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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Dec 1967, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURtSDAY, DECEIMfER 7th, 16 Letter the Editor NwateEeto Nov. 17, 1967 ev1ps letters and parcels.ý Continued froqm page 1 To the Editor: Please sow our friends and rel- Cmiso ee onRcad The Northumberland- Durham atiJves that YOU are taking an 4 TB & llealth Association would a ctive pr n this campaign an tneyGaa wt 1 like, through the media of your which is designed to provide hres Monroe af Embro, H1e rcmaýrke htnete h newspaper to remind every resi- funds for the TB prevention adn ad -aswee erge 8Cha!,rd i>esdet 1 ntra edraio Fdea ion or arm nioh adth dent of the area that the week of education pro gramme. Three per-i 04 rs. are Breo>3,'-O nom of Aricutur owas terinfed aible ystem ofnin ancng ' ovember lSth marked the bc- cent of the contributions made to iT-rgetBron37Facn, ,t s eulkue a theannual ban- iT form ern was inauaein.ginning of tihe 1967 Christmas the Association on receipt of LeGresl ey 314, Douglas Walto-n, ~quet me eting of the Durham Fed- providing the necessary, funds Sea1 Camfpaign. Christmas seals will go to the34anI.JMcuogh3. eýration of Agricultuer held in while the latter depended on a1 This çampaign is carried on Cnda ueclss Asca toiS ver]yC tion research programme. The re- inay make possible the discovery $ j*oihn~'s Parish Hall, Bethany, crisis situation to appeal it a] by T berculosis. -Associa-macer ilbeue foprvnwih odstpotTbrc- s-cnln embers for necessary funds. lations from coast to coast in Can- tive and . . . . educational pro- osis not only in our own country, Mr. Xroroestaed hatno armFuller participation by ail farm- ada Miý.Mon;e -,,azýdU-u m)lafi er wa a rquiitefora helth 1 da.grammes in the community in but in fact in the whole world. oraiainor government meas- farm organization, he said. i Recently, your mailman drop- which the money is raised. . Doctors, research workcrs and tires could rescue a farmer with- iped an envelope through your Thn bu t eiul 'volunteers are ail working to 71n the confines of his own farm; hn bu isrosy- with tm u hsded dsae mailbox ontanin shets o at your donations you get the pleas- sapottî ra ies. s.e,. any farmer, who wvas apathet- Douglas, Kemp expressed -the tractive seals, each bearia r fpeting upsaa, ai o' o help them? Donate J e in lis own farmr operation, county Federation's appreciatian 'Christmas tree wth trumpet blow- admr moratsii generously on receipt of your 'oldor should not expect a ben- for Mr. Monroe's fine drs.ln moeiptattl, your Christmaas Seals. ~eoetfaýrm organization'or gov-1ades ing cherub design. idonation may mean the difference ermet gency to pravide, himj It is asked that these seals bel between healthi or sickness in à Mrs. M. E. Pewtress, xtha fix--ed incomne. Ille statedi Dalton Dorreil chaired the an- placed la a promiinent place onÏ your community, even la .your1 Executive Secretary, 1 I~desks and wiriting tables ta be own home. Who knows? The pro- INorthumberland-Dutham TB & b1th purpse of th1e Federation' nual meeting with bis customaryi sdt r"u hita ad was a daw ogeherailexitin cae ad hmou. Th hed tbleuse tadres u Chistas ardceeds from this year's campaign Health Association, Cobourg, Ont. fa m ranizationis ino nec oC- guests were introduced by a Pasti_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ urdinaýted body. !President, Harvey Malcolm, fol- TheFedratonis ompsedaflowing a delic lous turkey supper TheFcdratonis ompsedofserved by the Bethany W.I. in 80 utoomus rgniztins. entennial costumes. wias necessary, Mr. Monroeý ex- _plained, to hire a broad staff of' experts to help provide the ans- Rusl eneyeprse h wers, do necessary research ,On thanks of the, gathering ta the -O o many problems relative ta the ladies for the tasty banquet. En-, farm community, c.g., marketing, tertainment was provided by the Iadexpropriation etc. Durham Jr. Farmers Squarelo 'Dance team -, the Dukes and, 'Th prvicia oranzatanDolîs, with Murray. Mountjoy as 'was represented la the Canadian Federation whichas a caller - a series af square dances tcpt which were much enjaiyed. ed la the Interniational Federa- j2 tioil which invalves 34 cauntries. 'The, speaker saîd we must comn- Silver trays were presented ta -pete and, protect ourselves fram the Durham Patata 4-H Club 'Co-,untries like New Zealaad andjwha ,were winners of this year's SëeOur Sne'.ves Loaaea W ith Xmas Gooumes ýý1ted the example of one dairy- Inter-provincial competitian by m1nainin tbat cauntry mîlking 4 00 Don 'Welsh to Miss Mary Seward PLENTY TO CIIOOSE FROM ýrows, and providing its own re- and Jin Walker. jk,)lcemeints and feed oni 300 acres ,w¶ih only four hired men. Dan Cayley, O.F.A. Fieldman, Games -D ys - Books - Candies - Decorations presided over the electian af The O.F.A. president stated directors at *large £romn cach of 'that the Federation no longer the townships ia the eounty. 1Re-L ahs-\ a nio P r- Haberdashery ivent ta the cabinet with hat in suit of electian was as follows: 'hs- ra pn P pey band but with firmncss and autb- Hope Twp., Howard Quantril] ort.11e cxpressed the opini!on and Roy Mdllolm; Clarke Twp.,Noi s tn lan e hat.sine te cobind mrchBill Tamblyn-and Bill Allia; Dar- on ttaa ivoling25,00 arm lngton Twp., Garry Jeffrey and ers tI gvermen ws sartngBruce Taylor; Cavan, Les Prit ta sow mre cncexu oer frm hardand rieFallis; Manvers, U poliy, Te Fderaion were BRay Robinson and Harvey Mal-S o e w1 2 b op a a h eepy oncrnd v,rcertain coîm. -,gesos in bath the' Carter and m~thre»arts shuld h Le- i rnnted. Pesident Dalton Dorrell ex- -83 a.t :0pm Haderîd hefat ha teprcssed bis gratitude for the fineCo recn Monday, December, il ha prd~ crs wîa wee re urnut, present (extra tables hadSaudy 'tl6:0pm ta ha set ta accommodate the av- - sponsible for more than ance r-i quarter of the farm income for ,w an th meigwsa- teprovince had no organizationjund O cTO$1, TR --j "The Store With More" Phone 983-5401 Safest snow fon 9Qiflg 'This la the one for fun-the only snow vehicle of its lind. Thrill your family and friends with the exciting Diable Rouge. Over hile, around curves and through ~dips wfith comnfort, safety and fun. The Bolens Diable Rouge is built with safe snow fun in mmnd. Check one 4-)u now. Brawniy 16 hp. engine, front-end dual-track tI-raction and three or four-passenger ski-seater with roomy stcrage space. Take a unique test ride in aur "ÈoÙlens Action ýTheater". It's ready for you riglit 11w. Lameir on in, and see the Drablo! ?Phn~ 83-343Orono, Ontario . . . . .. . . . . . THIS CHIRISTMAS See our wide selection of quallty chairs They make ideal gifts. §ront $64,,50 Other Gift Suggestions- CHESTERFIELD SUITES - LAMPS STUDIO'COUCHES --DîNETTE SUITES KITCHEN SETS - BEDROýOM SUITES END TABLES - COFFEE TABLES iD --HOMWE FURNIfSHINGS phone 983-5612 mfflmemjvý w l - 0 Ilé îý,ýî;-

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