WtONO WEEILY TUMS, TIRURSDAY, NOVE3IWI *.Ul. U87 ST IK A TIN a car-tËain accident at Lefroy, Çontinued from page 1 oaiN w Ontario or, Tuesday, November Ishi- e r dd n 4e evenlng. M-an rsNi Rieyo 4th, of Mrs. Jupe Mowat Hislop, The report t hzeti trea- age 37 year, wife of JohxiwHislop, n rooUte Crh on- Gaxinngtin -visited -ýreIatives in. In r of ao UStêehn. anhurch on surer in not îssuing. cheques fol- Ono on Wednesday of last wek cther of a id Q e pb4 e ane'asbcm tebieo n la rçntl ;f0eif~. et ew dýsui we Cith v, all ne; Gia dys'oat o ran Harv ecshl.thebrdofjE 2,01, 'g their passing at the reguMrs. C. A. Cummlng, Too hilsbîesj Nr e s Êtated that the October cheques Mi.adMm aiBilns oronto, granddaughter of the, the daughter of Mr. and r Mr, nd Ms. Crl Bllins, late Mr. James E. Richards of Or-"d -F rN se had flot yet been issued even ai- 2i-. lrerry Grahiam, Queen's Un- ono and cousin of the late DrLeorid ear s, rn n the soJ though the accounts were passed iversity, Kingston, spent the past ondA.LcsfLasgic-bidromsthsnof Mr. andl on October l6th. 'It was aiso stat- *(pkend with Mr-. and Mrs. Ed.! oadA ua fLnig îh Mrs. Royal Ishii, Oshawa. Rev. Oshawa General Hospital boaild ed that it was the librariaus that Graham. igan who was also kllled in a cari Basil Long officiated and the wed-j of 'directors recently began 'pre- were confronted with the non~- accident at New Orleans just one ding music was played by Mrs. himinary. work towards enlarg payments of these accounts and Miss Diane Lilte ef tl1ci week before on November 7th, R. Morton. the school of nursing of the q*&- it ha noting o do ith hem, the weekend with Mr. aad lMma Funeral was held in Barrie on Gîeinm-agbyhrat1aw GnraHopal Wayne Bato dey.tThursday, November iiagth. henter-. The report referred to Mrs. B. meneBale.t hur Liyne emety Intesril er, 'the bride wore a floor iength1 The directors, at their regular Mercer's resignation which also Mrs. James E. Richards received maet6S ie CDistersi, wiepaud oegonfau monthly meeting, wlll develop à ï*ttlined similar difficulties. or re the sudden death due to 'ng an empire waistline with selff plan by which 400 nursesa <ôbul ___________-_______ ow -at the front, long lily point 1 bc in training at one time. Afthé i Sleeves, imPorted swiss organza1 moment, there are more than'0 lace appliques enhanced the bot- student nurses at the hospitaI tom of tne A-lime skirt. A Cath- A commfitte was set ut, undea' EFFCTIE J NUA Y 1T, 968edral train of' peau de soie sirn- the terms, of the Ontario HospW ilary timnd wih apllpesServices Commission to -begm fell from the shouiders. A wed- wr nfnlgtahn n e 4 1%1ýding ring crown held hier sliould- Icmôainsaefrte po er length veil of nylon tulle and POscd exPanded nursing schoot, (111U a ~~~~~~she carried a cascade of white vem brsfo th k. t e Cn d a canaton, yellow wehataaHsiaBorveapi MissMaryCasn ofBrigtonfrom the Ajax-Pickering HospYtat _F e 1É,ý4%s io y %as maid of honor; Miss Bonnie the Bowinanviile Memorial Ho- P ens on P an is were bridesmaids wear:ng moss pital, the Port Hope Hsiat'h Jàna Iiii, sste o th grom Hopitlnow under constriio gi-cen peau desoie gowns mitteaae ebes nth con ioned the saine as the bride's with mte are S. E. Loifell, H. one year youîner"hcdieewr *11 q, rDshort sleeves and matching mîtts. Gay, T1. L. Wilson, E. M. Sto~ii Thei heapiecs wee wedingand W.