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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Dec 1967, p. 1

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-~ ~. -'e, Fi'Lty-mtwo RtsWere n U risplay A ýtio The Mll'inery Class which has hensponsoFred in Orono by the 'lar eRecreation Commission, concluded its programme on Moî,nday evening wth a display anid showing of hats. There were l ota'l of fifty two hats on dis- p7layý by the thirty-two members tthe elass. MTrs. John Henderson, instruct- '.commented in the wide van.- ~eof colour and style of the , ts'in the show which did de- 4oteindividual creativeness. Mrs. '1-lederson was assisted by Mrs. Jo-,hn Stark. The showing on Monday even- ng took the form of a social ev- ning with, a program of enter- ýIrm. Mrs. Richard Morton nt"tamedwith ,arpienosolo, hl lisSusan Starkperform- datndance. An appropriate aiiwritten and read by Mrs. h ý i ý Stak in a tharnýý:' e rtaining Agaîn F1-eather cmnbcrs are very1 don a successi' i 1 a eid Saturday, Social Club pieased to re- Bazaar and Decemnber 2. The Cou'tte'in careex- s a ~'a i' r TLnksto I h 'hi fa tcd a geer- l~ lagreifiugto nothaL iii ci e nc ~' e-ted v ~ x l cýe.Tharks -~ d patrîon - ~ï e cf lac Cniat- - e t il o~t ' dafi the e oGitemakïing it a s'eccoss. 7he a inners of -the, various L'aws were: The big draw- Electrie Kuife, Mrs. Wiliam Jackson, Kondai; F'erm by Loin - Blle Stonsbergen 6 lb. Christmas Cake - Mrs. Jack 1Wiilliams. Angol Cake - Mrs. Tom Lewis. Perm by Gail Stapleton - Mrs. 13ènry Cornish. The following is a list of the' >=ny -Sale Winners: Tee Tow,,ei Set, _Mrs. Razei Cow- te the show anid a vocal solo by Mrs.. Raymond Chapman were ail very much enjoyed. A highlight of 'the evening cen- tred around the completed hats and each member of the class modeilel their own creation as they paraded across the stage in the basement of the Orono United Church. This gave everyone the opportunity to view the hats and to gain further ideas oit styling and materiai. Mrs. Henderson was the commentator at this time and Mrs.-Morton played appropri- ate music. Interest in the course and show was most evident and al voiced their enjoyment of the nrogram dmring the past five we~eks, T"le show ing on Monday was ccnc d,- d with a social ho , r and I ser. ng et a cup of tea. au; Drift Wood Arrangement, îlrs. Miable Williamsî; Sait & Pep- per Sct, Mrs. Lii Riddeil; Candie Cnt, Alh-aa Wtson, Set of Four Mug Ms. 'E.,Staeieton' $3.0 U ira cor as, Ms. Berrice 1e lInather Walt, Mrs., Gail te-tcFau"eVas Mrs. Joyce ~' -- '-'cy atServiette and ~ J IF <"'b y)e Jonge; 11 's ~' ' is P~d Dih i t a a'~t V t~r, Donna _à'C afi j, MrsbVA -Urer ]\cv',aa; Table Cioth, Mrs. Doretoy L:Branch; Fancy Butter, Diss, 3Mrs. Dorotby Baiiey; Fancy Doille. 1rs. Sid Barrabal; Box Chocollates, Scott West; Toilot Set, Diane Boyd; Neekiace and Bracelet Set, Diane Boyd; 8 Tumblen Set, Mrs. Thelma For- rester; Toilet Waten, Mns. Betty Rocks; Brass Dish, Miss Carol Caldwell; Shower Cap, Mrs. Ruth Yeo: Locket Set, Mrs. Adele Myles Ann's Perm, Mrs. George Ahl- dread; Avon Set, Mrs. Ceeul Mc- Laron. Weekly VOLUME 30V) NUMBER 47 T wo mecnavere 'icjured and two cars were demoiished on Mon- d'y after-aoen et lest week in an accident on No. 25 Highway at the Taunton Rond. A third. vo- bile, a truck icvolved in this cel- lision sustained only miner dam- age. Sîrun*c Fefidema, Somenville Roafi, Orono, driver et eue car is a patient in Bowmanville Mem- oriel Hospiýtal vhere ho is ne- ceivicg trealcient for nib trac- tures. Rohin IlIlot 43 