ORZONO WEEKLY IMRS, TRURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, 1967 (Contlnued from page 1) .lrigr in the Five Xear Arts & Sci- ence Course, the Durhain Coun.ty Dtict 11gb School Board A- wad:Gradie 9, Barbara Kýordan, rsetdby Mr, J. W. Wright. 0-rade 10, Donald McRenlzie,ý by Mrm W. Storks were awarded to Suzanne Eyden for proficiency in Grade 12 Latin and to Karenl Lee for proficiency in Grade 13! Latin. The Goode's Htardware Awardý for cadmic abiiity in Lowerî School Hlistory was presented to! jilim Caldwell by Mr. J. C. Amesbury. Accepts Plan (Continued from page 1) .ducation systemn run siioother,'" he said. Carroll Nichols feit difficultues would arise if the proposed board had to encompass the fujU field ~eetdby Tlfr. C. Tamnblyn. The Bowmianville Branch of the tro Kicirgate, t uau' ii Grade 11,Keith Allun, Prescrnt- Royal Canadian Legion Award iCar-los Tamnblyn said if there oeýd by Mr. M., Paterson. for proficie.ncy in Lower Sehool wsn rudwr adbfr Grade 12, Suzanneý_ Eyden,, pres- English was presented to Donald hand he could see a great many entCed hy Mr. W. Carman. McKenzie by Mr. G. Dunlop. i problemis arising. Graýde 13 Dirk van der Werf, Mr. 1cln ugs h peeedby Mr. F. Heylandý. DTeFrnua Aa~ r h eylbad sugg estdthen For Highest Scholastic Stand- pofiiecyi Gae 3 rnc Dramard sehýoulid betheon igin the Four Year Business &-was presented to Karen Lee by t ntaetegon ok Mr. F. Hoar. The Durhami County District CommrceCouse, he hiram igh Sehool Board accepted thei 'Ceuty istictHig Seool TheBowanville Rotary Club resignation of W. E. Tranmier, fLoard Awards: Award for proficiency in Grade 13 Port Hope representative, at a Grade 9, Molly Newman, pres- and enrolmnent in a Canadian Un-rcn meigi1Mlbok m-eateVd by Air. C. Tamblyn. iveýrsity was presented to Tom. TRANMER RESTN Grade 10, Diane Partridge, pre- Chard by _Mr. E. G. Witherspoon. Mr. Tranmier was first ap)poinit- uented by Mfr. M. Paterson.e 0tebadi 95 n ev Grade 11, Valerie Mercer, pre- Clarke H-ighi School Field Day ed to the boa1.d1Hin 1958 ad ser- ,rented by Mrn J. Wvright. jAwards mwent to the following: era the tw' ersnaiei TheLanastr Aardforpro Senior Boy Chamipion - Frank!16 and is, at present, chairman z-,iency in lhGrde12fSincewaMrSayer; Senior Boy Runner-up of the Port Hpelocal commitee preenedto ug AlinbyMr iRick- Neal, He Jhas served on the advisory S Lancaster, . -vocational comminitt2eeand -was The Newcastle Lions Club A-! Inter-mediate Boy Champion -lits first chairmian in 1961. 1 wa,-rds were presente-d by Mr. T'. Larry Johaston; Intermiediate BOY ~rT~mrtl !ne!nhbe"? kknbly and were awarded to the Runner-up - Gordon Allin. 1was resigning because of busin- i loin:JuniorByCapo-KeM- For highest standing in Grade ro hmin-KnM-escmimns 12 _Mathematics - Nancy Lowery. Cracken; Junior Boy Runner-up! _____________ For highest standing in Grad 'e-Mie hte Il Jlistory - Linda Lowery. Senior Girl Champion - Wendy For highest standing in Grade Partner; Senior Girl Runner-up 12Geography - Tove Jorgensen. Coreeni Sweep. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Lintermediate Girl Champion * Bowmanvifle Branch of the Roy- Kathy Coatham; Intermnediate'i~ Iw niï C4nadian Legion Award for Girl Runer-up - Jupe Robinson. hýighest standing in Grade 12 En- Junior Girl Champion - Ruth / fL.iZ glish andl enrolment in Grade 13, Scott; Junior Girl Runner-up - ,,vas presented by Mrs. L. Bruton, Caroline Johinson. to Gary Forget. These awards were presented Th t osp' aish ou'by Mr. Lowvry, Mr. L. Carlson and, cil of the Cathic, oe'sLa rs. L. Carlson. ueAward for highlest standing Th Trpyaf Awd fo cin Grade 10 Latin was presen-ted sotmnhpaoggrs çd îo Donald M"cKenzie by Mrs. R, 12, was presented to Carol Nixon ~anese.by Mrs. L. Carlson.- The Lyonis and Keenan- Awardl The Storks Aadpresented Whe BuingorSelling ceaul Menibers oc Ohaaand DiL trîct Real EstateBar for- a Hligh Standard of Athleticý A1 ieem i nd sportsmransldp was nrented to Grant WVade by r-Mr S. Lowry forvd to Jim B askervili-e, Past Pres-j M ~ to heSuet'Council. Cla-rkýe lHigh School Choir was'ý composed ofï: Sopranos - Arlene AlunJani A'in, AaneArno,1 E:velne BowJoa-n Cail, Donnla amm, Ruthe Hederson, Carol HopCarol Johnston, Helen Knpp1ecky Lee, CoraLue- inkhof, Pat Matheor, Wendy Mer- cerv, Ellen Milîson, Elaine Schidà, Saliy Staples, Eeanore Staub, Margie Zwier. IAltos - Lînda Downes, Sharmia I erusnHeaer Hoar, Lee Anne br, Rosd Jhnson, Tina Kozub'ý, GinaLoey Karen Low- e-ry, Na-ncy Lowery, Caroline, Mai- er, Miarilýyn Moürton, Karen Lee PiPakr Leonia Sweeýp, Jane With- erpoCornieZegers. OSHAWA CHORAL SOCIETY Conducted by Hugh Martin present their PROGRAMMNE Eastdale Collegiate Auditorium Oshawa SatrdyNovember 25 Curtin ime815 Guest Seloisi Larry MAlrshall Admission: Aduits $1.50; Students $1,00 Children 12 and under Free 1 IL ¶ v' -r. Visit Oui' Toy Department ~<0 Different Toys to Choose - From For Boys an Grl 0F VALUE SALE Continue-s This selection contains niany ideal- Gifts. Be sure to buy now while the stock is comiplete Use Our LAY-AWAY PLAN A sniall deposit will hold any iteml until Christmas peilfor Xmas, HOCKEY '7STICKS Regular $31.05 Black & Decker JIG SAW KIT $24.95 PEDAL AUTO by Thistie .-...$9.88 Sporty plastic pedal auto, strong a ndsafe, non-slip tires Regular $13.25 Crnet Stainiless Steel COOKWARE, SLEIGIIS, TRICYCLES, HOCKEY NETS, RADIOS, CLOCKS, GIJNS and many many more items for ideal Christmas Gifts. CHARISTMIAS TREE LIGNIS Reg. $3.95 G.E. 12 Light INDOOIR SET....$2.99 Reg. $6.39 DOORUG*(T-"GE. 14Ligt UTDOOR SET ...$1.99 Re2g.$59 1) G.E. Outdooýr FLOODiLIGHT KIT . 39 6 footctchPline XMIAS TREE .."12.99 RO10LPH HADWAR Phone 983-5207 Orono, Ontario 'i -I Nam 1