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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Nov 1967, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUBSDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, 1967 iNSURAN4tCE SEE OFFICE - MAIN ST, ORONO Phone 983-5032 Res. 983-51421 JACK REID Orono's Liceensed Auctioneer and Valuatoi Specialize iii Farni and FukrnitUre !sales, C,,onsuit mefor. termUS anid dates PR~>NEORONO983-591q monuments and Family Meàmor'ials our quality and ser7vice leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought froàn ~,a neighbotir, friend or relativeý The RIJTTER GRANITE CJOMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT IHOPE "lLargest display iii Southeru 1Ontario"1 and Cycle Orone Phone 983-5343 MeCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repaira to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Euginues OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY PUMPINO OUT SEPTIC TANKS WHITE WASHING STABLES Sert Tompkids Phone 786-2552 Buildinge A New Home? or Reiuedewlng? Cail JEBECKER [ 983-5713 Orêno LYCETTg PlumWing & Heating POEe,3-5407 g SW. FRANK R EA L ESTATE ô LIMITE D g 21 KING ST. WS Toroto 923-9174 g gport HT.oe Office-g g98 Walten St. - 88,5-4548 FREE APPRAISALS g Exclusive Agent for g 'M1ALLEY HOMES port Hope, Ont., N..A. approved Brick o ROY POSTER Kendal - Phone 983-5801 g RIç, GILBART n roio -- Phone 983-5533 -1& large seletion of Farmis, gHomes, Lots, -Rtreat Pro- perties in this aireag ORONO ELE(TRIC Hlerb and G,'erry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC 1HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHTOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- ~Hamtonsg Insurance 0g Service oAuto, qFire S Package Policies -Fidelity Bond, o Liabillty First Mortgage Loans ý,Sbadie HaniItonoo o4 -I Box 133 Phone 668-35521 Stafford Brothers Limited 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont- Manufacturers of Cemetery M.lemoriafr Dealersiii. Domestie & Foreign Granites and Marbles - Inmcrïptlons Oit and Cemetery Repair Work FOR SALE Hlockey equipmencý!t for size 12- 14. g,.ood cndton lock-ey skates size 7 and Figure Skaýte:s sîzes 2, 3 and 5. Phoïie 93-3553, Oroyno. RECORDS RECORDS RECORDS A niew shipiment of 45s, L.P.s and SALS HLP ANTD Sc es.a-iso Christmas r SALE HE FEM ALTEDhave just arrived at Do you nieed money for the ORONO ELECTRIC Hldy Season? You can make it selling Rweg Cosmeties and Corn-e !lu and see them.ý easy to nmi nRawi,-liegh, Richieliecu S real. WAb Two youn bales of ha3 Phone 98 Teen-ag«e Mrs. Elgin Sewing a' done at hox records CADOF TIIANKS The famrilyv. of the late 'Mr. their deep-, appregiation for the manyactsof kindness, flowers and, cards sent by neigýhb)ours ani f'rien-ds during, their recent be- reavlýieent. Special thianks ta the staffi at Memorial Hospital, Baw,- lian ville,.th e H. H. Barlow Fun- e-ralHoe Oronio anid Dr. A. F. )nable Produets. Sales __________________MKni.a-p Eke. Big Profit. Write t MEMBERSIP DINNER --- Dept. K-306-5C, 4005 otulua SciyMehe IE t., St. Henry, Mont- Hriulua1Scey ebr-1E ship dininer ta be held in Orono H i UDSON, John Edward-At the United Church Lower Auditorium i Memrorial Hospital, Bowman-ville,, '1ýTED lon Thursday, Novemrber 23 (ta-INovemiber 2th, 1967, John Ed- ~TDTO BUY inight) 6:30 p.m. Pot Luck Supper, ward Hudson, beloved husband of ag goats, 2 fillies, 10û00 Music, Special entertainmient and Peari Hill, dear father of Grace- Y.; draw prizes. 