Thoî'n- cif, r', Toronto, received tre'3teî lthe eut-patlient do- pa-t tforr miîoi- injur'ies. The la<a cV iiMec were teken te <'ý 'a haitai by the Bow- r-i' ea ý ',ïibulauqe. The truck Adriver, Alan Brewn, Rag- lau, waýs net injurefi. I '.F i 'ý's car was badly Y. i r- the , 'l li, an fa'omco driven by Mn. El. littses aisOexetensively damag- eh. Constable Jobn Legato, OPP vas i'ae h--shgadjng oïfwceî. WodacsayNovai aber 29, a I ~ -o m 'h accet 1et the 'ian ai s. ry " w (lh , Court- c,'î , to Noî' ionx.r'en N- D P. wocaen te becomo informefi o.such matters. Provîsional officers wene nam- cd; 'chairman, Mrs. Wilmer Hll, Hampton; secretary, Mns. Douglas Moffat, Elizabethville; treasunen,, Mns. Jerry Olthot; organizen, Mns. Denek Heasman, 'Courtice; Pub- lieity, Mrs. Elwood. Eaten, Xili- brook. The first mnembership meeting wiii be hold erly iu the new year at the home et Mrs. Douglas Mot- fat. tWas A Time To Viwats T'he sccs of the Millinery class bats on display. Mrs. Lance Plain hat ci-eations, viow the werk et wyas q i apparent on Mendfay Mns. Ruby Perter and Mrs. Jean others. Some hats wene made at ,evening when theladlies had their tewin, while wearing thein ewn a ecst net exceeding 25 ceùts. Timeý'is ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, .THURSDAY, DECEMBER 'ith, 1967 The Durham County Hfolstein Club held their aunual banquet on Friday evening in the Orono United Church wben 185 were present. The occasion also mark- ed the fiftieth anniversary of the eiub,' being the first formed on December 7th, 1917, A turkey dinner xvas served on Friday evening by mnembers of the Orono United Church Women. During the course of the even- ing many interesýt-;-g and enter- tainngfeatures were presented te the large gathering. Mr. Wes. Yt 1'owlees, president, acted as chairmac for the programn. Mr. Franê's Jose introduced the hed tablI quests and aise pro. se îted the hiýstory of the club. A i cet Allc quartette from Oshawa proxaded cujoyable cen- tcrtairment on t',o occasions dur-, Mr. D. Cunninghamî was elected reevc of Newcastle ou Monday with a n ajority of 46 votes over incumbent E. A. Walton. Mn. Cunningham received 296 votes anid Mr. Walto'a 25o.. Cun- an m now neturri to the pos- iL li he hld al de-ae ~ < ftcibjMr. Walto i in Decem- e, c 'i-ors e&ected were:- d (a , ; Focert \Valion a-~ ~ ~ ~ n -il-V~ i dAlfred a'wtî281 votes, to ctd e bcFuMi. " Utifiis (Ciîktinued on page 6) hilg the program.. Mr. Carlos Tamblyn, sc cretary L) the club, introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Hariey Shore. Mn. Shore spoke of his trips to var- ious parts of the wxorld and stat- ed that the Canadian Holstein was iooked upon as a superior class of cattie. The challenge exists to keep producing this type of an- imai to, ensure the continuance* of fihe expert market, he said. Mn. Shore aise prcsected pins to, some fourteen pas't presidents ef the Durham Coucty Hlostein Club who were present at the meeting. Miss Elizabeth Kellogg, Dur- ham County Dairy Princess, was intreduced te the mecting by Mn. A~ ' 0 Dairy riVe. Mr. Robert Fott,, a 'national director, bîougbt greetings fnomn the CanadianHl- tin Club and spoke very 'brie%-, ly, ýAWARIS PIIESENTED A highlight or the evening was the presentation of awards, Tac lace Farms, Orono,. was Presented wi th the J. Y, Keliough wrophy for the Premier Breoder et the'Biack and White show heid atthe Orono Fair. Mn. Neil Mal- colm wvas î resented with the Premier Exhibitor Trophy; Mr. Mari Herringa with the, Master I eestiophy for the Grand Chamal on Cow and al so witk the J 'xn treîhy for thie best ilfml.AIl agw cil0and c .w earned <t the Orn c o cïowiniSepteni' r. Thae higqest Production award fý a barder twventy animais 'dreifd te G criRae s i ~~î whi1c the award for uDder twcnty animais was pro- u n'Lei te Mir. Perey Hoskia. 