ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUBRSDAY,_DECEMBER 7th, 1967 imIw ~ ou ua~That this is the desire' of Tnany drunk in lis life; hie neyer CflR~U I IflE flEfftýis reflected in the conversation' swears; he never wronged any-Fo between a young minister and an body. But lie is as mean as the Re ayX a Taken from a sermon preached within. We try to answer the older, highly-educated man. The devil." She went on to list ways! by Rev. Basil Long. question, "Wliat is it like to haveyoung minister found, himself in in which lie was mean. The Orono Police Trustees have, TexritueLo - Jevelation21: 20 thin oesher? and we a pulpit in a university City where Th1iite.a otipes given, the Christmas seasona Scriture esston 3:Jo2n 4: 721 Jestsein on sliar?"iewas over-awed by the highly e The mser anof lier hus- boost locally wîth the placing of of the educated professors in bis con-bu btle a igtdChiristm~as trees on the, It is recorded of Christ in the "I've got the jûy, joy, joy, joy bandi ladnobbentonlhi e she mpressed wîtli hydro1 poles in» the business se> Book of Revelation, "Behold, l' Down in my lieart, down in my in that pulpit until the dean Of yhadf orwas. Youaunotlie tion of town. Also a number of- stand at the door and knock; if heart. Ithmy husband foratnirty yearand'lierigoflhtcrste re, anyone hears my voice and opens l've got the love of Jesus, love1 ad "When I corne to churcil on 1ftlothabe gy avet îjdy atdhlin this area. ~liedoo, Iwillcore i to i f JsusSuai, 1 want to forget I arn a letter euded. "Our chiîdren are and, sup, with him and lie witli Down in my heart, down in miy so-called scholar and have tlwj iail grown. Do I, as a Christian the meanness in- lier liusband., If me." Holman iHunt was riglit leart. minister;preacli to me as a sinner. woahv[elv ihtit ewudhv hiti u wlien in his famous painting, "The I've' got the peace that passes I wantve him to teli me how thveehrit i ou Liglit of the World," hie paintedi- understanding. have the feeling that Jesus Christ Theliante any longer?" ei ers w eut ocea seen ma the door of the human lieart witli1 Down in my h eart, down in my is constantly in *my heart." Thfe miith oenler anwrdt he at oetthrs; geWthovea reng tmenti no handle on the outside, for that ler fetthtlv nle heartgetrug wtlhaigItsdi ýorcnol eoee rm To stay." Dr. Norman Vincent Peale tells would- change lier own outlook[Ificult but if we keep at it suc-- oor cn ouy be pene fromthe toryof a odwoa 'vnul not be aware of cess will be ours. __________ _________________________ - Florida wlio is a beautiful illust-_____ - __________________ration of what it is like to have - ____________ *Jesus in'i the lieart. This is the IIway lie tells t i s once asked by bier grand- igo and see lier. H1eliad -me about lier, 'She lias a cent to lier naine but lier * islike music.' He, told me any, chldren and grand- isjie had put througli including himself.i jtout to lier place, a hum- 'le bouse on a dîrt road, 1 und nobody at home.' As ieaving I noticed an old coming down the road bundie, on lier back. She rýolling gait, somewhat like -'s. And she was singing1 Iwaited until she reaclied se. you Mrs. Brown' I asked. Ssakes, yes, Honey, wliat want?" she said. t came over to see you', isn't that nice of you. But d you corne te see me tpersisted. ~grandson wrote to me a- 4t.He told me yen are an htwe feet; and I wanted n angel on- two feet!' sakes, Honey, I ain't ne hle said. lie Jold me your laugli music,'. I continued. At Sdid laugli. 'Aýnd lie was added. boy! 11e sliouldn't be say- li àikè that.' But she was ob- pleased. ht into the lieuse witli lier e sliowed me pictures of 1 se children I'd been told d' educated. While I was at tliem, lier telephone Honey, don't you ýworry' dto someene on the otlier the line. "lil be over there I. afteuoon and l'Il prop h ADD A GAY NOTE TO CIISTMAS From Our Record Bar CH0OCOLATES -- CANDIES GIFT WRAP Rainey's Confectionery I t çoor, ricli, wliatewma, xplained to me wlien she ung up, 'She's liaving a ter- time. I got te go over there afternoon. She dees take an ,,,,-ful lot of prepping.' 1 liad wondered atlier liaving a telephone; but obviously it was se that these in need of propping could reacli ler promptly. This old woman was an absolutely radiant individual, 'llow did you get this way, how do you find this peace and happiness,' I fin-, ally asked lier. 'Land sakes, Hlouey,' she said as if she were talkiug te a child, ,' just have Jesus in my lieart:' As 1 was leaviug I leoked back' at lier standing there ounlier sag- ging, unpainted porcli and cauglit my breatli at the radiauce that shone on lier face,"I That radiance, that heart-felt love is what we ail want to find' beyond the i0eas and 'ideals of, theology and philosopliy. When1 w7e have tliat feeling of Jesug Christ in o'rr hei,'rs we cIr, sayý, ~the dusc!i.eýof ling ago, "Did not our he-, ts hur within, uswhile Hie tialkýd with us by the way?" To feué Christ io ir hearts !i istrates hy the story ahout the epst roh who w hen ne was a~ vory bl hind man, ý vas brougit, into a great company of Christ- i ians., 'hey Žased hlm if lie had a message For thern, realizing' fthat the end of his days were near. Stretching ou this 'rands, as if' to bless them, lie said, "Little child. ren, love oeeanother." A minister received a letter from a woman asking what sDhe could do with lier husband. 'There isn't a th' ' rogwil him,," she wrete. "Hie never got DECEMB'ER witli the purchase of iQUART Ee"G NG TOTAL COS'T 75c; SAVE 21c Glen llae Egg Nog is not only delîious but is highly nutritions, made from milk, sugar, eggs and flavouring. We Now llave . . Chip Dip 8 oz.----------3le delivered Creamcd Cottage Cheese - 1 lb.----------35e /2 lb.- --------- 23e i ineapple Cottage Cheese - 1. lb.- ---------37e Sour Cream. - 1 pt.--------47e 8Soz.- -------30c Yogurt - 8 oz. 27e (Mandarin Oran -g-e----- Blueberry) If It's Glen Rae It's the Best Glea Ras Dafry