1968 Membership (Mrs. A. Duesbury) of St. Mlary% 7-4952.a- fee $100 admission to supper. land James of Orono. Age e6 Tickets awailable at the door. years. Resting at the Barlow Funý- FOR SALE Plan to attend this special ev- eral Homne Park St., Oronio OntL. Doîl Clothes. Phlone ent. a-c for service at 2 p.m. Thuirsday,. Heard 983-5336. _______________ November 23rd. Interment Orono, b-45-c AUCTION SALECetry The undersigned aucýtion'eer NOTICE wiil seIl by public auction a large DIED lterations and repairs quantity of household effects at ÏGORDON, Williamr Spence- At ne, the Mller Rsarat mls-Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville 1Mrs. Ml. Downs, corner Park St. north of Orono on Highwýýay 115, and, Church St. Phone 983-5493. on1 Saturdlay, N-ovemr2.N b-45-c Frost Refrigerator, nw combin- - ______ _______________atin cash register and addîng l UPHOLSTERING machine, freezer, 6 bar stools,] For il yur r-uphsterng;drapes, dlishes, stainless steel flat- alsokithenchars.ware, small tables. No reserve. PHONE987-422 j t this sale you will find many, Free estimates. Reasonable gIood like new useful articles. Prics. b44-cSale 12:30. Terms cash. WANTED Farm help wanted. Marrled muan. $300-00 per month. Five roorn apartmnent, hlot water heat- ed. Bath,.flot and cold water on ýtap in kitchen. Propane g&- sup- plied for kitchen, Stove and mnilk., Single nmn $250.00 per mnothý and good home. Apply F. D. Kyte, Tillsonbuirg, I Ont. Phonýe 842-2718. t-f i Cal) your Ilicensed Plumblng &. M,érhan fral Cnntractar i P who sel, instails CARMAN ILUMBING AND IIEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono I Drnes, & ByaimI jPLUMBING and 1HEATING Sales and Service i 24 HOURt BURNER SERVICE r -B.A FINANCING Low Interest Rates A PhnsTyronie 263-2650 i Hampton 263-2288 Building a Hqouse? or remodeling your present Que, thaen contact Floyd ticholsoiï ...~f 5*~ 'i'~I I on Tnursaay, rNovember 1Ibm, 1967 Spence Gaordon, 1R.R. 1, Ken- dal, Ontario, in hs7ýt h ya.Be- lIoved husbahd of Edith Curtis and dear father of Inez (Mrs. 1Wallace Botighen) Newtonville; June (Mrs. Elmer Munford) Mc- Cord, Sask.; John, Don, 'Ruth (Mrs. Alvin Yeo) ail of Orono, Rested at the Barlow Funeral Home,, Orono, Ont. for service Saturday, November l8th at 3 p.m. Intermient Orono Cemetery.. DIED BURGESS, Mary Elizabeth - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmnanvil1e, on Tuesdayý, Novemnber 21st, 1967, Mary Elizabeth Burgess, Orono, On-tario, dear sister of Agnes of Oronio, H7elen of Toronto and James(ecsd) Age 90 years.. Rîesting at the Barlow Futneraf Homne, Orono, Ontario. Service 1w;Ill be held fromq the Fuýn"IaI Hlome on Firidcay, November 24th at 2:00 p.m. Interment Orono, Cemetery. SUNDAYS- 12:00-2.00 Figure Skating 2.00-4.00 Public Skating MONDAY- 7.00-8.30 Publie Speaking' TUESDAY- 3.30-6.30 Figure Skating 8.30-9.15 Midget Hockey 9.15---10.00 Juvenile Hockey; WEDNESDAY7- 6.30-7.15 Atomi Hockey 7.15-8.00 Pee, Wee Hockey 8.00-8.45 Bantam Hockey. THURSDAY- 400-7.00 Figure Skating FBIDAY- 6.30-7.30 Atom Hockey. 7.30-8.30 Pee Wee Hockey-. 8.30-9.30 Banitam Hockey. 9.30-10.30 hMi,,et :ioekey. 745-9.00 Midget and Juvenile SATURDAY- .00-10.00 -Bantam Hockey. 10.0-100Atom Hockey. 11.00-12.00 Pep Ve- TTlockey 7.00-9.00 Pubiic jxatiiig., 9 1.30-10.30, Juvenile Hockey. P.A. SYS-TEMIli FOR RENT CALL Grant Wlim CENTURY SOUND Phone 987-4235 Newcastle, Ontario Electric .leating and Service j HONE 983-5546 or 983-5940, Orono, Ontario Lutnch available.1 Cliff Pethick, Auctioneeri - a-pi D, ROGERSON MRONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUES WE BUY AND SELL Old <Glass, China, Pinie Article: Toys and Oddlties IF IT'S OLD ..., C A LL U S WE PAY CASH! Phones 983-5210 or 623-3128 I ~ ~-----.-- u p * o g= c= Gord Simpson g Phone Oro0xo 983-5808 g ONoon Hours and Evenings gPAINTING and CARPENTER WORKg REMODELLING ï nterior and Exterior IF '1OU NIEED A MASONRY JOB TO BE DONE CALL - Oxford BRI(C LAYERS STONEMASONS IReinhard Sclhreiber - Oreno, 983-5626 Willi Schniahl - Orono, 983-5606

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