ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TlUPtSDDAy, DCM 7th, 1967 Dr. Lamuie Lapierre, noe ator eturer and fome mdeatrspoke reetyi Coiborne on a sub- jeetenttle "Cnad - ut of the Past into the Future." D.Lpierre objected to the ideaýî that mere differ- ence inlangagesh"ould constittee pr-esent crisis re- ading ur atinalunity. "Rather it is- the inability of ourleaersto dln our-,selves, who or what we are as Caain.The ti agedv, lie said, is flot the absence of a common l,,, anguage;: it îs the absence of a will to live and buil toethe. "e iave become isolated in our local secion an prvinesbecause provincial loyalty unfort- unatly sems oreimportant than federal loyalty. He v~asc~rticl o the expertise platitudes of our leaders, es- pecialy thse a the pirovincial level. He also stated that a country is the manifestation of a commui-nal will, an instrument of people expressing their willingness to live togý.ether. Dr. Lapier're supports a new constitution with equality, for ail people of every orngin. 'We certainly agree wîth Dr. Lapierre wbien he con- demns platitudes from our leaders. The general public miust look to these men flot only for leadership but also for a clear definition of policy and the state of affairs. If policy and statements are lost in a muddle of words and haîf truths then no one can formulate, opinions and submit logical conclusions. This, we believe, was borne eut in the recent Con- lederation for Tomorrow Conference held in Toronto. The first portion of the conference saw provincial leaders, in a majonity, opposed to change of constitution. However this attitude dîd change somewhat when clearer statements were made and when those in attendance began te understand one anoether. There is no doubt that ail our problems are not be- tween -the Engiish and French. Much lies with our govern- ments who become concerned with re-election and the. state of their party over that of the state of Canada. Provincially we are nibbiing away greater authority from the Federal government. The barons at Toronto, Que- bec city, Winnipeg etc., are grasping for more control from the-Federal Government operating wîth a slim majority. Unfortunately a stron g and unified- Canada de- pends on a strong government in Ottawa. It depends on pro- vincial governmnents working in close harmony with the federal ,overnment with ail forgetting party alliances. First, we -are Canadians! WHAT OTHERS SAY- With French Presîdent Charles de Gaule getting ,Ader every day, and his continued influence in his own country a matter of only a very few years, it is wvorthwhile eonjecturing what his successors will do about the policies wbïiceh have- earned hlmi so muchi criticism and rebuke. De Gaule's preoccupation wi th Anglo-Saxon inflluence seems to have led hinm to oppose Britain's entry in the Common Market, £o withdraw from NATO, to take any possible econoice steps to weaken the dominance of the . United States dollar, and now in the iast few mnonthis to coeout for a sovereign Quebec. The fact that hie has an- tagonized three of France's most influe'ncial aillies does not seem to bother hlmi, becaîuse hie is not hapy with an alliance with the Engiis11-speaking world. There is strong evidence, however, that a niajority of Fienchmen do flot agree wth hlm, and when his star has set, whoever takes over the reins of, power in France - unless it should be the Commi-unists - is likeiy to start mending the 'bridges which Presideht de Gaulle has been burning behind hlm. Along with the other de Gaulle prp- grains, French support for Quebec separatism is likely to wither away. Afte r Mr. de Gallle's Performance iast sunîmer, Mon- treal's Mayor Jean Drapeau stated that France had neglect- ed Quebec for so long that it was really toa late to be try- ing to show the kind of proprietary interest that the pres- ent French gâvernment was exhibiting. Mn. 