5 Yers istryOfHisenlb Thef following relates the his- tory of the Durham County Hl- stein Club since its inception in 1917: During 1917 sevenal Holstein breeders in this area considered the possibility of fonmiag a Hl- stein-Friesian Breedens Club. As a nesuit, on Decemben 7, 1917 at 8 p.m., about a dozon men met in the Sons of England Hall in New- castle. Mn. S. Jose was elocted chairman of the meeting and Mn. A. A. Gibson secretary. The need for organizing a Holstein broed- ers' club in the county was dis- cussed and the breeders decided tbey should onganizo te be pre- pared for an expected greaten de- mand for cattie after the wan. A scend meetinîg was planned for Decembon, 22 in Newcastle and thoe socretary was instructed to, adver,,tise it in the local papers as weýI as by invitation., At the toli'owing meeting1 the cname Durham County Holstein. Fniesian Breeders Club was ad- opted and a constitution was ap- proved. The following offîcers were elected:, President Mn. S. Jose, New- castle. Vice-President - Mr. A. J. Tam- blyn, Orono. Sec.-Treas. -Mn. A. A. Gibson, Newcastle. .Directors Mn. R. R. Stevens, Bowmanvilie; Mn. A. A. Powers, Orono; Mn. N,,I.1.Vetcalf, Bow- iaanviiic; Mn. W. J. Bragg, Bow- manville;, Mn. N. S. Washington, Hampton. Auditor -Mn. A. T. Stainton. Addressing -the meeting, Mr. G. A. Williams, Agricuturai Repre- sentative, urged the breeders te, test their herds for Tube rculosis and te offen only thein best stock at public sales. H1e cengratulated the group on being, the first breed erganization in Durham Ceunty. It was decided te held the finst Annuai meeting of the erganiza- tien in January te be follewed by a banquet; this meeting te ho hcld in Orono. Guest speakers wene Mn. R. Holtby and Mn. R. W. E. Burn4býy. They urged breedens te put thein cews on officiai test, te advertise and offen only geod stock fer sale. One of the finst prejects ef the club was te maise funds te in- crease the prize money fer Hli- stein cattie at the local tains. In 1922 the club organgd the first censignment sale which was held at Beith's Waverley Stables, Bowmanvilie. 37 head ývere sold for an average etf $175.00 wîth a top et $400.00. The catalogi4e noted that the sale barnc is a ten minute waik fnem the C.P.R. de- Pot. Sale heafiquartens weul'd be at the Goodyear Hotel where meals wene senved for 50c. These sales were -heid annually 'until 1930. In 1927 Mn. R. R. Stevens was appointed as the first sales agent ton the County foilowed by mn, Neil Mutton and- Mn. A. J. ýTfim- blyn. In 1933 Mn. A. J. Tamblyn was eiected a dinector of the Hoi- stein Friesian Association et Can- ada and served until 1945 when ho netinefi and the vacancy was filiefi by James T. Brown. In 1939 the tii-st Black and White Shew was onganized by Mn. R. M. HoIt- by and beld at Orono Fair, In 1958 Mn. James T. Brown breught honour te our coucty, club when ho was eiected president et the Heistein-Fniesian Association et Canada. Durng the past 50 years the membership efthte club bas risen fnom 20 paid membens in 1917 te about 140 in 1967.- Several et the memibers have gained promin- once tbnough the winnings of their pnize animais at majer shews and thnough high and con- tinued production. records.

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