bundred and fifty cbildren, the wxinter skating seasonin i Or- son's famil, Mr. and Mrs. Wiifred paens n Sndy coo tac-ono. 'Roughýley of Oshawa. - We hope ers joined iu tbe fun and games1 As a resuit of the party somneshe is fel etr hnwe planue by th Senio aass new people bave diseovered that se' efbKcdi Sunday Sho sa neetn The Kendal Womeu's Institute From 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. there was ,pla'ce.Sel is au nt restinga met at the home of the President, miusic to pleasure skate, races for 1 good variation of program, ail de- Mrs. E. Couroux on Wednesday, pre-schoolers, and the various:sge oke on epepa Novemnber 15. The meeting open- Public Schooi Grades and kicky a god lf.W aesois ed in the usual way. Business con- sépot skating witb prizes viarying k.andicraft, game, ossdes, cerning our Centenniai Birtbday' frmPnÎIcaos cl(rn'snig isusotjcigb Banquet on November 22 was 'booms pel rayonics, colourn-igig isuson echn ydeait with and plans made. Tlien bock, al da sukers paer-our eIders for cburcb menibersbipî mate pens to the latest bit rec- isiting speakers, prayer and just !the Homne Economies ,canvener, ords. MIrs. W. Armstrong, tbeh aoteeyhighilta e Mrs. J. Hendersan, dmntae Sunday Schoei Superintenidenit, eutîn ffr i gsfo the making cf a feather bat. She expressed the feelings of the staff - earup.iko fralagsfo used pheasant feathers to trim i ead parents wben she said" I uyucoet uda col wýas wonderful te see everyoue en- Doyou dent, eto uain usol ayingthemse v wi'th)ut jest next Sunday at 10 'cieck in the Ling, Pushing or bumping. ThemeinLsadsprtfor *lder boys and girls were tbougbt- mcoind tey ave s a reaiof ve - u fui cf the yeunger cnes and ev- choanp toc ey if vetais ban ie e111 tryene belped the tiny ta on groPtosifi shneroi FL0e Râ TE and off the ice. o ot Leskard tbey wiil weicome 1 ~ * A sPeciai vote cf thanks gees 1I want te compliment the Ath-' ta these youg aduits iu the Sen- îetic Assoiati0yn and ail those re- icr Class wbe pianned and con- spansible for the wanderfui work ducted the activities at tbe Rink- 'that bas been doue at the Orona Elaine Forrester, Sharon Bair-! Arena and aise to tbank Mr. Earl ~ stow, Susan Goode, Barbara -Mit- Taylor for the fine ca-operatioin t jIf ~h chel,> Kathy Coatilam, Richardibe bas given us with aour Skating IIi;I] Black, Gary Black, Stephen Black jParties both last year and this lUI;11' Gordon Hooey and Doug Staple- year. i'Ij'[ tan. Merle Gilbart and -~I Lt Bowmrrian vill FRIDAY, SATURDAV, SUNDAY, NOVEIMBER 24, 25, 26 MWATINEE SATURDAY, 2 PAML ÔNE MILLION YEA RS B.C. Raquei Welch. John iiardson 'J IIPhone 983-9167 for the office Of for the Police Village of Orono; of which aIl Eleetors are hereby requiredl to take notice and goverin thlemselves ae- cordingly, andj if a greaýter njumber of candidates thanD_ requiredl to fi the said offices are nom-inated and make the required declarations polis will be open in the follow- !ng places THIE ORONO MUNICIPAL BUILDING in the said Police Village of Orono, on Monday, Decemlber, 41 1967 and wlll be open from 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon until 7:00 o'clock in the afternoon of that day and no longer. Given under my hand this 14th day of- November, 1967. B. E. MILLSON, Returning Officer 2 Popular colours 080) guage, Firat lie, Top Quality 9x9' Regular 14c em 94c Masonite WOODGRAIN PANELLING ~"Thickness 4'x8' sheet In Fireside Cherry or Maple $3059 El -EFIN ISHfED MAHOGANY PANELS 3/16', - 4,x7, sheets Driftwcod and Rosewcod Colour Toned $4,29 Ideal for Cottage or Recreation Rooms Oro no Fuel and Lumber Orono, Ontario

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