'de Gaulle's statement the other day that "neyer again" would France ignore its "abandoried chiidren', in Canada can commit his governmecnt, but not the one that will succeed it soon. Cultural relations between 'Quebec and France are desirale,' andi good for Canada as a whole, but the kind of polititai interference in Canadian affairs which the French president has engaged in duning the last few mnonths is,,we SUggest, a passing phase which Canada shouid be able to sit out. ýqV ~day evening, Decemberth n, LU to celebrate with Mr. and Mrs.! Lawrence Greenwood their 25th A large number of friends and wedding anniversary.11 neighbours gathered Iin the Odd- Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery felIow's Hall in' Orono on Satur- provided the music for dancing, Py X-1- the c ariou,,s candidates was: Gor- [ don Gettins, 569; Osmiond Wright, Ut 380 VenonAsselstin-e, 322; Ern es wi,265; Wle arne INUBNSWIN KÇeith hkltn 1,229. 1 260 and llenny Snowden, 95. Four men and one woman Incumbent school' board mcm-1-Cetri escolf oadreured souglit scats on Millbrook council. bers to be re-elected are David!1 The men won out. Mrs. Jenny Preston, 1,374; Donald Allun, 1,281 by acclamation, were: Robert Nortn otaied 7 voes.and Mrs. J. Mann, 1,824. Ne Wheeler, Douglas Sleep, Harold ,members are Jack Lander, 1,829S,1KtHre rhm elMl Theeletedcoucilors ai in Howard Sturrock, 1,725; and Dr. u o1n and Donald Frew. cumbents, are: Cliff'Northey, 111; 'Charles Cattrap 1,629. WstnBiserdfadGo Robent, Ridge, 105; Roy Colwill, 11Wso alse eetdGo 100; and Percyý Hamnilton 89. REEVE LJPSET IN Finnie byý a majority of 156 for Voting throughout the village ELECTION the revo teshipof Htole Townsh w as light. Lawrence Malcolm upset Mer- inoeo1h oetplsee e riliVanCam, revefortheîas corded. Mr. Banister obtained BOWMAN VILLE PUC for years and Warden of the Un-36anMrFiie26vts ite Contis o Nothubenan Council members and Deputy- RETAINS POWofNorhubeRan Reeve were returned by acclama- Bowmanviile electors decided and Du ,..am this year, in the tion. 1228 to 1124 votes the wâter and Cartwright Township election on od ee, h rsn sewer bylaws remain under the Monday. Mr. Malcolm polled 537 Rdy Bbe h rsn jurisdictionof the public- utilities votes to his opponent's 173. j chaîrman of the public school board, and Dougl!as Whitney were, commission and not be handled Gordon Gettins, Osmond Wright re-elected, Bebee- with 372 votes by city council. and Vernon Asseistine won. elec- and Whitney 314. Erie Rose got, Abou haf te eigile lecor.tion to the council. The vote for 225 votes, ate votedin theUIC ccion to de- cide on a mayor, reeve, deputy- reeve and coundillors. Ivan Hobbs' was re-elected may- or for his seventh term with a vote of 1,552. His opponent, Coun- cillor Kenneth 'Nicks, who had completed one termi on council,' received 1,080 votes. Counillor Anne Oakes,- who has completed -three terms on council, was elected to the reeve- ship position with 1,367 votes. Former Deputy-reeve Wesley Fice received 1,180 votes. Councilior Edward Rundie is the new deputy-reeve with 1,293' votes o nly 23 vote s over his op- ponent Ian Smith. M,,aurie Prout is the only in- cumbent couiniller, to be re- elc'cted wth1,290'votes. New councillors are: Roy Nichols, 1,656 Robert Dykstra. 1,619; Glen Fry, 1,463; Lesley Coombs, 1,393; and fassisted b)y several others. A n address was read by Mrs. H. LowrY and they, were pre- sentd wih acoffee table and end table, a sîlve:r lazy Susan and personal gifts. Thie groom 'thank- ed- the fiends,ý, then ail enjoyed a social time. We were sorry te hear of the sudden passing of Mrs. Lorne Brysen on December 6th. She wag the former Roma Morrow of Or- one. Lorne was one of oun Ken- dal boys. Eggs are coming' in by the car load from the United States te Toronto, while chickens andtr keys are being trucked in fro. the United States at prices which will ruin our growers. r .1 Give a gift that is inexPensive but very prarticad for the man around the bouse. Our fine line of Skil Power, tools provide a wide choice. Power SAWS, ..prîced$3O u 1/4" DRILLS .. $12.95 upý JL-G SAWS$975 p Vibrator Sanders $29-75 Up BelL Sanders.. $69.75 up Hammers, Hand Saws, Tapes; Planes Hand Drills, Chisels and many other items. FLOOR flLE ~ lst Grade Tule, Popular Colours ORONO FUEL AND LUMBER ORONO, ONTARIO Bowmranville 62-'?55 5 FRIDAY, SATUBDAY, SUNDAY, DECEMLBER , U 10 COLOR ALSO AGENT FR H.ARM COLOR Terror in Outer Space (Aduit) $200o ON BG-SCEENCOLOR TV Gïfs o veryoe i n the family i' priektat are as low for Iower titan you wI find anywvhere* Giome anid see LUNN FCHRW E I ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-5307 $29.75 up $39.00 up