*A.* Holland. y i ring crowns of green peau de soie The conittee will be account- NO O N BENEFIT Or6 encircicd with matching tulle. able to and draw funds froti, tho They 'cgrried sei-cascades of!Oshawa hospital, board. for thée 'Now You cati qualifY for YOtUr retirement pension unde4r the Canada Pensionyelo shasta daisies and pale opý1 Te rtetngo.te v î Plan one year earlier. At age 67. If you ve been eontributing to the Canada bda rozn ightOhaa_ [asmtteefist eueingor thesdy Pnio Pan, and if you've eid fromirglrrpomncnatyu best man and the ushers' werei Among the first items that wilE Canada PenSion Plan Office now. The friendlY staff will help you fil out' the Howard Stapleton, Orono and cablishn ter quifiationsarof at application forma that starts youýr pension cheques coming They'llei Richard Okala, Toronto. alsigteqlfctonof- A reception was hcld in the1 director for the schooi, the p ho0w your pension is workçed out, And when you becomceeigile. You'U1 get alIOO.hall, h rd' ohrPointment of a director, cstaâ- the anlswers to questions about your retirement pension. Paynient is not auto- received wearing an c c a tl letoiis h administraieadc- m1atie. To receive your pension benefits, you must apply. Application should bc green silk crepe dress with bead- uationai oficielaïs, an the nM- madein he anaa Pnsio Pln Ofic sevingyou comuntyed triai, matching green hat and madein he anaa Pnsin Pan ffie. èrvng ourcoîmuntybrown accessories and coi-sage of appointaient of technicai and fin&- yeliow pom munis. She was as- ance- committees as required. NOTE~ F YOU RE AGE70 OR VER. ND HAV CONTRBUTED O THE ANADAsisted in ieceiving by the, gioom's_____________ POESIFN PLAE YOU 7OR HVETORETIR HE ONUAIY FOR BENETS. DAmother, who chose a two piece PENSfl PANYOU ON' HAV TORETIE TOQUAIFY OR ENEFTS.beige lace dress' wi th deeper bride prior to her marinage. M1re. beige accessories and corsage Of TI. 7ercer, great aunt of the bride YOUR DISTRICT AND LOCAL OFFICES ARE LISTED BELOW. white and bronze munis. heid a mnisceilaneous shower. As the coi-ple left on their wed- Mi-s. R. Wright and Mrs. E. PETERBSOROU G H-FederaI BIdig., Lindsay ding trnp to New York City and 1Wl.il-It ,vere hostesses at a show- 411 ate SteetPHOE 73-600 edeai Idg, (ostOffce)Lake Plaicid, the bride was wéai-- ci in Oshawa; Mrs. H. Buzzant. 411 aie Stret HoN. 74-650 FeeraiBld,, (ostOffie) ing a brick colour double kniit Oshawa, auint of the groom held Brpcebrdge-Feeraî Blg., Coourg 'dress, matching rayon on brocade arltv hwr Mrantba Stre-eirlBd, oor hat, teal blue 'coat and black ýac-' Mrs. Tom Hardy,' Orono ar Mnib teîFederal BIdq.,-(Post Office) jcesres, hep corsage was of Mrg, Brc MAthCutie Orilla- ra BIdg, (P st Ofice>Sweetheart roses. They ai-e 10Wf heid a egbu shower; Mrs. residing at 493 Bond St. W., Osh- 'Kenneth Bail, aunt of the bride, awa. and Mrs. Joe Santo hcld a i-cia- Many showers honoured the tive and friends shower. S SU YB THE DEPARTMENT 0F NATIONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE, TH E HON. ALLAN J. MACEACH EN, MIN ISTER. .f X . ' .* . . . . . . ................... . . .' . .........at ..: a ~ . .a.a k *~ k.k f a . . . . .. ~ . . ..a a .-4 5 -te.ow.r ce.l m e te te.f r m s a